
33 tales from Portugal, Ireland, Wales, and points East and West, among them «The Brown Bear of Norway,» «The Enchanted Deer,» «The Story of a Very Bad Boy,» and «The Brownie of the Lake.» 51 illustrations.


It is almost impossible to envision what childhood would be like without the enchanting world of fairyland. Princess Rosanella, The Three Bears, giants and dwarfs, monsters and magicians, fairies and ogres — these are the companions who thrill young boys and girls of all lands and all times, as Andrew Lang's phenomenally successful collections of stories have proved. From the day that they were first printed, the Lang fairy tale books of many colors have entertained thousands of boys and girls, as they have also brought pleasure to the many parents who have read these unforgettable classics to their children. In the Green Fairy Book, the third in the series, Lang has assembled stories from Spanish and Chinese traditions, a few of the most entertaining creations penned by the Comte de Caylus, others by Sebillot, Fenelon, Kletke, and Mme. d'Aulnoy, and, of course, some of the best-loved tales from the Brothers Grimm. Here in one attractive paperbound volume with enlarged print are «The Blue Bird,» «Sylvain and Jocosa,» «Narcissus and the Princess Potentilla,» «The Three Little Pigs,» «The Half-Chick,» and many other favorites that have become an indispensable part of our cultural heritage.All in all, this collection contains forty-two stories, all narrated in the clear, lively prose for which Lang was famous. Not only are Lang's translations generally conceded to be the best English versions of standard stories, his collections are the richest and widest in range. His position as one of England's foremost folklorists as well as his first-rate literary abilities make his collections unmatchable in the English language.


It is almost impossible to envision what childhood would be like without the enchanting world of fairyland. The goat-faced girl, Prunella, the three sons of Hali, giants and dwarfs, monsters and magicians, fairies and ogres—these are the companions who thrill boys and girls of all lands and all times, as Andrew Lang's phenomenally successful collections of stories have proved. From the day that they were first printed, Lang's fairy tale books of many colors have entertained thousands of youngsters, as they have also brought pleasure to the parents who have read these classics to their children. The Grey Fairy Book includes many strange, exotic stories from Lithuania, Africa, Germany, Greece and France. But they are all told in the common language of the fairy tale, and their events will be familiar to children and grown-ups alike. The donkey who turns into a price, a spinning wheel that turns moss into silk, revengeful fairies, and ogre-like fathers of lovely daughters strike responsive chords in readers, even when they appear in new circumstances.All in all, this collection contains 35 stories, all narrated in the lively, clear prose for which Lang was famous. Not only are Lang's generally conceded to be the best English versions of standard stories, his collections are the richest and widest in range. His position as one of England's foremost folklorists as well as his first-rate literary abilities make his collections unmatchable in the English language.


It is almost impossible to envision what childhood would be like without the enchanting world of fairyland. Princes and princesses, kings and queens, giants and dwarfs, monsters and magicians, fairies and ogres — these are the companions who thrill young boys and girls of all lands and all times, as Andrew Lang's phenomenally successful collections of stories have proved. From the day that they were first printed, the Lang fairy books of many colors have entertained thousands of boys and girls, as they have also brought pleasure to the many parents who have read these unforgettable classics to their children.The Crimson Fairy Book contains a fascinating collection of tales from many countries: Hungary, Russia, Rumania, Finland, Iceland, Japan, and Sicily are only some of them. Filled with imagination, excitement, and adventure, these tales will delight children with their illogical yet strangely reasonable events, and will offer parents a pleasant change from the well-worn favorites. One story — «The Cottager and His Cat» — tells of how cats were introduced into Iceland; another Japanese tale — «The Crab and the Monkey» — tells how a crab gets the best of a roguish monkey; and a remarkable tale — «Little Wildrose» — from Rumania tells how a beautiful child was reared in an eagle's nest.All in all, the collection contains 36 stories, all narrated in the clear, lively prose for which Lang was famous. Not only are Lang's generally conceded to be the best English versions of standard stories, his collections are the richest and widest in range. His position as one of England's foremost folklorists as well as his first-rate literary abilities make his collections unmatchable in the English language.


It is almost impossible to envision what childhood would be like without the enchanting world of fairyland. Three-headed trolls, horses that carry their masters up mountains of glass, giants and dwarfs, monsters and magicians, fairies and ogres — these are the companions who will thrill young boys and girls of all lands and all times, as Andrew Lang's phenomenally successful collections of stories have proved. From the day that they were first printed, the Lang fairy tale books of many colors have entertained thousands of boys and girls, as they have also brought pleasure to the many parents who have read these unforgettable classics to their children. In addition to such familiar favorites as Jack and the Beanstalk, Rapunzel, The Ratcatcher (The Pied Piper), and Snowdrop (Snow White), The Red Fairy Book contains a wonderful collection of lesser-known tales from French, German, Danish, Russian, and Romanian sources. A tale from Norse mythology recounts the old story of Sigurd and Brynhild; tales by the great Madame d'Aulnoy include Graciosa and Percinet and Princess Rosette; lesser-known tales from Grimm's collection include The Three Dwarfs, Mother Holle, and The Golden Goose.All in all, this collection contains 37 stories, all narrated in the clear, lively prose for which Lang was famous. Not only are Lang's generally conceded to be the best English versions of standard stories, his collections are the richest and widest in range. His position as one of England's foremost folklorists as well as his first-rate literary abilities makes his collections unmatchable in the English language. Includes 97 illustrations.


A ruler said to be the model of goodness over evil and a formidable comrade in the ever-present struggle between right and wrong, the figure of King Arthur of England prevails at the heart of the Arthurian legends. The myths surrounding his reign have been recounted in endless tales. This collection includes thirteen of the best-loved legends of the man and his Knights of the Round Table.Bewitching stories, related by one of the world's great storytellers, tell of how the young Arthur pulled a sword from a stone to become king; his meeting with the Lady of the Lake and acquisition of the mighty sword Excalibur; gatherings at the Round table; the death of Merlin; how the mysterious sorceress Morgan Le Fay attempted to kill Arthur; the quest for the Holy Grail; the romance of Lancelot and Guenevere, Arthur's wife; the passing of King Arthur, and more.Magnificent engravings appear throughout the text, further enhancing this splendid introduction to Camelot and its enchanting lore.These stories have inspired numerous film adaptations, including the 2017 release King Arthur: Legend of the Sword, directed by Guy Ritchie and starring Charlie Hunnam, Jude Law, Eric Bana, Djimon Hounsou, and Annabelle Wallis.


It is almost impossible to envision what childhood would be like without the enchanting world of fairyland. Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, giants and dwarfs, monsters and magicians, fairies and ogres — these are the companions who will thrill young boys and girls of all lands and all times, as Andrew Lang's phenomenally successful collections of stories have proved. From the day that they were first printed, the Lang fairy tale books of many colors have entertained thousands of boys and girls, as they have also brought pleasure to the many parents who have read these unforgettable classics to their children. The Blue Fairy Book was the first volume in the series and so it contains some of the best known tales, taken from a variety of sources: not only from Grimm, but exciting adventures by Charles Perrault and Madame d'Aulnoy, The Arabian Nights, and other stories from popular traditions. Here in one attractive paperbound volume — with enlarged print — are «Sleeping Beauty,» «Rumpelstiltskin,» «Beauty and the Beast,» «Hansel and Gretel,» «Puss in Boots,» «Trusty John,» «Jack the Giantkiller,» «Goldilocks,» and many other favorites that have become an indispensable part of our cultural heritage. All in all, this collection contains 37 stories, all narrated in the clear, lively prose for which Lang was famous. Not only are Lang's generally conceded to be the best English versions of standard stories, his collections are the richest and widest in range. His position as one of England's foremost folklorists as well as his first-rate literary abilities makes his collections unmatchable in the English language.  


"The Red Fairy Book" is the second book in the series of Andrew Lang's «Fairy Books», a popular series of books that collected together various stories of myth, fantasy, and legend which had been passed down through the ages by oral tradition. Included in this volume are the following stories: The Twelve Dancing Princesses, The Princess Mayblossom, Soria Moria Castle, The Death of Koschei the Deathless, The Black Thief and Knight of the Glen, The Master Thief, Brother and Sister, Princess Rosette, The Enchanted Pig, The Norka, The Wonderful Birch, Jack and the Beanstalk, The Little Good Mouse, Graciosa and Percinet, The Three Princesses of Whiteland, The Voice of Death, The Six Sillies, Kari Woodengown, Drakestail, The Ratcatcher, The True History of Little Goldenhood, The Golden Branch, The Three Dwarfs, Dapplegrim, The Enchanted Canary, The Twelve Brothers, Rapunzel, The Nettle Spinner, Farmer Weatherbeard, Mother Holle, Minnikin, Bushy Bride, Snowdrop, The Golden Goose, The Seven Foals, The Marvellous Musician, and The Story of Sigurd.


This collection of children's animal stories is a classic of juvenile literature and still delights children today, just as in the past.Not only do we find fiery dragons here, but dangerous dogs and demons; bears, bats, boars, and baboons; greyhounds and griffins; cows and crocodiles; hyenas and hippopotamuses; snakes, saints, and sheep; monkeys, mermaids, and mammoths; lions and llamas; and dozens of others from the wide and wonderful animal world. What a menagerie to excite the senses and lure the adventurous!The Author, Lang, a noted historian, was also an incurable romantic—hence his great success in writing children's books. These stories, first published in 1899, were selected and edited by Lang. The ones about Tom the Bear are from the French work on natural history by Alexander Dumas. Most of the tales in the chapter «Thieving Dogs and Horses» were published by Sir Walter Scott. Sixty-eight excellent and evocative illustrations enhance the stories and the reader's enjoyment of them.


This volume includes 25 wonderful, wondrous stories and two poems about cats, by major authors old and new. Included are: <P> INTRODUCTION: …IN THE DARK, by Robert Reginald<BR> SEVEN SAW MURDER, by G. T. Fleming-Roberts<BR> THE CATS, by H. P. Lovecraft (poem)<BR> THE HEMINGWAY KITTENS, by A. R. Morlan<BR> THE CAT AND THE BIRDS, by Aesop<BR> THE BEAST FROM THE ABYSS, by Robert E. Howard<BR> OUT OF PLACE, by Pamela Sargent<BR> THE FOX AND THE CAT, by the Brothers Grimm<BR> THE BLACK CAT, by Edgar Allan Poe<BR> THE CAT AND MOUSE IN PARTNERSHIP, by Andrew Lang<BR> NIPPER…NIP…NIP, by Robert Reginald<BR> TOBERMORY, by Saki (H. H. Munro)<BR> THE CAT, by E. F. Benson<BR> A PSYCHICAL INVASION, by Algernon Blackwood<BR> UNIVERSES, by A. R. Morlan (poem)<BR> THE VAMPIRE CAT OF NABESHIMA, by Lord Redesdale<BR> THE WOMAN AND THE CAT, by Marcel Prevost<BR> DICK BAKER'S CAT, by Mark Twain<BR> BEAST OF THE TARN, by John Russell Fearn<BR> MRS. MILLIGAN'S CAT, by Gary Lovisi<BR> A REVOLT OF THE GODS, by Ambrose Bierce<BR> MONTY'S FRIEND, by William Livingston Alden<BR> THE HEADLESS CAT, by Elliott O’Donnell<BR> ALL CATS ARE GRAY, by Andre Norton<BR> THE SLUM CAT, by Ernest Thompson Seton<BR> MY FATHER, THE CAT, by Henry Slesar<BR> THE BALLET OF THE CATS, by Sydney J. Bounds<BR> LETTERS FROM A CAT, by Helen Hunt Jackson<P> And don't forget to search this ebook store for «Wildside Press Megapack» to see all the volumes in this ongoing series, including volumes of science fiction, fantasy, horror, westerns, adventure, mystery – and much, much more!