


The Greatest Western Writer Of The 21st Century A Woman For The Winter. Montana Territory and a band of Assiniboine Indians give Preacher shelter for the winter. A beautiful woman named Raven's Wing makes the sheltering even better–once he gets things straight with a jealous brave who wants to lift Preacher's scalp. A Fire In The Night. Across the border is another wanderer and another tribe. Preacher's old enemy, Willie Deaver, plies a band of Indians with the deadliest combination possible: whisky, guns and bullets–then directs them to try out their killing tools on the Assiniboine. The raid reaps a harvest of devastating death, bloodshed and helpless captives. Deaver is all the more delighted when he learns Preacher is among the fallen. And The Fury Of A Mountain Man. . . But in the driving, drifting snow, with a handful of bloodied survivors by his side, Preacher is rising: a rifle in his hands, red-hot fury in his heart, and icy vengeance in his gun sight. . .


Dreams Of Gold And Power The mountains are brimming with the lure of fortunes–from gold to a booming fur trade. A man at home in this once pristine wilderness, Preacher knows there's no turning back civilization now. What he doesn't know is that beyond the plans of some men is a deadly enemy with far more dangerous designs. . . Schemes Of Blood And Betrayal With vengeance-hungry criminals shadowing his every move, Preacher meets a beautiful woman working to bring a rail line to a remote settlement. And while Preacher is distracted by both the beauty and by beastly outlaws, Indians attack the outpost–and settlers fight furiously back for their survival. One Man's Fight For The Future Of A Land. . . When the smoke clears and blood dries, Preacher realizes that he's in a war more deadly and complex than any he's known. Agents of a foreign government ignited the Indian attack. And they've got far bigger plans–and only Preacher stands in their way. . .