
Revenge and…marriage?Clare Hoyland had witnessed the most vicious behavior between her family and those dreadful Devanes. But when her brother killed all but one member of the Devane family, Clare knew she was next to suffer. For as she set out on a journey, the sole survivor, Robert Devane, carried her off into the dark wilderness. Her handsome captor meant to avenge his family's slaughter by marrying her! Though his wife and prisoner, Clare couldn't help falling in love with her own husband. Would they never give up this bitter family feud and admit those tender feelings that had stirred from the moment they touched?


REFORMING A RAKE…Desperate to support her widowed mother, Marina Beaumont had agreed to become a companion to a dowager countess and found herself in an impossible situation. She had never anticipated the position would force her to deal with Kit Stratton–a renowned rake who would stop at nothing to get the revenge he sought…even if it cost Marina all that she held most dear.For unable to restrain the dowager's gambling habit, Marina soon found herself paying the price for Kit's sweet revenge on the widow. And the only way this rake would agree to her request to forfeit the money he was owed was if Marina gave him the reward he most desired….


Guilt Tore Away At His Soul…Surrounded by callous fortune hunters, beautiful Emma Fitzwilliam despaired of ever finding a man who truly loved her. Until she came face-to-face with the man who'd once been the object of her girlhood fantasies.Returning from the Peninsular War, Major Hugo Stratton was nothing like the lighthearted young man Emma remembered. Scarred and embittered, his reputation in tatters, Hugo believed he had nothing to offer her. But as she caught glimpses of the man she once knew and felt the heat of his desire, Emma knew otherwise. Though it wasn't until a desperate situation forced Hugo's hand in marriage that Emma got her chance to discover if that were true. But what would it take to bring back to life the man she'd never stopped loving?


From City Spinster… to Cowboy's Bride!Abandoned as a young child, Rebecca Lane has always felt unlovable. Convinced she’s too tall and strong-minded to find a husband, she heads West to start a new life on her grandfather’s ranch.Lantree Walker is wary of his employer’s beautiful granddaughter. But when Rebecca is threatened the cowboy does the only thing that will keep her safe – he marries her! Lantree might have convinced his reluctant bride to take his name, but what will it take to get her into his bed… ?


A WOMAN OF MYSTERY…Why would an impoverished gentlewoman masquerade as a sophisticated lady of the ton? Baron Amburley had a jaundiced enough view of women to suspect only one reason. Miss Isabella Winstanley was cold-bloodedly masquerading above her station to land a rich husband! Determined to unmask the upstart, Amburley challenged Isabella to a race.But as they prepared for the big race, Amburley found himself captivated by the real Isabella. Her frank, open ways and manifest joy were so unlike anything he'd encountered with other women, he soon found himself wishing that he knew nothing of her deceit. For this Isabella was the kind of woman who could haunt a man's dreams….


Mistress for a night…Lord Dunstan found Miss Louisa Fraser captivating, though she was another man's mistress. He couldn&##39;t have been more startled–or pleased–when she offered herself for one night of passion if he would save her and her misguided brother from financial ruin. So, on the appointed night, Lord Dunstan received the shock of his life. His bewitching miss was a virgin!Beloved wife for eternity…What started out as an innocent proposition turned into a marriage of convenience where neither party could trust the other. Would the birth of their child and imminent danger bring these two lost souls to a confession of their soul-searing love?


Lord…libertine…lawbreaker?Heiress Deborah Cleveland jilted an earl for Randolph Chadwicke. He promised he would come back for her. But then he disappeared… Seven years later Randolph, now Lord Buckland, bursts back into Deborah's life! She's unmarried and penniless, he's as sinfully attractive as ever–but this time he isn't offering marriage… Worst of all, he seems to be involved with the murderous local smugglers. Can Deborah resist the dark magnetism of the lawless lord? Regency Rogues Ripe for a scandal. Ready for a bride.


Though scarred by fire and betrayal, Gilchrist Mackintosh was laird of Clan DavidsonDespite those who questioned his right. And to secure his position, he must wed a Davidson woman, quickly.Then he stumbled upon the mysterious Rachel by the virgin spring, half drowned, half dressed and unable to recall her own name. Who was she? Englishwoman? Witch? No matter who she was, Rachel had managed to see beyond his scars, right to his heart. But with Gilchrist bound to marry another and Rachel's identity a mystery, love between them was forbidden. Yet he would risk his position as laird in order to save her from a traitor in their very midst….


Temporarily displaced Southern belle Jane Charlotte Davis was desperate to make enough money to return home. So when town banker Rydell Wilder, a Northerner through and through, offered her a loan to start her own business, she jumped at the chance. Even though the man was too handsome–and too interested in her–for her peace of mind.…Once, Rydell Wilder had been the new, poor boy in town. Now he had the wealth and the means to get whatever he wanted. And what he wanted more than anything was Jane. But did he have a prayer of turning their business deal into a marriage contract?


Deception Kept Them Apart…But this time Dan Ashburn was here to stay. Judith Avetonw as ready to marry the ever-virtuous and popular Charles Truscott–until her former lover stormed back into her life! Six years ago, her stepmother's vicious lies had forced Judith to refuse Dan's proposal and send him away. And now his cold stare told her that he was beyond forgiving and had forgotten nothing. Though his return confused her, she began to see that Dan's intentions were far from virtuous. But to resist him would be the ultimate betrayal of her own deepest desires!