
Hiring new employees is high stakes—and keeping them once they’re on board is equally important. Every hiring manager needs straightforward, practical advice on conducting effective interviews, checking references, bringing new hires on board, and then helping them succeed. The <i>You at Work: Hiring and Keeping the Right People</i> article collection provides best practices and tips on evaluating job candidates, ensuring that new hires get the right start, and navigating sticky conversations around raises and employee poaching. What’s included: (1) a specially curated collection of eight articles from HBR.org on a range of topics, from interviewing candidates to orienting new hires to responding appropriately when an employee has another job offer; and (2) three tools to help you ask the right interview questions, motivate employees though coaching, and give constructive feedback.


Ineffective managers sap motivation and kill productivity. So what do you do if you’ve got a manager who’s incompetent, passive, controlling, or all of the above? It can be tough to find straightforward, relevant, and actionable advice. The <i>You at Work: How to Be Effective with a Bad Boss</i> article collection will help you by outlining specific situations and offering concise step-by-step advice on how to work effectively with a not-so-great boss. What’s included: (1) a curated collection of nine articles from HBR.org with practical advice on a variety of situations, including how to spot a bad manager during a job interview, how to work with a micromanager, and how to motivate yourself when your manager doesn’t; and (2) three tools to help you navigate difficult conversations with your boss, whether you’re bringing up a potential problem or providing feedback around a troubling situation.