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Linda Seger
Список книг автора Linda SegerАннотация
Las adaptaciones cinematográficas son, desde hace mucho tiempo, el principal soporte de la industria de Hollywood y de las cadenas de televisión norteamericanas. Además, la mayoría de las cintas que han ganado el Oscar a la mejor película han sido adaptaciones de novelas, obras de teatro o historias reales. Linda Seger, autora de varios libros ya clásicos sobre escritura de guiones, ofrece ahora un manual valioso y completo para guionistas, productores y realizadores que quieran adaptar obras y acontecimientos a la pantalla.
Junto a cómo analizar este material «y evaluar su potencial como película», Seger proporciona un método práctico para trasladar al cine la historia, los personajes, los temas y el estilo. La última parte aborda también las cuestiones legales de toda adaptación, las posibilidades de opción sobre una obra y la protección de los derechos como guionista o productor.
Junto a cómo analizar este material «y evaluar su potencial como película», Seger proporciona un método práctico para trasladar al cine la historia, los personajes, los temas y el estilo. La última parte aborda también las cuestiones legales de toda adaptación, las posibilidades de opción sobre una obra y la protección de los derechos como guionista o productor.
This book provides a CSI (Crime Scene Investigation) approach to Academy Award-winning screenplays, giving you the nitty gritty details of how an Academy Award script was created.
For decades, many of us have concentrated on personal success at the price of our spirituality. Now, Dr. Linda Seger, a successful Hollywood insider who has dealt with the competition and worldly spirit of the film and television industry, reveals how you can attain your goals and desires without compromising your relationship with God. Dr. Seger tackles these important issues: how do you identify your calling? Handle risk? Cope with praise or blame? Identify and confront evil in our work? Deal with competition? Take the Leap of Faith? Meet and overcome the Seven Deadly Sins? The book is based on her own experiences while trying to build her career as she became a world-renowned script consultant. She also interviewed over 30 people from all six continents and from the arts, the sciences, and business and reveals and identifies success and spirituality issues that have rarely been discussed before. The book won the «Enduring Light/ Inspirational» Illumination Book Award for Exemplary Christian writing.
If Jesus were alive today, would he: feed the poor – or give tax breaks to the super rich? Comfort the old and infirm – or cut Social Security? Build bridges that unite – or build walls that divide? Make peace – or make war? In this ground breaking book, noted author and theologian Linda Seger, Th.D., explores what it means to be a Christian and a Democrat – and shows how the two are not mutually exclusive but rather inclusive. She reveals the close relationship between Democratic policy and Jesus' teachings and the many ways in which the values Jesus espouses in the Bible correspond to the values Democrats call their own. The idea that America's real Christians vote strictly Republican crumbles when one studies the platforms of both parties. Jesus Rode a Donkey reminds the reader that Jesus and the prophets had a radical, progressive message that calls individuals and nations to feed the hungry, help the poor, heal the sick, care for the earth, free the oppressed, and love our enemies. The book won the Silver Medal Christian Living Illumination Book Award given for exemplary Christian writing.