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Эндрю Карнеги
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From his humble beginnings as a Scottish immigrant to his ascension to wealth and power as a 'captain of industry,' Andrew Carnegie embodied the American 'rags to riches' dream. Alive in the time of the Civil War, Carnegie was the epitome of a self-made man, first working his way up in a telegraph company and then making astute investments in the railroad industry. Through hard work, perseverance, and an earnest desire to develop himself in his education, culture, and personal economy, Carnegie finally made his considerable fortune in steel. What is perhaps most remarkable about this historical figure, however, was his overwhelmingly generous practice of philanthropy in his later life. In his essay «The Gospel of Wealth,» Carnegie relates his ideas on the distribution of the rich's wealth to the poor in a responsible capitalistic society. In setting an example of his own beliefs, Carnegie gave away millions of dollars for the public good, demonstrating his own willingness to promote human welfare and the betterment of man.
Renowned steel magnate and philanthropist, Andrew Carnegie, immigrated to America from Scotland as a boy in 1848, and at the age of thirteen began his first job as a bobbin boy, earning $1.20 a week. By the 1870s, the successful entrepreneur had founded the Carnegie Steel Company, later U.S. Steel, which would eventually establish Carnegie as the second wealthiest man in history, after John D. Rockefeller. He published “The Gospel of Wealth” in 1889 to share his firm belief in the duty of the self-made rich man to distribute his wealth in a socially benevolent and personally rewarding manner. A practitioner of what he preached, Carnegie devoted the latter part of his life to large-scale philanthropy, establishing schools, universities, and nearly 3,000 libraries throughout the United States, United Kingdom, and other countries. These essays embody the altruistic principles of a man who fondly used to say, “The man who dies rich dies disgraced”.
From his humble beginnings as a Scottish immigrant to his ascension to wealth and power as a ‘captain of industry’, Andrew Carnegie embodied the American ‘rags to riches’ dream. Alive in the time of the Civil War, Carnegie was the epitome of a self-made man, first working his way up in a telegraph company and then making astute investments in the railroad industry. Through hard work, perseverance, and an earnest desire to develop himself in his education, culture, and personal economy, Carnegie finally made his considerable fortune in steel. What is perhaps most remarkable about this historical figure, however, was his overwhelmingly generous practice of philanthropy in his later life. In his essay, “The Gospel of Wealth”, Carnegie relates his ideas on the distribution of the riches of wealthy society to the poor in a responsible capitalistic system. In setting an example of his own beliefs, Carnegie gave away millions of dollars for the public good, demonstrating his own willingness to promote human welfare, and the betterment of man. That essay is included in this volume along with the story of his life in his own words.
Renowned steel magnate and philanthropist, Andrew Carnegie, immigrated to America from Scotland as a boy in 1848, and at the age of thirteen began his first job as a bobbin boy, earning $1.20 a week. By the 1870s, the successful entrepreneur had founded the Carnegie Steel Company, later U.S. Steel, which would eventually establish Carnegie as the second wealthiest man in history, after John D. Rockefeller. He published «The Gospel of Wealth» in 1889 to share his firm belief in the duty of the self-made rich man to distribute his wealth in a socially benevolent and personally rewarding manner. A practitioner of what he preached, Carnegie devoted the latter part of his life to large-scale philanthropy, establishing schools, universities and nearly 3,000 libraries throughout the United States, United Kingdom, and other countries. These essays embody the altruistic principles of a man who fondly used to say, «The man who dies rich dies disgraced.»
Данное издание представляет собой увлекательную автобиографию Эндрю Карнеги, который был не только выдающимся предпринимателем, внесшим великие инновации в развитие железнодорожного транспорта, но и уникальным человеком, ставящим во главу угла мир и благотворительность. Для широкого круга читателей.
Эндрю Карнеги (англ. Andrew Carnegie, 25 ноября 1835 – 11 августа 1919) – американский предприниматель, один из богатейших людей в мире, основатель стальной империи, филантроп, пожертвовавший 90 % своего состояния на благотворительные нужды.
Карнеги сделал своё состояние в сталелитейной промышленности, контролируя самые обширные металлургические операции в США. В начале 70-х гг. XIX века он познакомился с Генри Бессемером, изобретателем конвертерного способа производства стали. С тех пор Карнеги он начал скупать старые железоделательные фабрики и превращать их в сталелитейные. Уже через 6 лет он был в состоянии купить Homestead Steel Works за $1 млн, тем самым получив контроль над 25 % производства стали и железа в стране.
В конце 1880-х Carnegie Steel Company стала крупнейшим производителем чугуна и стальных рельсов, потенциал для производства которых составлял около 2000 тонн металла в сутки. Карнеги использовал лучшие месторождения США. Его рабочие трудились по 12 часов в сутки без перерывов и выходных. Кстати, именно на его заводе произошла крупнейшая стачка в истории страны.
Последней блестящей деловой операцией основателя Carnegie Steel Company стала ее виртуозная продажа в 1901 году. Джон Рокфеллер предлагал за нее $100 млн и $1,5 млн аванса. Но через подставных лиц Карнеги удалось вывести его из игры. Вслед за этим он объявил о начале строительства собственной железной дороги на север США (что было чистейшим блефом). Подобное строительство не устраивало Джона Моргана, который, в свою очередь, также предложил Карнеги купить его заводы. На этот раз цена достигла $480 млн, на которые Морган сразу же согласился.
Здесь представлена полная версия книги Эндрю Карнеги «История моей жизни». Мы решили опубликовать его труд целиком, потому что уверены, что после прочтения краткого обзора вы непременно захотите познакомиться с жизнью этого легендарного бизнесмена из первых уст. Читайте с удовольствием!