
Utilizing the crucial elements of effective leadership—purpose, trust, focus, leverage, feedback, change, and sustainability—education leaders can overcome the many challenges they face in their profession and learn the skills and characteristics they need to succeed. This book synthesizes research from 21st century sources and confronts prevalent leadership myths, while offering guidance on best leadership practices. Use this professional development tool to establish a clear mission and enact vision statements.   Benefits   Learn about the seven elements of leadership and why they are important to building trust between colleagues. Study the best research available on leadership, coming from diverse research methods and perspectives. Gain guidance on how to tell the difference between best and worst practices in leadership. Examine elements to assess whether an organization is ready for change. Explore a model for reflecting on, self-assessing, and synthesizing leadership experiences and research on effective leadership.   Contents   Purpose Trust Focus Leverage Feedback Change Sustainability


Embrace effective grading procedures that have the power to reduce failure rates, improve student discipline, encourage learning, and enhance morale. In this three-part guide, the author presents practical strategies teachers and administrators can use to ensure their grading practices center on four essential criteria: fairness, accuracy, specificity, and timeliness. Apply case studies, real-world feedback models, and interactive reflection questions gain support for grading reform, navigate implementation challenges, and more. Benefits Discover effective guides to resolving student behavior problems, tardiness, and academic dishonesty. Learn about the five mistakes educators often make that cause grading reform to fail. Understand how to gain the support of stakeholders for grading reform, even when opinions differ. Study how bad grading practices waste teachers’ time and how improved practices can save time. Consider the experiences of schools that have tackled grading challenges. Reflect on grading practices and plan improvements using exercises in every chapter.   Contents Introduction       FAST Grading: Fair, Accurate, Specific, and Timely Part I     Building Relationships with Teachers, Parents, and Communities 1              Preparing for FAST Grading 2              Finding Common Ground in the Grading Debate 3              Gaining Teachers’ Perspectives on Grading Part II    Implementing FAST Grading and Improving Best Practices 4              Establishing FAST Grading 5              Implementing Time-Saving Strategies for Busy Teachers 6              Grading Student Behavior Part III   Considering FAST Feedback Throughout Schools, Systems, and Communities 7              Learning from Physical Education and the Arts 8              Considering the Contexts of Teaching and Leading


Achieve high performance for all in your school. In Achieving Equity and Excellence , author Douglas Reeves outlines how to make dramatic improvements to student learning, behavior, and attendance in a single semester. Study the mindset of high-poverty, high-success schools and follow their example to implement the equitable and just practices necessary to make student success a sustainable reality. Use this resource to empower students, teachers, and administrators: Study the landmark research on the practices of high-performing, high-poverty schools, and discover updated research showing how these results can be applied. Discover what high-poverty schools do differently to achieve high performance, and learn how to implement these strategies in your classroom. Transform any school into an effective and productive school through learner-centered teaching. Learn the importance of action during the change process and why action must come before belief to implement equitable teaching practices. Explore effective accountability systems, the different levels of accountability, and how these systems should be implemented to meet the needs of diverse learners. Contents: Acknowledgments About the Author Introduction Part I: Discovering When to Trust Educational Research Chapter 1: Understand the Five Levels of Educational Research Chapter 2: Decide Which Research to Trust Part II: Understanding What Equity and Excellence Schools Do Differently Chapter 3: Organize Their School or District as a Professional Learning Community Chapter 4: Display a Laser-Like Focus on Student Achievement Chapter 5: Conduct Collaboration Scoring Chapter 6: Emphasize Nonfiction Writing Chapter 7: Utilize Frequent Formative Assessment With Multiple Opportunities for Success Chapter 8: Perform Constructive Data Analysis Chapter 9: Engage in Cross-Disciplinary Units of Instruction Part III: Applying the Research in Your Schools Chapter 10: Discover the Equity and Excellence Mindset Chapter 11: Change Behavior Before Belief Chapter 12: Transform Vision Into Action Through Teacher Leadership Chapter 13: Improve Coaching, Feedback, and Evaluation Part IV: Creating Accountability in an Equity and Excellence System Chapter 14: Establish Accountability as a Learning System Chapter 15: Enact System-Level Accountability Chapter 16: Enact School- and Department-Level Accountability Chapter 17: Explain the Story Behind the Numbers Epilogue: Giant Leaps, Not Baby Steps References and Resources Index


Creativity is crucial in helping students achieve academic and professional success. The authors argue that creativity is not spontaneous or inborn but a process that can be cultivated by utilizing seven “virtues” that inspire creativity: curiosity, versatility, synthesis, discipline, collaboration, experimentation, and tenacity. Ideal for team study and discussion, the book includes assessment rubrics as well as sample activities and practical guidelines to encourage and facilitate creativity. With The Myth of the Muse , K–12 educators can put creativity at the very center of their curriculum. Benefits Engage in conversations about how and why creativity is an important quality for approaching future global challenges. Consider the crucial elements of creativity. Challenge misperceptions and preconceptions about creativity. Explore the great works of creative individuals throughout history. Examine practices educators and policymakers should avoid and emulate in nurturing creativity. Reflect creatively using prompts at the end of each chapter. Contents Introduction: The Creativity Imperative Creativity Myths Curiosity Versatility Synthesis Discipline Collaboration Experimentation Tenacity Appendix A: Creativity Assessment Appendix B: Guidelines for Leaders


Formative assessment plays an important role in increasing teacher quality and student learning when it’s viewed as a process rather than a tool. Emphasizing the instructional side of formative assessment, this book explores in depth the use of classroom questioning, learning intentions and success criteria, feedback, collaborative and cooperative learning, and self-regulated learning to engineer effective learning environments for students.


Encourage a culture of innovation and creativity. Innovation and creativity are imperative to educational success and require the contributions of teachers, students, administrators, and policymakers. Explore the four essentials for developing a creative, mistake-tolerant culture; investigate teaching and leadership beliefs and practices that undermine creativity; and discover strategies for successfully navigating challenges that your team may face along the way.