
How can I get started with Bible study? This booklet is a very short introductory guide for someone with little or no background in Bible study. It provides a basic approach taken from the participatory Bible study method that is the basis of the Participatory Study Series from Energion Publications. This booklet includes a list of some of the basic resources that can provide the new Bible student with basic information. It is targeted broadly at a Christian audience, but not at a particular tradition. Tools are included from scholars ranging from a conservative evangelical to a progressive orientation.


What is the Word of God? Is it the Bible? This pamphlet looks at the Word of God as used in scripture and Christian tradition to outline the various ways in which this term is used. It includes a discussion of how words spoken as God's words become scripture.


Designed to promote reflection, discussion, and action among the entire learning community, Educating Everybody's Children encapsulates what research has revealed about successfully addressing the needs of students from economically, ethnically, culturally, and linguistically diverse groups and identifies a wide range of effective principles and instructional strategies. Although good teaching works well with all students, educators must develop an extensive repertoire of instructional tools to meet the varying needs of students from diverse backgrounds. Those tools and the knowledge base behind them are the foundation of this expanded and revised second edition of Educating Everybody's Children . Each strategy discussed in the book includes classroom examples and a list of the research studies that support it. The most important thing we have learned as a result of the education reform movement is that student achievement stands or falls on the motivation and skills of teachers. We must ensure that all teachers are capable of delivering a standards‑based curriculum that describes what students should know and be able to do, and that these standards are delivered by means of a rich and engaging «pedagogy of plenty.» By these two acts we can ensure that all schools will be ready and able to educate everybody's children.


What attracts good teachers and keeps them in the profession? What makes schools better places for students to learn and for teachers to work? These questions are at the heart of Keeping Good Teachers. To answer them, many of the authors in this book have surveyed fellow educators to find out which practices and policies are most beneficial and practical to implement in schools. The book is divided into five sections: • Part I explores the extent of the teacher shortage and sets the context for studying it. • Part II concentrates on induction, tackling the issue of how new teachers should be introduced to their profession. • Part III looks at the issues of compensation, performance-based pay, career paths, national certification, and other ways to reward educators and make them feel valued. • Part IV describes the role of principals and administrators in sustaining teachers. • Part V discusses the needs and desires of master teachers. Like its predecessor A Better Beginning: Supporting and Mentoring New Teachers (ASCD 1999), Keeping Good Teachers is dedicated to all those who want to make their profession the best it can be by creating the conditions where good teachers can thrive.


In Learning and Leading with Habits of Mind , noted educators Arthur L. Costa and Bena Kallick present a comprehensive guide to shaping schools around Habits of Mind. The habits are a repertoire of behaviors that help both students and teachers successfully navigate the various challenges and problems they encounter in the classroom and in everyday life. The Habits of Mind include * Persisting* Managing impulsivity* Listening with understanding and empathy* Thinking flexibly* Thinking about thinking (metacognition)* Striving for accuracy* Questioning and posing problems* Applying past knowledge to new situations* Thinking and communicating with clarity and precision* Gathering data through all senses* Creating, imagining, innovating* Responding with wonderment and awe* Taking responsible risks* Finding humor* Thinking interdependently* Remaining open to continuous learning This volume brings together–in a revised and expanded format–concepts from the four books in Costa and Kallick's earlier work Habits of Mind: A Developmental Series . Along with other highly respected scholars and practitioners, the authors explain how the 16 Habits of Mind dovetail with up-to-date concepts of what constitutes intelligence; present instructional strategies for activating the habits and creating a «thought-full» classroom environment; offer assessment and reporting strategies that incorporate the habits; and provide real-life examples of how communities, school districts, building administrators, and teachers can integrate the habits into their school culture. Drawing upon their research and work over many years, in many countries, Costa and Kallick present a compelling rationale for using the Habits of Mind as a foundation for leading, teaching, learning, and living well in a complex world.


Housing is increasingly unattainable in successful global cities, and Toronto is no exception – in part because of zoning that protects “stable” residential neighborhoods with high property values. <i>House Divided</i> is a citizen’s guide for changing the way housing can work in big cities. Using Toronto as a case study, this anthology unpacks the affordability crisis and offers innovative ideas for creating housing for all ages and demographic groups. With charts, maps, data, and policy prescriptions, <i>House Divided</i> poses tough questions about the issue that will make or break the global city of the future.


• Toronto is one of the most queer-friendly North American cities. Our Pride parade is the largest in North America, and this year even Prime Minister Justin Trudeau took to the streets to celebrate.• This is a book about a community, told by a community. Rather than offering one single authoritative voice, this collection features the perspectives of over 60 writers, artists, academics, and activists.• Being diverse in perspective, the book is also broad in scope: chapter subjects include bars, shared houses, raids, stage performers and pioneering activists. • Lavishly illustrated with archival images and photo essays.


More than any other city-region in the world, including metropolises like New York, Los Angeles and London, Greater Toronto has become a testing ground for urban hyper-diversity. Almost half the region’s 6 million residents were born outside Canada, and many more come from First Nations and racialized communities. Yet recent research has shown that Toronto, like many large cities, is turning into a sprawling collection of homogenous enclaves.Toronto is in many ways ahead of the curve as far as urban diversity goes, By situating Toronto in a broader context and then using it as a kind of case study for the future of urban diversity, we're aiming to make the collection relevant well beyond this city. In a recent article in Toronto Life, 'The Skin I'm In,' writer Desmond Cole described his experiences being carded in Toronto, which prompted discussion of carding practices in the city. It received widespread attention and was picked up by NPR in the US. A book by Cole on race in Canada is forthcoming from Doubleday Canada in 2017; Subdivided will complement this work by presenting other voices on this topic.


From the 1870s to the 1950s, waves of immigrants to Toronto &#150; Irish, Jewish, Chinese and Italian, among others &#150; landed in &#145;The Ward&#8217; in the centre of downtown. Deemed a slum, the area was crammed with derelict housing and &#145;ethnic&#8217; businesses; it was razed in the 1950s to make way for a grand civic plaza and modern city hall. Archival photos and contributions from a wide variety of voices finally tell the story of this complex neighbourhood and the lessons it offers about immigration and poverty in big cities. Contributors include historians, politicians, architects and descendents of Ward res&#173;idents on subjects such as playgrounds, tuberculosis, bootlegging and Chinese laundries.With essays by Howard Akler, Denise Balkissoon, Steve Bulger, Jim Burant, Arlene Chan, Alina Chatterjee, Cathy Crowe, Richard Dennis, Ruth Frager, Richard Harris, Gaetan Heroux, Edward Keenan, Bruce Kidd, Mark Kingwell, Jack Lipinsky, John Lorinc, Shawn Micallef, Howard Moscoe, Laurie Monsebraaten, Terry Murray, Ratna Omidvar, Stephen Otto, Vincenzo Pietropaolo, Michael Posner, Michael Redhill, Victor Russell, Ellen Scheinberg, Sandra Shaul, Myer Siemiatycki, Mariana Valverde, Thelma Wheatley, Kristyn Wong&#173;-Tam and Paul Yee, among others.


"This is a wonderful new edition of the Poetic Edda . It captures the language, vitality, and rhythms of the original."&#8212;Jesse Byock, PhD, UCLAGods, giants, the undead, dwarves, Valkyries, heroes, kidnapping, dragons, and a giant wolf are just some of the stars in these Norse tales. Committed to vellum in Iceland around 1270, The Poetic Edda has compelled the likes of Richard Wagner, J. R. R. Tolkien, Jorges Luis Borges, and W.H. Auden. Jeramy Dodds transmits the Old Icelandic text into English without chipping the patina of the original. Jeramy Dodds 's Crabwise to the Hounds was shortlisted for the Griffin Poetry Prize and won the Trillium Book Award for poetry.