
This is my Story ....My name is Tanja Jade I am 40 years old, mother of three children at the age of 17, 19, and 3. I had a heart attack on the 29.12.2013 at the age of 37 and ventricular fibrillation I was lucky to have been at the right time at the right place and to have had people around me who could resuscitate. ...... With my project heartbeat I want to enlighten and show people not to be afraid to help. I would like to go in gyms and shops for free and show lay people how important and easy it is to do the right thing with a doll and a defibrillator. Because «Every minute counts!» My story I was born in April 1976 in not-so-nice conditions. As my birth mother was 6 months pregnant with me my birth father died in a domestic accident. He was transported by a helicopter and died in the helicopter with 38 years, too soon. Besides me, there were 4 other brothers and sisters.........My birth mother has not coped with all this and she withdrew increasingly in herself after my birth and it came to a neglect of the apartment, because she was no longer able to manage a household with 5 kids. I was adopted in December 1976.


Herzinfarkt eigener Bericht und Aufklärung denn es kann jeden Treffen ....Denn Jede Minute zählt • Meine persönliche Geschichte von der Adoption bis zum Herzifarkt Atemkontrolle durch • Sehen • Hören • Fühlen Normale Atmung: à stabile Seitenlage Herz-Lungen-Wiederbelebung Person auf feste Un terlagen bringen Herzdruckmassage Druckpunkt Mitte des Brustkorbs Frequenz 100/min., Drucktiefe 4 -5 cm häufiger He lferwechsel Beatmung Kopf überstrecken langsam beatmen Atmung: à stabile Seitenlage Herz-Lungen-Wiederbelebung Person auf feste Un terlagen bringen Herzdruckmassage Druckpunkt Mitte des Brustkorbs Frequenz 100/min., Drucktiefe 4 -5 cm häufiger He lferwechsel Beatmung Kopf überstrecken langsam beatmen (1/sec.) auf Brustkorb ach ten à 30x Herzdruckmassage à 2x Menschen mit plötzlichem Herz -Kreislaufstillstand. Zentral ist die Herzdruckmassage. Nach Möglichkeit sollte sie durch eine Beatmung (z . B. Mund-zu-Mund -Beatmung) ergänzt werden . Fo lgender Algorithmus wird empfohlen : 30 Mal drücken und danach zweimal beatmen . Sofern in