
HarperCollins is pround to present a range of best-loved, essential classics.'My life looks as if it had been wasted for want of chances! When I see what you know, what you have read, and seen, and thought, I feel what a nothing I am!'Challenging the hypocrisy and social conventions of the rural Victorian world, Tess of the D'Urbervilles follows the story of Tess Durbeyfield as she attempts to escape the poverty of her background, seeking wealth by claiming connection with the aristocratic D'Urberville family. It is through Tess's relationships with two very different men that Hardy tells the story of his tragic heroine, and exposes the double standards of the world that she inhabits with searing pathos and heart-rending sentiment.


HarperCollins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics. Here is one of Thomas Hardy’s most popular novels, soon to be released as a major motion picture in May 2015.‘I shall do one thing in this life – one thing certain – that is, love you, and long for you, and keep wanting you till I die’Independent and spirited, Bathsheba Everdene owns the hearts of three men. Striving to win her love in different ways, their relationships with Bathsheba complicate her life in bucolic Wessex – and cast shadows over their own. With the morals and expectations of rural society weighing heavily upon her, Bathsheba experiences the torture of unrequited love and betrayal, and discovers how random acts of chance and tragedy can dramatically alter life’s course.The first of Hardy’s novels to become a major literary success, Far from the Madding Crowd explores what it means to live and to love.



Юная Эльфрида может очаровать любого взором своих синих глаз. В ее жизни появляются двое – молодой архитектор и умудренный опытом литератор. Бывшие друзья становятся соперниками, а девушке предстоит сделать мучительный выбор.


В романе Томаса Гарди (1840–1928), ставшего классикой английской литературы, рассказывается о печальной судьбе девушки, наделённой красотой и тонко чувствующей душой. Проклятие, лежащее на Тэсс, обрекает еёе расплачиваться за преступления некогда могущественных предков. Готовая пожертвовать собой ради близких, она протестует против грубого посягательства на человеческое достоинство и вынуждена совершить убийство.


"A Changed Man is a collection of twelve tales written by Thomas Hardy. The collection was originally published in book form in 1913, although all of the tales had been previously published in newspapers or magazines from 1881 to 1900. There are eleven short stories and a novella The Romantic Adventures of a Milkmaid. At the end of the book there is a map of the imaginary Wessex of Hardy's novels and poems. Six of the stories were published before 1891 and therefore lacked international copyright protection when the collection began to be sold in October 1913. This is the final book (other than some poetry) published by Thomas Hardy in his long career. It is a collection of minor novels (as Hardy calls them in the prefatory note). A collection of twelve tales written by Thomas Hardy: «„A Changed Man“», «„A Waiting Supper“», «„Alicia's Diary“», «„The Grave by the Handpost“», «„Enter a Dragoon“», «„A Tryst at an Ancient Earthwork“», ""What the Shepherd Saw"«, „„A Committee-Man of 'The Terror'““, „„Master John Horseleigh, Knight““, „„The Duke's Reappearance““, „„A Mere Interlude““, „„The Romantic Adventures of a Milkmaid““.»



