
Morgausia was subjected by Uther to a forced and abusive marriage with Lot of Lothian and the Orkneys. After Uther's death, Lot and her half-brother Arthur fight for the throne of Britain. She manages to flee and to get Arthur Lot's battle plan. Arthur wins, oppression comes to an end and Morgausia regains her freedom. She takes young Lamorak for her lover and befriends Arthur's wife Gwyneira. However, Agravain, one of her sons, jeopardizes her freedom and happiness by trying to overthrow Camelot and to re-establish patriarchal tyranny again. Will she and her friends prevail in the stormy days ahead?


In 2009 I worked in person on the law on protection from domestic violence in Kosova (Albanian for Kosovo). That was a highlight and a very exhilarating experience for me. However, I am not happy at all with the implementation of the law. Around one entire decade later, better social assistance, especially for survivors who want to get free from abusive situations is still outstanding. How long will it take for the state of Kosova to be able to protect women in need?