
The badlands of North Dakota become a war zone when a former Pentagon researcher stumbles across a Chinese terrorist plot to unleash deadly prions into the country's largest supply of cattle feed. With America's food chain and the lives of millions in jeopardy, Mack Bolan knows he must shut down the organization–and it has to happen fast.But with the local authorities on the enemy's payroll, and an army of mercenaries tracking his every move, there's no safe place for Bolan. Heavy fire power alone will not win this fight–Bolan must rely on his battle instincts if he's going to prevent tragedy. The Executioner will risk everything to succeed…because if he fails, the United States may never recover.


Dead man's switchArmed with weapons of mass destruction, three anti-American groups prepare to unleash a deadly war against the United States. Mack Bolan is sent in to stop the attack before the killing can begin. And he knows every second counts. There's only one problem: the weapons are hidden in different locations around the world.With millions of innocent lives at stake, Bolan has no choice but to accept the help of an ex-Hezbollah member who claims to have insight into the terrorists' plans. Keeping one eye on the informant and the other on disarming the threat, the Executioner knows it's time for him to do some massive destruction of his own.


A Somali pirate attack raises a red flag when the stolen cargo is Russian tanks and ammunition–enough to start a civil war. Called in to seek and destroy the weapons, Mack Bolan knows the only way to head off future bloodshed is to cause some deadly mayhem of his own.Dodging the local warlords in their own backyard isn't going to be easy–especially when their army of foot soldiers is seemingly endless. But Bolan is ready to end this lethal game. With the bidding about to begin, the Executioner is prepared to go all the way–and his price is death.


Blood TollAmerican smugglers intent on running terrorists across the Mexican border don't realize that the extra man they've picked up en route is working undercover to stop them. Or that the man is Mack Bolan and he's dedicated to preventing their treacherous human cargo from ever reaching the U.S.Partnered with a border patrol agent, Bolan needs to come up with a Plan B fast when their covers are blown…or risk the country coming under a devastating terror attack. The Executioner is setting up his own form of border patrol and no one is crossing without his permission.


Frank Carella is just doing his job when he makes a horrifying discovery–a major contractor has knowingly supplied substandard armor to the U.S. military. When Carella becomes a whistle-blower he unwittingly alerts the men behind a sinister and deadly cover-up.Mack Bolan is drawn into the hunt when Carella's life is suddenly under threat as the incriminating information he has gathered becomes the prize in a deadly chase. Bolan must navigate a network of sabotage and deception with a well-organized enemy closing ranks around him. As bodies start piling up, Bolan knows his only chance is to get to the finish line first. Fortunately, it's a game that the Executioner plays with deadly skill….




They're the world's best military warriors and cyber specialists, and they belong to a top secret black ops group that answers to the President of the United States. The Stony Man team is dedicated to striking down terrorism wherever it may be, even if it means paying the ultimate price.Terrorists from around the world have gathered in Hawaii to bid on stolen missiles. Whoever wins will have a weapon powerful enough to destroy an aircraft carrier with a single shot. With the clock ticking, Able Team goes undercover to stop the auction and take down the arms dealer who set up the buy. Meanwhile, Phoenix Force is on the hunt to retrieve the missiles and do whatever is necessary to eliminate the shadowy group behind the theft.


IRON FISTMack Bolan finds himself in a brutal war with a deadly international cartel that has been operating in secret for years. A terrorist group armed with nerve gas from one of America's largest bioweapons caches has set the stage for an endgame that could consign an entire city of innocents to an agonizing death. Bolan is surprised to learn that the containers were made in the U.S., but according to Stony Man records, they were destroyed in Utah more than four decades earlier. The trail leads the Executioner to Asia and back to Salt Lake City, where one false move, one stray shot could unleash a lethal cloud on a city of millions.


Stomping GroundsWar for sole ownership of blood-soaked Angola has begun, but now the ruthless shadow hand is a cabal of former CIA-DOD top operatives calling themselves Phoenix Consortium. Backed by millions in stolen black funds, the goal is a new world order, gained by control of the world's oil and diamond monopolies. It's a despotic vision that requires partnerships in the right places: the North Koreans willing to trade suitcase nukes for a piece of the new world order; Arab fanatics willing to buy into any kind of war that guarantees spilled American blood; and an army of former special ops mercs with no loyalties. It's an agenda of human savagery at its worst, unleashed by traitors to the country they pledged to serve. And it deserves nothing less than justice at the hands of Mack Bolan.