
Billy is a quiet church mouse who doesn't have friends and spends his time on the playground living his own adventures. Thomas is a raccoon bully who picks on anyone who is different. During lunch recess, Thomas decides to go and pick on Billy and make fun of him for being different. Instead of letting the bully's words hurt him, Billy turns the teasing into a game and interacts in a manner that has Thomas looking at him in a whole new way. The pair eventually become friends and learns to enjoy using their imagination together on the playground.


Bart wakes up in the morning and realizes he is out of his favorite cereal. On his way to school, it rains and he ends up soaked walking. In the classroom, he realizes he forgot his homework and at lunch his pizza didn't have a lot of cheese, on his way home, he loses his favorite ball. Each time something bad happens, it is followed by something good. But Bart focuses on the bad, until his Mother talks to him at the end and has him look back over his day, teaching him that his perception defined the day.


Kate is a cat that has been indoors for her whole life, but she accidentally gets stuck outside one day. She's scared at first, but she manages to meet a wild squirrel named Sam and a wild bird named Bob. They teach her about what it's like to live outdoors. Kate decides to still live as an indoor cat after her owners find her, but she is no longer as afraid of the outdoors. Sam and Bob soon start visiting her at her home.


Alex is a young boy who had dreamed of an adventure. After a fight with his mother that results in him getting grounded, he decides to take off into the wilderness and explore the mysteries that it holds. While it seemed like a magical journey at first, all he can think about is how he misses his family and how much more fun it would be if they were actually there with him. Deciding to head on back, he learns one of the most valuable lessons out there.