
Ο Φρέντι η αλεπού δεν ήθελε να γίνει δείπνο για το λιοντάρι και έτσι καταστρώνει ένα πανέξυπνο σχέδιο.


Er war nur ein weiterer arbeitsloser Jugendlicher, der seine Misserfolge satt hatte und sogar über Selbstmord nachdachte. Aber er entdeckt, dass er eine erstaunliche Gabe hat, in den Lotterien zu gewinnen, und das macht ihn sehr reich. Die Lotteriebetreiber sind nicht amüsiert, aber ihre mehreren Versuche, ihn zu ermorden, scheitern. Am Ende muss er jedoch zu seinem Leidwesen feststellen, dass die Dinge nie so sind, wie man sie sich erträumt. Er war nur ein weiterer arbeitsloser Jugendlicher, der seine Misserfolge satt hatte und sogar über Selbstmord nachdachte. Aber er entdeckt, dass er eine erstaunliche Gabe hat, in den Lotterien zu gewinnen, und das macht ihn sehr reich. Die Lotteriebetreiber sind nicht amüsiert, aber ihre mehreren Versuche, ihn zu ermorden, scheitern. Am Ende muss er jedoch zu seinem Leidwesen feststellen, dass die Dinge nie so sind, wie man sie sich erträumt.


It is the desire of every rational person to achieve measurable success in their occupation. However, most persons pass through life unhappy with most aspects of their lives. We crave a good life but rarely carry our aspirations beyond the belief it could be achieved through hard work often in the wrong professions. We regularly work at tasks for which we are not suited and regrettably end up with a poor imitation of what we imagine success to be. The High-Powered Christian Entrepreneur is a book for Bible-believing Christians, both young and the old. It illustrates through instructions and activities how to rise again from life failures and create a new life enterprise suited to what God has fashioned you to be. The High-Powered Christian Entrepreneur shows how to use proven goal-setting principles in tandem with sound Christian principles to achieve life and financial goals in spite of the times. Though written for practicing Christians this book is meant for anyone in earnest search for measurable goals, progress, and achievements in their life and earnestly able to commit themselves to that search.


A theatre scriptwriter loses his job, his marriage and his only child. He travels to a rural town in search of a quiet place to reorganize his confused life. Here he again meets with a legendary Bata dancer and the reunion rekindles his ambition to write a new play. But his success will depend on how much he is able to understand the mysterious language of the Bata drums and dance His bitter past has left him with the fear of another relationship and when the charming and compassionate daughter of his aged mentor comes into his life, he finds himself in a desperate battle against his resolve. But his new companion is a healing angel who mends his heartbreak and disabilities and teaches him the way of a master Bata dancer. Yomi Bello is a scriptwriter for the Heritage Theater. He has temporarily lost his job and his estranged wife has gone away with his only child. Yomi travels to a small rural town to take up a temporary teaching appointment in a private school, and to find a quiet place to rearrange his life. Yomi again meets with Baba Lamidi, a legendary Bata dancer. The reunion rekindles Yomi’s intention to write a new play, but his success will depend on how much he is able to learn of the mysterious language of the Bata drums and dance There are great challenges along his way forward nevertheless. The native craftsmen and artists are hostile and contemptuous. Baba Lamidi is also old, frail, and very often ill, which makes him an unreliable teacher. Nevertheless, Yomi Bello is determined that his new play, The Bata Dancer will be the greatest dance drama to be played at the Heritage Theater when it eventually reopens. Bitter experiences have left Yomi with the fear of another relationship, and when Ajoke, the delightful and very helpful daughter of Baba Lamidi comes into his life, he finds himself in a desperate battle against his resolve. Ajoke becomes to him a healing angel for his innermost miseries and for a severe limp. She also teaches Yomi enough about the Bata culture to make him perform like a master.
