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من عند معلمك خواجه رمزات باني ارسلك الي حلب ان ردت وما ردت فقتله انا ماني الان تحت حكم خواجه رمزات ولا انت بتقدر تلزمني بالرواح انا رجل مرشد طريقي وانا الان خادم عند خواجه بول لوكا سايح سلطان فرنسا لما بيرجع من القدس هو بيرد لك عني جواب.

      As I came to the end of the letter, I welled up with sadness. How could he have refused to send me the clothes I’d asked for?

      The merchant turned to me and said, “I also received a letter from your master, khawājah Rémuzat. He told me to send you back to Aleppo whether you liked it or not.”

      “I’m not under the authority of khawājah Rémuzat anymore,” I said, “and you can’t make me go anywhere! I’ll decide where I go all on my own! I now serve khawājah Paul Lucas, a traveler on the sultan of France’s business! As soon as he returns from Jerusalem, he’ll speak for me.”


      اخيرًا من بعد مناهده عظيمه واخد ورد فراء ما مني جاره. حيندٍ اعطاني مكتوب ثاني من اخي وداكر لي انكان ما بتريد ترجع الله يسهل طريقك واصلك تحت يد ذلك الخواجه بقجة الحوايج التي دكرت لي عنها بتكون تاخدها من عنده وايش ما اعتزت من الخرجيه ايضًا خد منه وانا دكرت له بانه يوصلك مهما اعتزت من الدراهم وترسلي وصول في الحوايج والخرجيه التي بتاخدها منه والسلام فلما قرات ثاني مكتوب فصار عندي فرح عظيم في وصول الحوايج. حيندٍ اخرج اعطاني بقجة الحوايج وسالني ايش قدر بريد من الخرجيه فاخدت منه كام غرش واعطيته وصول من يدي بالجميع ورجعت الي بيت القنصر وانا مبسوط في غاية ما يكون.

      After much argument and back-and-forth, the merchant saw that I wouldn’t budge. So he took out a second letter from my brother, and handed it to me.

      “If you don’t wish to return, God grant you a smooth journey,” my brother had written. “I’ve sent you the bundle of clothes you’d requested, in the care of this merchant. Take the clothes from him, along with as much money as you’ll need. I’ve told him to advance you whatever you ask for. Send me receipts for the clothes and the money you’ve taken. Godspeed.”

      After reading the second letter, I was overjoyed to learn of the arrival of the clothes! The merchant took out the bundle, handed it to me, and asked how much money I wanted. I took a few piasters and wrote out receipts for everything and returned to the consul’s home, as happy as could be.


      واستقمت في صيده ادور واتفرج من مكان الي مكان وكان حكم عندنا عيد الكبير وعند طايفة الموارنه طريقه ما احد منهم بيقدر بيعترف ويتناول الاسرار الا في كنيسته عند الخوري لاجل بعض اسباب فعزمني واحد صاحب ليلة العيد الي بيته حتي نبكر ونروح نعترف عند الخوري ونحدر القداس ونتناول وبعدما قضينا فرضنا اخدني ايضًا الي بيته وضيفني ووقف في واجبي.

      I stayed on in Sidon, touring and seeing the sights. It was Easter time, and according to the custom of the Maronites, for some reason or other, one could only attend confession and receive communion from one’s own church and priest. A friend of mine invited me to spend the evening of the feast at his home so that we might rise early and go to confession with the priest, attend mass, and receive communion. After fulfilling our obligation, he invited me back to his house as his guest and treated me with due regard.


      اخيرًا استقمت في صيدا الي حين ما رجع معلمي من القدس فاحكيتله بان وصلتني الحوايج مع مكتوب من اخي وكيف انه كاتب لذلك الخواجه بانه يرجعني الي حلب طيبه غصيبه والان انا ثابت بقراري معك فقلي وانا ايضًا بكل وعدي معك ان وصلنا بالسلامه الي مدينة بهريس والخزمتكار الذي راح معه للقدس ما عاد رجع فاستقام هناك حتي يروح الي بلاده فاستقمت انا وحدي في خدمة هل خواجه وبعده همينا بالسفر الي جزيرة قبرس.

      I remained in Sidon until my master returned from Jerusalem, whereupon I informed him that my clothes had arrived with a letter from my brother.38 I told him all about how my brother had instructed the merchant to send me back to Aleppo by hook or by crook.

      “I’m fully committed to joining you on your voyage,” I said.

      “And I promise to do right by you, if we get to Paris in one piece,” he replied.

      The servant who’d gone with him to Jerusalem hadn’t returned, remaining there so he could continue on to his own country. So it was that only I remained in the service of this khawājah.

      We made ready to travel to the island of Cyprus.

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