
A WARRIOR BRIDE IN THE VIKING’S BED…A hot-tempered redhead with a talent for swordcraft, Lara Ottarsdotter has seen off many an unwanted suitor! Then the Viking warlord Finn Egilsson comes seeking vengeance on a mutual enemy and Lara’s despairing father offers him a bounty of ships and swords. The price? Finn must take Lara as his wife. Finn has no wish to endure marriage again, yet his reluctant bride fires his blood with one passionate kiss. Her courage means she will never yield in battle, but soon all he wants is her ultimate willing surrender – in the marriage bed! Victorious Vikings No man could defeat them. Two women would defy them!’


ONCE A RAKE… Known as ‘Magnificent Max’, diplomat Max Ransleigh was famed for his lethal charm until a political betrayal left him exiled from government and his reputation in tatters. He seems a very unlikely saviour for a well-bred young lady. Except that Miss Caroline Denby doesn’t want to be saved…she wants to be ruined!To Caroline, getting married is tantamount to a death sentence, and meeting the rakish Max at a house party seems the answer to her prayers…Surely this rogue won’t hesitate to put his bad reputation to good use? Ransleigh Rogues Where these notorious rakes go, scandal always follows…


Respectable showgirl…When the widowed boarding-house-keeper he has come to rescue turns out to be a scantily clad showgirl, Jed Doulan knows he’s in for trouble. With his shadowed past, he’d be mad to let this spirited – surprisingly innocent – woman get close. …rebellious brideBound by a hasty marriage to her reluctant hero, Rachell Carlson senses his struggle to keep a distance between them. But the message in Jed’s eyes makes her pulse quicken – and even dares her to believe in love!


On the verge of womanhood, Lucy Horne is excited and nervous about her first Season.Despite being the belle of every ball, she can't seem to quell her feelings for a man she has met only once before-the enigmatic and dashing Captain Jack. Captain Jack Harcourt is determined to put the bloody battlefields of France behind him and find a suitable wife.But secrets from Jack's past threaten to confound his plans-and he cannot offer a beautiful girl a tainted name. . . .


Fearing a forced betrothal with a man known for his cruelty, Heloise Bergeron throws herself on the mercy of Charles Fawley, Earl of Walton. He believes himself attracted to her younger, beautiful sister, so what is he doing entertaining thoughts of marriage to the plain, quiet Heloise?But marry her he does. Returning to England with a convenient wife, who inspires a very inconvenient desire, Charles is about to discover just how untouched his French bride really is….


Lord Pendleton’s Society Wife In her first season in London, country girl Susannah Hampton is confused by the attentions of the dashing Lord Pendleton. Wealthy, but undeniably arrogant, he is certainly not the kind of husband she had in mind. Although she can’t help but find him attractive.Soon Susannah gets what she hopes for – a marriage proposal! She may be an innocent country miss, but now Susannah is determined to inflame her husband’s passion – and melt the ice around his heart…Debutantes enjoy the delights of A Season in Town


Cleopatra’s slave girl…And an enemy Roman soldier…Egyptian slave Wen-Nefer is wary of all men. But she can’t help but be captivated by handsome Titus, advisor to Julius Caesar—even though he is commanding, and intolerant of bold women like her. Their affair is as all-consuming as it is forbidden. But is he a man who will go to any lengths to love her despite their boundaries…or a sworn enemy she must never trust?


Can a widow in the Wild West… …find wedded bliss again?When Cassandra Stewart fulfils her husband’s dying wish by visiting the ranch he loved, she plans to sell it. But then she meets his best friend. And as aloof, ruggedly handsome Wolf shows Cassandra the value of life on the prairies, tenderness begins to grow from their shared pain into something more… Maybe there’s a future for her at the Rocking S Ranch after all…


Scandal Comes Courting!Caught in a coach accident, Lady Eleanor Ashby seeks help from a mysterious stranger. But the dashing Matthew Thomas is not all he seems. And when it appears someone is trying to hurt her Eleanor doesn’t know who to trust.Disowned by his family, Matthew is living under an assumed name.Falling under Eleanor’s spell, he determines to protect her. It’s time for Matthew to return home and confront his scandalous past if Eleanor is to be part of his future…Men About Town: Traders in Temptation…


Civil war in a nation…and in a family!Jack Dilhorne was in Washington, D.C., on business just as war was being declared between the North and South. It was not the best of times to meet someone as intriguing as Marietta Hope.Marietta's reputation preceded her: Jack expected her to be an embittered old maid. He was delightfully surprised to find her a bright, witty and goodlooking woman. But as Jack and Marietta grew closer their love came under threat from war…and from an enemy much closer to home!