
Built around the events of the Soviet Budapest Offensive at the end of World War II and its long shadow, the stories in Siege 13 are full of wit, irony, and dark humor. In a series of linked stories that alternate between the siege itself and a contemporary community of Hungarian émigrés who find refuge in the West (Canada, the U.S,. and parts of Europe), Dobozy utilizes a touch of deadpan humor and a deep sense of humanity to extoll the horrors and absurdity of ordinary people caught in the crosshairs of brutal conflict and its silent aftermath.Carefully constructing an intentionally faulty history of war and its effects on a community, Dobozy blurs the line between right and wrong, portraying a world in which one man’s betrayal is another man’s survival, and in which common citizens are caught between the pincers of aggressors, leading to actions at once deplorable, perplexing, and heroic. A psychological study in the affects of aggression, silence, and social upheaval, Dobozy's stories feature characters, «lost forever in the labyrinth built on the thin border between memories and reality, past and present, words and silence. Like Nabokov, Tamas Dobozy combines the best elements of European and American storytelling, creating a fictional world of his own.»(David Albahari, author of Gotz and Meyer)


2012 Rogers Writers’ Trust Fiction Prize – Winner 2012 Governor General’s Literary Award – Finalist, English-Language Fiction In December of 1944, the Red Army entered Budapest to begin one of the bloodiest sieges of the Second World War. By February, the siege was over, but its effects were to be felt for decades afterward. Siege 13 is a collection of thirteen linked stories about this terrible time in history, both its historical moment, but also later, as a legacy of silence, haunting, and trauma that shadows the survivors. Set in both Budapest before and after the siege, and in the present day – in Canada, the U.S., and parts of Europe – Siege 13 traces the ripple effect of this time on characters directly involved, and on their friends, associates, sons, daughters, grandchildren, and adoptive countries. Written by one of this country’s best and most internationally recognized short story authors – the story «The Restoration of the Villa Where Tibor Kallman Once Lived» won the 2011 O. Henry Prize for short fiction – Siege 13 is an intelligent, emotional, and absorbing cycle of stories about war, family, loyalty, love and redemption.


Kontrapunkto principu sudarytoje apsakymų rinktinėje vaizduojamas sovietų kariuomenės apsuptas Budapeštas baigiantis Antrajam pasauliniam karui ir šių dienų Vengrijos emigrantų išgyvenimai Vakaruose. Drastiško karo žiaurumo, jo prisiminimų ir traumų fone autorius atskleidžia aistrų dramą, poetinėmis metaforomis perteikia paradoksalią ir iš esmės prieštaringą žmogaus prigimtį; 2012 m. vengrų kilmės kanadietis Tamas Dobozy už šią knygą buvo apdovanotas Kanados rašytojų fondo grožinės literatūros prizu.