
Камерно-вокальное творчество Ференца Листа (1811–1886) представлено песнями на слова поэтов эпохи Возрождения, авторов XVIII века, современников. К выбору стихов композитор подходил с особой тщательностью – Лист полагал, что даже талантливо написанная музыка не сможет спасти посредственный текст. В сборник вошли избранные романсы на стихи Франческо Петрарки, Генриха Гейне, Виктора Гюго, Иоганна Гёте и др. Издание адресовано студентам музыкальных училищ и творческих вузов, профессиональным исполнителям, любителям вокальной музыки.


Сборник включает в себя три «Венгерские рапсодии» Ф. Листа: № 3, 6, 13. Впервые издаются переложения для баяна П.В. Бабина – лауреата международных конкурсов, председателя ПЦК «Инструменты народного оркестра» Курганского областного музыкального колледжа им. Д.Д. Шостаковича, руководителя Зауральского трио баянистов Курганской областной филармонии. Издание адресовано учащимся ССУЗов, ВУЗов и концертным исполнителям.


«Технические упражнения» величайшего венгерского пианиста и композитора, Ференца (Франца) Листа в России издаются впервые. 12 тетрадей упражнений представляют собой великолепный материал для рациональной структурированной работы пианиста над технической составляющей исполнительского мастерства. Четвёртая часть включает хроматические последовательности: хроматические гаммы в сексту и терцию; а также упражнения на расходящиеся гаммы. Лист использует специфическую аппликатуру, которая встречается в произведениях концертного репертуара пианистов. Пятая тетрадь «Упражнений» связана с техникой двойных нот. Издание принесет неоценимую пользу концертирующим пианистам, студентам и педагогам исполнительских отделений вузов и консерваторий. The «Technical Studies» by the greatest Hungarian pianist and composer Ferencz (Franz) Liszt are published for the first time in Russia. 12 books of exercises represent a great material for the rational structured work of a pianist over the technical component of performing skills. The fourth book includes chromatic sequences: chromatic scales in sixths and thirds, and also exercises on scales in contrary motion. Liszt uses the specific fingering, which can be found in the works of the solo-pianists’ repertoire. The fifth book of “Studies” is connected with the technique of double notes. The edition will bring invaluable benefits to concert pianists, students and teachers of performing departments of universities and conservatories.



Many of the earliest books, particularly those dating back to the 1900s and before, are now extremely scarce and increasingly expensive. We are republishing these classic works in affordable, high quality, modern editions, using the original text and artwork.


Of the many piano transcriptions Franz Liszt made of the works of other composers, those he made of the songs of Franz Schubert are among his most inspired. This volume contains the legendary pianist's twelve transcriptions from Schubert's great song cycle Winterreise, along with the four songs of Geistliche Lieder and the beloved single songs «La Rose,» «Lob der Thränen» and «Die Forelle.»These rare transcriptions offer a unique blending of Classical inspiration with Romantic virtuosity. Here, Liszt retained the intense lyricism and emotional impact of Schubert's songs as he transformed them into dazzling compositions for solo piano. For generations, pianists and their audiences savored the rich rewards of Liszt's memorable achievement, even as the long-awaited publication of this Dover volume, nineteen rare gems of the keyboard literature are once more available, reproduced from extremely rare early editions.


Among Franz Liszt's many brilliant compositions for piano, few have been so admired and performed as the Sonata in B Minor, long considered one of the greatest piano compositions of the 19th century. A work of consummate structural ingenuity, it combines and transforms four distinctive themes in one long movement, in the free, rhapsodic development characteristic of the symphonic poem.A great favorite of pianists and their audiences, this piano masterpiece is reprinted here from the authoritative Franz Liszt-Stiftung edition published by Breitkopf & Härtel. Included with it are a number of other well-known Liszt compositions. Among these are the six beautiful pieces entitled Consolations; all ten works in the Harmonies poétiques et religieuses, including the popular «Funérailles»; the two Ballades, larger-scale works which require considerable technical prowess; and the two Légendes, «The Sermon to the Birds of St. Francis of Assisi» and «St. Francis of Paola Walking on the Waves.»


In the course of his long career as the outstanding pianist-composer of his time, Franz Liszt was a tireless champion of music by other composers, especially those whose works he felt deserved greater recognition. Beethoven's symphonies, Wagner's operas, and Schubert's songs were among the compositions Liszt chose to promote by transforming them from their original scoring into new conceptions for solo piano.This volume contains twelve great Schubert lieder in Liszt's brilliant transcriptions, including such well-known masterpieces as «Ave Maria,» «Der Wanderer,» «Die junge Nonne,» «Gretchen am Spinnrade,» and the unforgettable «Erlkönig.»Reproduced from extremely rare early editions, this unique volume of transcriptions brings to pianists and music lovers the familiar beauty of Schubert's melodies in solo piano arrangements that reflect Liszt's incomparable mastery of the keyboard.


The greatest piano virtuoso of the 19th century, Franz Liszt possessed an astonishing ability to recreate orchestral fabric at the keyboard, enabling pianists to reproduce the texture and grandeur of symphonic works. This volume is the second of Dover's two-part set of Liszt’s piano transcriptions of Beethoven's nine symphonies, reproduced from the edition authorized by Liszt himself. Its contents include Symphony No. 6 in F major, Op. 68, «Pastorale»; Symphony No. 7 in A major, Op. 92; Symphony No. 8 in F major, Op. 93; and Symphony No. 9 in D minor, Op. 125, «Choral.»The collection also contains engrossing pieces of background information, including a facsimile of Liszt's handwritten French preface to his Beethoven transcriptions (along with its English translation), as well as an introduction by Dr. Alan Walker, author of the definitive three volume Liszt biography.A memorable tribute from one musical genius to another, these beautiful transcriptions will delight pianists and music lovers alike.


Liszt's reputation as perhaps the greatest pianist of all time is powerfully supported by his dazzling body of work for solo piano. The undiminished popularity of his etudes with pianists and audiences alike have made them among the most performed and recorded works for solo piano in the romantic repertoire.This superbly produced yet inexpensive two-volume edition presents all of Liszt's etudes as edited by the great pianist, composer, and musical scholar Ferruccio Busoni for the Franz Liszt Society and published by Breitkopf and Härtel in Leipzig in 1910–11.This second volume, Series II, includes many of Liszt's most important piano works. Liszt's creative method can be observed in his reworking of the Etudes d' Exécution Transcendante d'après Paganini into the Grande Etudes de Paganini (better known as simply the Paganini Etudes), and the similar revision of the «Morceau de Salon» into «Ab Irato.» The separate etudes cover a wide stylistic range, from the dazzling technical display of the most popular of the Paganini Etudes, «La Campanella,» to the graceful, restrained lyricism of «Waldesrauschen.» Each will bring to pianists and their listeners a moving encounter with the genius of this towering musical personality.