
It might have been a scene from a hit romantic comedy–but actress Ciara Wilde wasn't acting, and nobody was laughing when she skipped town on the eve of her tinsel town wedding. Luckily she's got the keys to the Fortune family ski cabin, and perhaps a chance to regain her sanity.No chance of that when she faces down an intruder in the middle of the night. But Jace Lockhart isn't a thief, just a weary, beaten war reporter crashing his buddy's cabin for some serious alone time after a particularly brutal assignment. Unexpectedly snowbound, the two runaways find the healing they need in each other's arms. But when the snow melts, they awkwardly retreat to their very different lives–a little in love, a little confused and a lot less certain about what they want in life, except perhaps…a chance with each other.


"Do I look like one of your smooth-faced golden boys? I don't think so."Hard-boiled, cynical police detective Thaddeus Law had a mission: nab the sorry son-of-a-gun out to kill famous billionaire Joe Colton. This assignment would have been open and shut if he hadn't been so damned distracted. Used to chasing criminals and taking on corruption, Thaddeus found investigating the Colton case oddly like a country club golf outing–complete with Joe's eager-to-please niece-cum-personal-assistant fumbling his strokes. Young, smart and beautiful, heiress Heather McGrath was wasting her suggestive glances on him, big time. He'd been down that road before…. The only princess in Thad's life would be his two-year-old daughter. So why was his lawman's gut telling him otherwise?


A Witch, A Warrior And The Wilds Of Scotland…!'Twas like a quest out of legend, Merrick MacAndrew knew, but he would risk anything to save his dying son–even kidnapping Allegra Drummond, whose mystical healing talents ran apace with her power to set his heart ablaze!What enchantment, this? A giant of a Highland lord had torn Allegra Drummond from idyllic seclusion to do his bidding! No matter that his reasons were noble, rousing her compassion and concern. Merrick MacAndrew had used a life-transforming magic of his own to bind her to him forever–heart, body and soul!

