


Hannibalnak hatvan háborús elefántot kell szállítania az észak-afrikai Karthágóból, a Közép-tengeren át Ibériáig. Ki kell képeznie embereit e nehéz feladat végrehajtására. Ennek a projektnek az az első része, hogy egy elefántot be kell rakni egy hajóra, és tizennyolc napos úton kelet felé kell vitorlázni. Kiválasztotta legnagyobb elefántját, Obolust, amelyet emberei képzésében használ majd. Az állat Obolus hajóra felszállítás közben megölte hosszú távú gazdáját. Egy lány, Liada az egyetlen, aki képes irányítani a temperamentumos elefántot. Miután sikerül neki felvezetnie a rámpán és a hajó fedélzetén Obolust, Hannibal megkéri, hogy menjen el az elefánttal Ibériába. Liada nem szívesen hagyja el Karthágóban a barátait, de a hosszú út során aggódik Obolus biztonsága miatt is. Úgy dönt, hogy elhagyja barátait, és gondoskodik Obolusról.


Hannibal must transport sixty war elephants from Carthage in North Africa, across the Middle Sea to Iberia. He has to train his people to accomplish this difficult task. The first part of this project is to load one elephant on a ship and sail to the east on the eighteen-day voyage. He has chosen his largest elephant, Obolus, to use in the training of his men. During the loading the animal onto a ship, Obolus killed his longtime handler. The girl, Liada, is the only other person who can control the temperamental elephant. After she succeeds in guiding Obolus up the ramp and onto the deck of the ship, Hannibal asks her to go with the elephant to Iberia. Liada is reluctant to leave her friends at Carthage, but she’s also concerned about Obolus’ safety on the long voyage. She decides to leave her friends and take care of Obolus.


Le sergent-chef Saxon ”le Païen” McKenzie et le sergent technique William ”le Choriste” Kabilis sont impliqués dans un accident nucléaire pendant la Crise des Missiles à Cuba. Ceci faillit déclencher la troisième guerre mondiale, et en même temps McKenzie et Fabilis sont renvoyés au Vietnam, au début de la guerre.


October 1932. At the beginning of the Great Depression, schools and universities all over America were cutting back, and even closing their campuses. Raji and Fuse, like so many other young people, were to be cut adrift. Having concentrated on nothing but academics for the past four years, they weren’t prepared for the brutal economic realities of a world sinking into misery and hopelessness.


阿里昂·桑德斯(Ariion Sanders)是一名残疾少女,她受到了在纽约市监狱遇到的一名无家可归者的启发。这名男子名叫卡梅伦·利特尔哈特·圣劳伦斯,他因银行抢劫罪被捕,但由于没有确凿的证据,法官被迫释放了他。笨手笨脚的银行抢劫犯的赃物被偷了,他们认为是卡梅伦拿走了。在他们绑架卡梅伦后,阿里昂密谋了一个拯救他的计划;然而,她的计划却出了差错,她发现自己陷入了大麻烦中。


贝尔·卡斯珀(Bell Casper)在蓝鹦鹉(Blue Parrot)酒吧提供一种秘密游戏,蓝鹦鹉是曼哈顿的一家时尚酒吧,是有钱人的游乐场。这个游戏也许看起来十分阴暗。莱蒂西亚假扮成他的助手。她24岁,贝尔27岁。他俩之间的关系十分微妙。吉吉(Gigi)今年25岁,是一个漂亮的金发女郎。除了在酒吧的工作以外,她还在外面做自己的生意。她被贝尔吸引了,但她很好奇贝尔为什么和莱蒂西亚在一起,还有他管理的是一个怎样的游戏。她决心解开这两个谜团。故事围绕着他们三人展开,惊险、诱惑,各个元素错综复杂。文章跌宕起伏,情节由浅至深。 PUBLISHER: TEKTIME"


L'incontro di Cian e Saxon nel cuore dell'Amazzonia è più di un incontro di due persone; è l'unione di due mondi diversi. Le loro esplorazioni e avventure li portano nelle profondità della foresta pluviale, quindi a metà del globo alla ricerca di un luogo tranquillo dove stabilirsi. Ma invece di trovare la pace, il loro comune senso di giustizia li porta in viaggio dall'Europa a New York, quindi di nuovo in Brasile, dove devono affrontare l'organizzazione criminale dell'ambiziosa e spietata Oxana, che non si fermerà davanti a nulla per continuare il suo commercio di animali in pericolo di estinzione, donne e bambine.


Ariion Sanders, une adolescente handicapée, est encouragée par un sans-abri qu'elle rencontre dans une prison de New York. L'homme, Cameron Petit-coeur St. Laurent, s'était fait arrêté pour un braquage de banque sans preuves convaincantes. Le juge fut alors contraint de le libérer. Les cambrioleurs de banque maladroits se font voler leur butin et ils pensent que c'est Cameron qui l'a pris. Ils décidèrent donc de kidnapper Cameron. Ariion planifie un stratagème pour le sauver. Mais son plan tourne mal et elle se retrouve dans de graves problèmes.


A man returns to Thailand after a fifty-year absence. When he was in Bangkok on leave from the Vietnam War, he met a girl and fell in love. After returning to the battlefield, he was critically wounded and shipped to a hospital in San Diego. A man returns to Thailand after a fifty-year absence. When he was in Bangkok on leave from the Vietnam War, he met a girl and fell in love. After returning to the battlefield, he was critically wounded and shipped to a hospital in San Diego. After recovering from his injuries he goes back to Bangkok looking for Chayan, but she’s not there. A year later he returns and one of the other girls tells him Chayan died during a typhoid epidemic. Devastated, he returns to the States, goes to medical school and eventually starts a family. Now, after fifty years, he goes again to Bangkok, but instead of Chayan, he finds his past had been evolving without him.