
Единый налог на вмененный доход. Пример расчета налога при различных видах деятельности. Патентная система налогообложения.


Get up and running with Xero in a flash Xero is fast emerging as the leader of online accounting software around the world, representing a serious challenge to MYOB, Sage and Quickbooks. Xero For Dummies provides you with all the information you need to set up your own Xero account from scratch, convert to Xero from another accounting software provider or start using Xero to its full potential. Easy to use and deceptively powerful, Xero is so much more than a spreadsheet – it can help you streamline reporting; manage inventory; simplify accounts; and organise suppliers, customers and more. Automatic imports, intuitive coding and seamless synching across multiple business platforms gets the paperwork done quickly so you can get back to running your business. This new fourth edition includes updates to the interface and coverage of the newest features, including updates on generating reports, working with fixed assets and managing contacts, sales and payables so you can optimise your system to help your business thrive. Fine-tune your set-up, or convert from another accounting program Manage daily activities with contacts, accounts, sales and payables Master weekly and monthly reporting routines Track inventory, monitor your business and get the most out of Xero You didn't start your business in order to become an accountant, but bookkeeping is critically important to the short- and long-term health of your company. Xero simplifies the process and saves you time, and Xero For Dummies helps you leverage every feature Xero has to offer.


Get authoritative accounting and auditing guidance. Educate staff on the property and liability insurance industry, its products and regulatory issues, and the related transaction cycles an insurance entity is involved with. This guide contains updates on current GAAP and statutory accounting and audit guidance, as well as relevant guidance contained in standards issued through September 1, 2018 which have a major impact on insurance entities, including: FASB ASU No. 2016-01 and AICPA Q&A Section 7100.15: Insurance Companies and the Definition of Public Business Entity Revenue Recognition Implementation Issue: Considerations for Applying the Scope Exception in FASB ASC 606-10-15-2 and 606-10-15-4 to Contracts Within the Scope of FASB ASC 944


В книге рассмотрены особенности упрощенной системы налогообложения. Условия перехода на УСН. Рассмотрены все нюансы при переходе с основного режима на упрощенную систему: восстановление НДС, учет основных средств, начисление налога с авансовых платежей. Разобраны практические задачи.


Изменения в системе налогообложения обязаны строиться на основе регулятивной и стимулирующей функции налогов в развитии экономики и в увеличении платёжеспособного спроса. Улучшение администрирования сборов налогов проявляется в росте доходов бюджета и обязано сопровождаться снижением относительной величины налоговой нагрузки. Введение прогрессивной шкалы НДФЛ позволит увеличить поступление доходов в бюджет, снизить уровень инфляции и сократить пропасть в уровне потребления российских семей.


Из этой книги Вы узнаете.Зачем руководителю бухучет, какие налоговые режимы существуют, какие налоги нужно платить и когда сдавать отчетность. Бухгалтера нужно проверять, как и любого работника. Но как это сделать? На что обратить внимание? О чем говорят оборотно-сальдовые ведомости?К Вам пришла налоговая. Как оспорить решение налоговой?Книга будет полезна для тех, кто хочет контролировать во всем свой бизнес. А так же для тех, кто решил вести бухучет самостоятельно.


В книге представлены практические рекомендации по организации системного подхода во внутреннем аудите. Вы познакомитесь с "практической теорией" системы внутреннего аудита: ее элементами, принципами, их системным толкованием; нормативным регулированием; организацией и проведением проверки, ее этапами и документальным оформлением. В книге содержатся образцы всех основных аудиторских документов, включая Карту рисков, Годовой План проверок, Приказы, а также порядок их разработки и формирования.Для приобретения навыков аудитора, а также просто, ради интереса, в книге имеется отдельная глава для самостоятельного разбора практических ситуаций.


Ettevõtjana sul tuleb igal juhul oma numbrite ja raamatupidamisaruannetega sõbraks saada. Numbritest ei ole pääsu kuskile, enesekindluse suurendamiseks on parim viis veidi oma teadmisi täiendada. Siit raamatust saab värske ettevõtja omale alustamiseks vajaliku info ja kogenum ettevõtja leiab kindlasti mõne hea näpunäite. Miks seda raamatut osta? räägib lahti põhimõisted – mis on kirje, kanne, deebet, kreedit, konto, algdokument, reskontrod jne; kõnnib kaasa alustava ettevõtjaga, vaatleb ükshaaval tehtud tehinguid ja koostab neist raamatupidamiskanded; arvestab töötasu, põhivara amortisatsiooni ja dividende; toob näiteid, kuidas koostada majanduskulude aruannet ja lähetuskulude aruannet; näitab, millised nõudmised on algdokumentidele ja kuidas koostada müügiarvet; selgitab, kuidas koostada lihtsaid põhiaruandeid – kasumiaruanne, bilanss, rahavoogude aruanne; räägib, millised nõuded on majandusaasta aruandele ja koostab esimese aasta aastaaruande; lisaks on juttu ka raamatupidamise korraldamise võimalustest ja raamatupidaja valiku aspektidest.


Britain's number-one guide to mastering the art and science of bookkeeping Accurate bookkeeping is crucial to the success of every business—but few people relish in this highly detailed task. Luckily, this new edition of Bookkeeping For Dummies simplifies every aspect of financial record keeping, walking you through the basic skills you need to make numbers your minion. From tracking transactions and keeping ledgers to producing balance sheets and year-end reports, this straight-talking guide takes the intimidation out of bookkeeping and shows you how to make it your best friend in business. Fully updated to include the latest coverage of accounting practices and bookkeeping software, this new edition of Bookkeeping For Dummies features tons of practical exercises to get you up and running with what you need to keep your books balanced, your finances in order and the tax inspector off your back. Find updated bookkeeping templates and resources available via download Manage day-to-day records like sales and purchases Produce Profit and Loss Statements and Balance Sheets Prepare year-end documents with confidence and ease From the importance of keeping a paper trail to the best ways to keep payroll rolling—and everything in between—this is the ideal resource for anyone looking to learn the bookkeeping ropes.


Take your books to the cloud with the ultimate guide to Xero Xero For Dummies is your one-stop resource for working with this revolutionary accounting software. Whether you're brand new to Xero or converting from another program, you'll get up and running in a flash; if you're already using Xero, this book will show you how to take advantage of the software's full functionality. Easy to use and deceptively powerful, Xero is so much more than a spreadsheet &ndash it can help you streamline reporting; manage inventory; simplify accounts; and organise suppliers, customers and more. Automatic imports, intuitive coding and seamless synching across multiple business platforms gets the paperwork done quickly so you can get back to running your business. This new third edition includes coverage of the newest features, including updates on payroll, purchase orders, reporting and inventory so you can optimise your system to help your business thrive. Xero's cloud-based single-ledger accounting system is user-friendly and efficient, but expert guidance will help you get the absolute most out of the software's features and functionality. This book shows you every nook and cranny, with screenshots and best practices, so you can let Xero handle the books while you focus on running your business. Fine-tune your set-up, or convert from another accounting program Manage daily activities with contacts, accounts, sales and payables Master weekly and monthly reporting routines Track inventory, monitor your business and get the most out of Xero You didn't start your business in order to become an accountant, but bookkeeping is critically important to the short- and long-term health of your company. Xero simplifies the process and saves you time, and Xero For Dummies helps you leverage every feature Xero has to offer. In addition to the book, visit www.dummies.com/go/xerofd3e for an online-only appendix you can download for free, which gives you all the info you need to master your payrun.