
This could be the merger of a lifetime!The holidays are over, but Allison Caldwell can’t stop thinking about the kiss she shared with Nathan Garrett under the mistletoe. The dazzlingly attractive playboy she’s secretly crushed on for years isn’t just off limits because he’s out of her league. The heir apparent to the Garrett furniture empire is about to be crowned CFO–and the single mother’s new boss!One night changed everything for Nathan. And now his executive assistant is strictly hands-off despite their intense physical attraction. Besides, Allison has a son, and Nathan’s no family man. Then why is Nathan's head suddenly filled with fantasies of being a father? Perhaps this once-happy bachelor won't be single for long . . .


TWO'S A DATE. THREE'S . . . A FAMILY?When they become guardians of their best friends' orphaned baby, Ryan Garrett and Harper Ross expect disaster. The two can't be more different–she's an uptight career woman; he's a laidback ladies' man. But for little Oliver, they're now mommy and daddy.For Harper, playing house with the flirtatious Ryan is as difficult as being a mother. Fussy babies elude her…but sexy Ryan pursues her! He reminds her of the night they spent together years ago; she needs to forget it. All they agree on is their love for the baby. They'll do anything for the little guy…But when their custody is threatened, will they go all the way…and marry?


Fast Fiction Romantic – short stories with a Happy Ever AfterAmy Jensen was determined her sister's wedding would be perfect. Which meant she couldn't let the best man, Ben Seabrook, get under her skin. After all, it had been more than a decade since they'd gone their separate ways. He'd become an award-winning journalist, and she'd become an ER doctor. Surely there would be no feelings left between them.And yet, as soon as she saw Ben at the rehearsal, Amy knew she was in trouble. All the old feelings were still there, plus a few new sparks. And Ben seemed determined to make her remember how good they had been together—and still were. But Ben was only in town for the wedding, and Amy had her own plans for the future. If she gave in to the chemistry between them, would she only be setting herself up for more pain?


Colin McIver is back in town, and the only person who isn't thrilled by the return of the hometown hero is his ex-wife, Nikki Gordon. She just wants to know when he's leaving. Because Colin always leaves. And this time, she hopes he'll be gone before he can discover the secret she's kept hidden for five long years…their daughter, Carly!A murderous stalker is after Colin, who is seeking only solitude and anonymity. Learning about his little girl only makes him more determined to stay and win Nikki's trust again. But when danger strikes too close to home, Colin has to risk everything he holds dear to protect his family. Will his attempt cost him the woman and child he loves–forever?


Private investigator Michael Courtland had promised to watch over Shannon Vaughn, the target of a vengeful enemy. But the moment Michael saw her, he knew protecting her would be more than just duty. And when escaping certain death left them stranded on a deserted island, he found himself longing to be with her, hold her, make love to her….Shannon couldn't deny her attraction to Michael, but could she trust him? Though he'd saved her life, she could tell he had secrets–secrets that could tear them apart. Yet as danger closed in on them, she wondered what she would do without him–and she realized that wasn't a thought she wanted to entertain….



The perfect woman? Beautiful big-city transplant Zoe Kozlowski came to Pinehurst to heal from a failed marriage and a frightening battle with breast cancer. So the passionate photographer instantly threw herself into an ambitious project: transforming her new home into a bed-and-breakfast.Luckily for her, the best architect–and most eligible bachelor–in town just happened to be her neighbor, Mason Sullivan. Gorgeous Mason's interest in the renovation quickly turned more than professional. But as captivating as he found his new neighbor, she was also a reminder of his painful childhood.Mason had vowed long ago never to risk losing his heart again–but how could he have known such temptation would lurk just next door?


When Children's Connection nurse Alicia Juarez came to private investigator Scott Logan's door, she was desperate: Her brother was in jail for a crime she was convinced he didn't commit, and his two kids were left in her care. Though he swore he wasn't much of a family man, something in the passion of the lovely woman begging him to help her got to Scott.And soon Alicia and the children became his priority in a way he never thought possible. He'd vowed never to get involved with a client. But his growing feelings for Alicia had him contemplating taking an altogether different kind of vow….



SHE HADN'T KNOWN SHE'D BEEN MISSING….He had cop written over every inch of his tempting body, and beautiful senator's daughter Riane Rutherford-Quinlan knew from the moment he asked her to dance that he wasn't the type to attend charity balls. He was there for a reason. He was searching for something – or someone.UNTIL HE FOUND HER.Ex-cop turned private investigator Joel Logan had been hired to find a child illegally adopted over twenty years ago. A child, now a woman, who had no idea she'd been living a lie. Could Joel tell her the truth without destroying her secure world? Or would his own desire for Riane lead to a mistake that could cost her life – and his heart?