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Лаймен Фрэнк Баум
Список книг автора Лаймен Фрэнк БаумАннотация
Повість «Чарівник країни Оз» оповідає про пригоди дівчинки з канзасу Дороті та її песика Тото. Опинившись через ураган у казковій Країні Оз, вони прямують дорогою з жовтої цегли до Чарівника Країни Оз аби повернутись додому. На цьому шляху їм зустрічаються незвичайні друзі – опудало Страшило, Бляшаний Лісоруб, Лякливий Лев – що допомагають здолати і казкові, і життєві перешкоди. Переклад українською Олени Голоти.
Загублена Принцеса Країни Оз. Історії маленького Чарівника Країни Оз - Лаймен Фрэнк Баум
Шкільна бібліотека української та світової літературиАннотация
Всесвітньо відомий американський письменник Ліман Френк Баум (1856–1919), створивши казкову Країну Оз, населив її героями, які одразу полюбилися читачам. Майже всі вони стануть учасниками цієї книжки. Не обійдеться й без маленького Чарівника. А як інакше, коли йдеться про пригоди в казковій країні? Однак у «Загубленій Принцесі Країни Оз» сталося незвичне: лиходій-чаклун підступно викрав його валізку з чарівними інструментами. Тепер друзям доведеться без їх допомоги долати численні небезпеки під час пошуків зниклої Принцеси. Проте гострого розуму та знань Чарівникові ніколи не бракувало.
Смарагдове місто Країни Оз - Лаймен Фрэнк Баум
Шкільна бібліотека української та світової літературиАннотация
В історії, яку Ліман Френк Баум розповідає цього разу, є багато подій, на які читачі давно чекали. Нарешті Дороті стає жителькою Країни Оз. Ба більше: віднині вона не хвилюватиметься про своїх стареньких родичів – дядька Генрі та тітоньку Ем – їх Принцеса Озма теж запросила до своїх володінь. І все було б добре у чарівному королівстві, але давній ворог Країни Оз і її правительки – Король Номів уже виношує зловісні плани і збирає навколо себе ще гірших лиходіїв. Вони мають одне бажання: зруйнувати Країну Оз, а її жителів зробити рабами.
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HarperCollins is proud to present its range of best-loved, essential classics.‘“Come along, Toto,” she said. “We will go to the Emerald City and ask the Great Oz how to get back to Kansas again.”’Swept away from her home in Kansas by a tornado, Dorothy and her dog Toto find themselves stranded in the fantastical Land of Oz. As instructed by the Good Witch of the North and the Munchkins, Dorothy sets off on the yellow brick road to try and find her way to the Emerald City and the Wizard of Oz, who can help her get home.With her companions the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman and the Cowardly Lion, Dorothy experiences an adventure full of friendship, magic and danger. A much-loved children’s classic, The Wizard of Oz continues to delight readers young and old with its enchanting tale of witches, flying monkeys and silver shoes.
Lyman Frank Baum (1856-1919) was an American writer of children's books, best known for creating the marvelous Land of Oz in «The Wonderful Wizard of Oz». This fanciful kingdom was catalogued in a series of children's books beginning with the publication of «The Wonderful Wizard of Oz». Baum's Oz series signifies the first fully developed fantasy world created by an American author. In 1900, Baum and Denslow, famous illustrator with whom he shared the copyright, published «The Wonderful Wizard of Oz», making it one of the first commercially successful uses of color illustrations in American publishing. Dorothy and her friends soon began their journey toward becoming an integral part of the American consciousness. «Glinda of Oz» was Baum's last contribution to the Oz series. Like the majority of the Oz books, the plot features a journey through the remote regions of Oz in which Dorothy and Ozma travel to stop a war between the Flatheads and Skeezers. Glinda and her entourage from the Emerald City set out to rescue the duo.
Lyman Frank Baum (1856-1919) was an American writer of children's books, best known for creating the marvelous Land of Oz in «The Wonderful Wizard of Oz». This fanciful kingdom was catalogued in a series of children's books beginning with the publication of «The Wonderful Wizard of Oz». Baum's Oz series compasses the first fully developed fantasy world created by an American author. In 1900, Baum and Denslow, famous illustrator with whom he shared the copyright, published «The Wonderful Wizard of Oz», making it one of the first commercially successful uses of color illustrations in American publishing. Dorothy and her friends soon began their journey toward becoming an integral part of the American consciousness. «Tik-Tok of Oz» is the eighth book in the Oz series. This tale presents Betsy Bobbin and her loyal mule, Hank when they wash up on the shores of an unknown fairyland during a storm. They encounter the man Tik-Tok and find themselves trapped in a battle with the king of the Nomes.
Lyman Frank Baum (1856-1919) was an American writer of children's books, best known for creating the marvelous Land of Oz in «The Wonderful Wizard of Oz». This fanciful kingdom was catalogued in a series of children's books beginning with the publication of «The Wonderful Wizard of Oz». Baum's Oz series compasses the first fully developed fantasy world created by an American author. In 1900, Baum and Denslow, famous illustrator with whom he shared the copyright, published «The Wonderful Wizard of Oz», making it one of the first commercially successful uses of color illustrations in American publishing. Dorothy and her friends soon began their journey toward becoming an integral part of the American consciousness. «Rinkitink in Oz» is the tenth book in the Land of Oz series. An interesting aspect of this book is that no one from Oz appears in it until its climax. Baum originally wrote most of it as an original fantasy novel over ten years prior to its publication. The action takes place on three islands—Coregos, Regos and Pingaree—and within the Nome King's caverns.
Lyman Frank Baum (1856-1919) was an American writer of children's books, best known for creating the marvelous Land of Oz in «The Wonderful Wizard of Oz». This fanciful kingdom was catalogued in a series of children's books beginning with the publication of «The Wonderful Wizard of Oz». Baum's Oz series compasses the first fully developed fantasy world created by an American author. In 1900, Baum and Denslow, famous illustrator with whom he shared the copyright, published «The Wonderful Wizard of Oz», making it one of the first commercially successful uses of color illustrations in American publishing. Dorothy and her friends soon began their journey toward becoming an integral part of the American consciousness. «The Lost Princess of Oz» is the eleventh book to the Land of Oz series. In the introduction is a letter written to Baum by a little girl on what drew the book's inspiration: «I suppose if Ozma ever got hurt or losted, everybody would be sorry.» The story begins with the vanishing of the ruler of Oz, Princess Ozma, and relays Dorothy and the Wizard's efforts to find her.
Lyman Frank Baum (1856-1919) was an American writer of children's books, best known for creating the marvelous Land of Oz in «The Wonderful Wizard of Oz». This fanciful kingdom was catalogued in a series of children's books beginning with the publication of «The Wonderful Wizard of Oz». Baum's Oz series compasses the first fully developed fantasy world created by an American author. In 1900, Baum and Denslow, famous illustrator with whom he shared the copyright, published «The Wonderful Wizard of Oz», making it one of the first commercially successful uses of color illustrations in American publishing. Dorothy and her friends soon began their journey toward becoming an integral part of the American consciousness. «The Tin Woodman of Oz» is the twelfth Land of Oz book. In this tale, the Tin Woodman journeys to learn what has become of his pretty Munchkin sweetheart, Nimmie Amee. He was to marry the Munchkin before the Wicked Witch of the East charmed his ax and traded his flesh for one of tin.
Lyman Frank Baum (1856-1919) was an American writer of children's books, best known for creating the marvelous Land of Oz in «The Wonderful Wizard of Oz». This fanciful kingdom was catalogued in a series of children's books beginning with the publication of «The Wonderful Wizard of Oz». Baum's Oz series compasses the first fully developed fantasy world created by an American author. In 1900, Baum and Denslow, famous illustrator with whom he shared the copyright, published «The Wonderful Wizard of Oz», making it one of the first commercially successful uses of color illustrations in American publishing. Dorothy and her friends soon began their journey toward becoming an integral part of the American consciousness. «The Patchwork Girl of Oz» is Baum's seventh contribution to the set of Oz stories. This tale is the first since the original «The Wonderful Wizard of Oz» to send its hero on a quest through Oz. Ojo, a Munchkin boy, along with the Patchwork Girl and others set out to remedy his uncle after he is turned into a marble statue.