
Jedyna powieść Oscara Wilde'a, zaliczana do klasyki powieści gotyckich. Mimo wstępnego ocenzurowania przez redakcję magazynu literackiego, w którym się ukazała, wywołała oburzenie i ściągnęła na autora oskarżenia o obrazę moralności publicznej. Rok później Wilde opublikował znacznie poszerzoną wersję książkową, łagodząc lub usuwając przy tym najbardziej kontrowersyjne fragmenty. Dodatkowo zaopatrzył ją w przedmowę, która sama stała się głośnym manifestem artystycznym w obronie nieograniczonej swobody twórczej oraz koncepcji sztuki dla sztuki. Dorian Gray jest nieśmiałym, choć niezwykle przystojnym młodym dżentelmenem. Kiedy pozuje swemu przyjacielowi Bazylemu, spotyka jego znajomego, lorda Henryka. Ten przekonuje młodzieńca, że najważniejsze to korzystać z życia, póki jest się pięknym i młodym. Dorian, przyglądając się swemu portretowi, oznajmia pochopnie, że oddałby swoją duszę, by zachować młodość i urodę, żeby to twarz na obrazie starzała się i szpetniała zamiast niego.


Аудиокниги серии «Читаем на английском языке в оригинале» – это любимые всеми произведения мировых классиков, представленные на языке оригинала. Вы сможете не только по-настоящему «прочувствовать» стиль автора и познакомиться с характерными выражениями и речевыми оборотами, но и повысить свой уровень владения языком. Перед вами всемирно известный роман Оскара Уайльда «Портрет Дориана Грея», который по своей проблематике актуален и в современное время, так как его темы – личность, мораль, предрассудки, ответственность – вечны. © Уайльд Оскар, 2020 © Адапт. текста С.А. Матвеева © & ℗ ООО «Издательство АСТ», «Аудиокнига», 2020 Продюсер аудиозаписи: Татьяна Плюта


«Счастливый принц» и другие сказки Оскар Уайльд – «король парадокса» и мастер неповторимого изящного слога. Его сказки чаруют не только великолепным стилем и красивейшим английским языком, но и нежностью, мудростью и знанием жизни, которыми они проникнуты. Будь их героями Соловей или Роза, Принц или Ласточка, Карлик или Инфанта, – это истории про нас. Слушая их, каждый найдет, чему улыбнуться и где растрогаться. The Happy Prince The Nightingale and the Rose The Selfish Giant The Remarkable Rocket The Birthday of the Infanta The Star Child «Счастливый принц» и другие…» – текст читает Тайтус Адам (Titus Adam) Иллюстрация В. Тимофеева Оформление обложки Ю. Щербаков


"Selected works of Oscar Wilde «„Best of Oscar Wilde“» is the book that everyone should read to understand themselves and each other. “The ones who are able to see the high meaning of beauty are cultural people. However, the chosen one is the one who sees only one thing in beauty: the Beauty itself” said one of the most famous English poets, writers, playwrights, a bright and inimitable Oscar Wilde (1854-1900). Oscar Wilde is the author of not only the world famous novel “Portrait of Dorian Gray”, but also of beautiful fairy tales combining the rich imagination of the writer and the ironic style of narration. Every detail has a symbolic meaning and beauty, along with the good, acts as an inseparable whole. Tales give the most complete picture of Wilde's vivid multifaceted talent; these works are graceful, ghostly poetic “symbolist” tales. They sing the beauty of good deeds, sympathy for the offended and humanity. Wilde is also famous for such works as “Puffy Rocket”, “Infanta's Birthday”, “Nightingale and the Rose”, “Princess's Birthday”, “Faithful Friend”, “Young King”, “The Prince and the Swallow”, “The Egoist Giant” "" and «„Star Boy“». "


The Happy Prince and Other Stories is a collection of stories for children. It contains five stories, «The Happy Prince», «The Nightingale and the Rose», «The Selfish Giant», «The Devoted Friend», and «The Remarkable Rocket». It is most famous for its title story, «The Happy Prince». In the main story, a swallow meets the statue of the late «Happy Prince», which houses the soul of the original prince, who in reality had never experienced true happiness. The statue inspires the swallow to selfless acts. Oscar Wilde (1854–1900) was an Irish writer and poet. After writing in different forms throughout the 1880s, he became one of London's most popular playwrights in the early 1890s. Today he is remembered for his epigrams, plays and the circumstances of his imprisonment, followed by his early death.


"The Picture of Dorian Gray is a Gothic and philosophical novel by Oscar Wilde, first published complete in the July 1890 issue of Lippincott's Monthly Magazine. Fearing the story was indecent, the magazine's editor deleted roughly five hundred words before publication without Wilde's knowledge. Despite that censorship, The Picture of Dorian Gray offended the moral sensibilities of British book reviewers, some of whom said that Oscar Wilde merited prosecution for violating the laws guarding public morality. In response, Wilde aggressively defended his novel and art in correspondence with the British press, although he personally made excisions of some of the most controversial material when revising and lengthening the story for book publication the following year. The Picture of Dorian Gray is the only novel written by Wilde. It exists in several versions: the 1890 magazine edition (in 13 chapters), with important material deleted before publication by the magazine's editor, J. M. Stoddart; the «„uncensored“» version submitted to Lippincott's Monthly Magazine for publication (also in 13 chapters), with all of Wilde's original material intact, first published in 2011 by Harvard University Press; and the 1891 book edition (in 20 chapters). As literature of the 19th century, The Picture of Dorian Gray «„pivots on a gothic plot device“» with strong themes interpreted from Faust. Oscar Wilde is called the «„Prince of Paradox“» – a game of the mind and an incredible sharpened thought he perfected in each of his plays."


he story is about a family who moves to a castle haunted by the ghost of a dead nobleman, who killed his wife and was starved to death by his wife's brothers. The home of the Canterville Ghost was the ancient Canterville Chase, which has all the accoutrements of a traditional haunted house. Descriptions of the wainscoting, the library panelled in black oak, and the armour in the hallway characterise the setting. Wilde mixes the macabre with comedy, juxtaposing devices from traditional English ghost stories such as creaking floorboards, clanking chains, and ancient prophecies.


