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Charles H. Spurgeon
Список книг автора Charles H. SpurgeonАннотация
Charles Haddon Spurgeon wurde 1834 in Essex (England) geboren. 1850 kommt er zum Glauben und arbeitet bereits 1851 als Gemeindepastor in Waterbeach. 1854 bekommt er den Ruf in eine Londoner Gemeinde, wo er bis zu seinem Tod 1892 predigt. Er predigt gewaltig und mit Vollmacht. Seine Predigten üben einen großen Einfluss auf das geistliche Leben Londons aus und ziehen Leute aus allen gesellschaftlichen Schichten an. Seit 1855 werden sie wöchentlich in großen Auflagen über die ganze Welt verbreitet.
Abendmahlspredigten haben einen besonderen Glanz. Zu diesen Anlässen versuchen Prediger als Botschafter Gottes, das Heiligste vom Heiligen wiederzugeben, um dann im Allerheiligsten dem Herrn zu begegnen. C. H. Spurgeon wählte zum Abendmahl sehr oft Texte aus dem Hohelied Salomos. Das mag manchem überraschend erscheinen.
Von den über 3500 veröffentlichten Predigten sind sie die tiefgründigsten Andachten, die der Fürst unter den Predigern gehalten hat. Sie sind das Kostbarste von all dem kostbaren, weil sie den verlangenden Christen direkt in die herrliche Gegenwart des ewigen Gottes und seines Sohnes Jesus Christus bringen.
Abendmahlspredigten haben einen besonderen Glanz. Zu diesen Anlässen versuchen Prediger als Botschafter Gottes, das Heiligste vom Heiligen wiederzugeben, um dann im Allerheiligsten dem Herrn zu begegnen. C. H. Spurgeon wählte zum Abendmahl sehr oft Texte aus dem Hohelied Salomos. Das mag manchem überraschend erscheinen.
Von den über 3500 veröffentlichten Predigten sind sie die tiefgründigsten Andachten, die der Fürst unter den Predigern gehalten hat. Sie sind das Kostbarste von all dem kostbaren, weil sie den verlangenden Christen direkt in die herrliche Gegenwart des ewigen Gottes und seines Sohnes Jesus Christus bringen.
Known as the «Prince of Preachers,» Charles Haddon Spurgeon was among the most prolific and influential pastors of the 19th century. Characterized by profound insights and a passionate call for personal relationships with Christ, Spurgeon's work has stood the tests of time. Beloved even today, Spurgeon's sermons offer you the opportunity to grow in your own faith in a conveniently digital format, designed for your busy life on the go! Updated into modern language, with helpful explanatory footnotes, the text has been carefully proofed to ensure the highest quality and accuracy. Brought to you by the editors who translated the landmark work, Annals of the World, this first series of digital releases from the Spurgeon sermon collection is for the years 1855 and 1856 in one convenient digital file at an unbeatable price! All sermons are unabridged and include references to make it convenient for you to extend your Spurgeon studies. Easy to read and hard to forget, these are sermons of substance that will impact your life today!
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Автор произведения Charles H. Spurgeon
Жанр Религия: прочее
Серия Spurgeon's Sermons
Known as the «Prince of Preachers,» Charles Haddon Spurgeon was among the most prolific and influential pastors of the 19th century. Characterized by profound insights and a passionate call for personal relationships with Christ, Spurgeon's work has stood the tests of time. Beloved even today, Spurgeon's sermons offer you the opportunity to grow in your own faith in a conveniently digital format, designed for your busy life on the go! Updated into modern language, with helpful explanatory footnotes, the text has been carefully proofed to ensure the highest quality and accuracy. Brought to you by the editors who translated the landmark work, Annals of the World, this first series of digital releases from the Spurgeon sermon collection is for the years 1855 and 1856 in one convenient digital file at an unbeatable price! All sermons are unabridged and include references to make it convenient for you to extend your Spurgeon studies. Easy to read and hard to forget, these are sermons of substance that will impact your life today!
Информация о книге
Автор произведения Charles H. Spurgeon
Жанр Религия: прочее
Серия Spurgeon's Sermons
Known as the «Prince of Preachers,» Charles Haddon Spurgeon was among the most prolific and influential pastors of the 19th century. Characterized by profound insights and a passionate call for personal relationships with Christ, Spurgeon's work has stood the tests of time. Beloved even today, Spurgeon's sermons offer you the opportunity to grow in your own faith in a conveniently digital format, designed for your busy life on the go! Updated into modern language, with helpful explanatory footnotes, the text has been carefully proofed to ensure the highest quality and accuracy. Brought to you by the editors who translated the landmark work, Annals of the World, this first series of digital releases from the Spurgeon sermon collection is for the years 1855 and 1856 in one convenient digital file at an unbeatable price! All sermons are unabridged and include references to make it convenient for you to extend your Spurgeon studies. Easy to read and hard to forget, these are sermons of substance that will impact your life today!
Информация о книге
Автор произведения Charles H. Spurgeon
Жанр Религия: прочее
Серия Spurgeon's Sermons