
What is the GF/CF diet? Does it work? What's it like to go on it? In this user guide to the gluten and casein free diet, Luke Jackson, who is 12 years old and has Asperger Syndrome, tells you everything you need to know – both good and bad. The details of his first-hand experience of the diet show how it has improved the quality both of his own life and that of other members of the family. Jacqui Jackson, Luke's mother, decided to try the diet for Luke and his two brothers – Joe who has AD/HD and Ben who has autism – and found the results to be highly rewarding: as Luke says, the diet `really can change people's lives'. Luke offers practical advice on topics such as what to expect when beginning the diet, tips for how to alleviate any initial discomfort, through to advice on how to rearrange the kitchen to avoid-cross contamination. The book includes quotes from other members of the family, a chapter by Luke's mother on how to cope with the challenges of cooking for a family where some people are on the diet and others are not, along with a selection of the family's favourite recipes. An extensive list of useful addresses and websites of suppliers, a food diary for an average week, and suggestions for packed lunches are also included, making the book a really practical source of information. Luke's message is one of unfailing encouragement. Despite the downsides, he and his family have no regrets about going on the diet. This positive and honest book is an important source of encouragement and advice for people whose lives are touched by autism, AS or AD/HD, for parents considering implementing the diet with their children, and for anyone on the diet, young or old.


Part of the Reading Well scheme. 35 books selected by young people and health professionals to provide 13 to 18 year olds with high-quality support, information and advice about common mental health issues and related conditions. Winner of the NASEN & TES Special Educational Needs Children's Book Award 2003 Have you ever been called a freak or a geek? Have you ever felt like one? Luke Jackson is 13 years old and has Asperger Syndrome. Over the years Luke has learned to laugh at such names but there are other aspects of life which are more difficult. Adolescence and the teenage years are a minefield of emotions, transitions and decisions and when a child has Asperger Syndrome, the result is often explosive.Luke has three sisters and one brother in various stages of their adolescent and teenage years but he is acutely aware of just how different he is and how little information is available for adolescents like himself.Drawing from his own experiences and gaining information from his teenage brother and sisters, he wrote this enlightening, honest and witty book in an attempt to address difficult topics such as bullying, friendships, when and how to tell others about AS, school problems, dating and relationships, and morality.Luke writes briefly about his younger autistic and AD/HD brothers, providing amusing insights into the antics of his younger years and advice for parents, carers and teachers of younger AS children. However, his main reason for writing was because «so many books are written about us, but none are written directly to adolescents with Asperger Syndrome. I thought I would write one in the hope that we could all learn together».
