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Richard DuFour
Список книг автора Richard DuFourConcise Answers to Frequently Asked Questions About Professional Learning Communities at Work TM - Richard DuFour
Get all of your PLC questions answered. Designed as a companion resource to Learning by Doing: A Handbook for Professional Learning Communities at Work (3rd ed.), this powerful, quick-reference guidebook is a must-have for teacher teams working to build and sustain a PLC. You and your team will turn to this invaluable reference tool again and again as questions and complications arise along your PLC journey. Benefits Address the four critical questions that guide teacher collaboration through the PLC process. Review essential PLC vocabulary. Understand the qualities educators need to cultivate school improvement. Outline what students need to learn, and ascertain how to react when students either do or do not learn it. Gain tips on additional PLC books to read to dig deeper into the topics covered in this book. Contents Introduction 1 Laying the Foundation: Mission, Vision, Values, and Goals 2 Building a Collaborative Culture 3 What Do We Want Our Students to Learn? 4 How Will We Know When Our Students Have Learned It? 5 How Will We Respond When Some Students Don’t Learn and When Some Do? 6 The District’s Role in the PLC Process 7 Consensus and Conflict in a PLC Afterword: It’s a Journey, Not a Destination
Discover how to close the knowing-doing gap and transform your school or district into a high-performing PLC. The powerful third edition of this comprehensive action guide updates and expands on new and significant PLC topics. Explore fresh strategies, models, and tips for hiring and retaining new staff, creating team-developed common formative assessments, implementing systematic interventions, and more. Benefits Build a shared knowledge of critical vocabulary and the concepts underlying key PLC terms. Equip yourself with the knowledge and tools necessary to model effective reciprocal accountability. Make honest assessments of your school by examining conventional practices from a fresh, critical perspective. Take immediate and specific steps to close the knowing-doing gap. Move beyond planning, and start doing. Contents Introduction to the Third Edition 1 A Guide to Action for Professional Learning Communities at Work™ 2 A Clear and Compelling Purpose 3 Building the Collaborative Culture of a Professional Learning Community 4 Creating a Results Orientation in a Professional Learning Community 5 Creating a Focus on Learning 6 Creating Team-Developed Common Formative Assessments 7 Responding When Some Students Don’t Learn 8 Hiring, Orienting, and Retaining New Staff 9 Resolving Conflict and Celebrating in a Professional Learning Community 10 Implementing the PLC Process Districtwide
Now is the time to transform education! By combining the capacities of the PLC at Work™ process and powerful technology tools, teams of educators can meaningfully modify teaching and learning. Realize the potential of virtual collaboration to support the PLC process, and discover research-based strategies collaborative teams can implement to meet contemporary challenges and reach sustained levels of deeper learning.
Explore the state of education today. In this thought-provoking book, the author presents a compelling case for why contemporary American educators are the greatest generation in history. He carefully explains why current national reform policies have failed and presents specific steps policymakers, administrators, and teachers must take to transform American schools to meet student needs in the 21st century.
This expansion of Whatever It Takes sharpens the focus on the pyramid of interventions strategy. The authors examine case studies of schools and districts across North America to illustrate how PLC at Work™ is a sustainable and transferable process that ensures struggling students get the support they need to achieve. They address how to enrich and extend the learning of proficient students and explain how PLC intervention processes align with RTI legislation.
How do educators build High Reliability Schools (HRS) and boost academic achievement? By implementing interdependent systems of operation and performance assessment for student-centered learning. A critical commitment to becoming an HRS is the PLC at Work™ process of collaborative learning and teaching. This user-friendly teaching resource focuses on: (1) a safe and collaborative culture, (2) effective teaching in every classroom, (3) a guaranteed and viable curriculum, (4) standards-referenced reporting of student progress (standards-based grading), and (5) a competency-based system. Marzano, Warrick, Rains, and DuFour will help you: Increase school effectiveness through a focus on student-centered learning and the implementation of research-based leading indicators of operation. Monitor effective practices through the use of lagging indicators and quick data sources. Explore the three big ideas associated with the PLC at Work™ process to implement student-centered learning, collaborative teaching strategies, and data-driven instruction. Engage in periodic reflection on effective school leadership and instructional coaching practices. Understand how to balance and achieve school and district goals using data to improve students' academic achievement and college- and career-readiness skills. Contents: Foreword Introduction Chapter 1: High Reliability Organizations and School Leadership Chapter 2: Safe and Collaborative Culture Chapter 3: Effective Teaching in Every Classroom Chapter 4: Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum Chapter 5: Standards-Referenced Reporting Chapter 6: Competency-Based Education Chapter 7: District Leadership in High Reliability Schools Appendix References and Resources Index
The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) presents US educators and local and state legislators with a rare opportunity: to reconceive schooling and education funding to better address students’ needs. Richard DuFour, Douglas Reeves, and Rebecca DuFour showcase how to make the most of this opportunity by fully committing to the Professional Learning Communities at Work™ process, which holds the greatest potential for maximizing student achievement. How this book will help your PLC incorporate the Every Student Succeeds Act: Explains the roles federal and state governments play in K-12 education funding with the adoption of ESSA and how it relates to past educational reforms such as ESEA and No Child Left Behind. Emphasizes the importance of using the PLC at Work™ process to respond to ESSA. Provides the strategies and mindsets teachers, district leaders, and states should implement to enhance student learning. Presents the right work PLC schools at any level should engage in to support student and adult success. Highlights indicators of school-level accountability and system accountability, as well as an accountability framework states should use to promote school improvement and success. Contents: Foreword by Jon SaphierIntroductionChapter 1: A Brief History of Education Oversight in the United StatesChapter 2: The Passage of ESSAChapter 3: How States Can Respond to ESSAChapter 4: One School’s Response to ESSAChapter 5: A View From the DistrictChapter 6: How States Can Transform Opportunity Into ActionChapter 7: The Path Ahead for ESSAEpilogueAppendix A: Sample School-Level Accountability IndicatorsAppendix B: Sample System-Level Accountability Indicators
The School Leader's Guide to Professional Learning Communities at Work TM - Richard DuFour
Essentials for PrincipalsАннотация
Are you a K–8 principal ready to implement the PLC at Work™ process? Two experienced practitioners show you how to explore the critical components needed to lay the foundation of a PLC, including how to develop a structure that supports collaborative teams, how to focus on effective monitoring strategies, how to reflect on your communication effectiveness, and more.