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      I would like to dedicate this book to all that dream of financial freedom. Of having a better life. Of not only being able to provide for their family today but creating wealth and a legacy that their family can continue for generations. To those that have tried countless times and fail but refuse to give up. To those who are not afraid to take that leap of faith into the unknown. This book is dedicated to those seeking to make the transition from employee to boss.


      What if you hate your job but the extra money would help make it more tolerable?

      What if you like your job but do not make enough to live the way you would like to?

      What if you are unemployed and receiving government assistance and think this is all you can achieve in life; or you’ll never be able to do the things you’ve dreamed of; they were only just dreams?

      What if you have always wanted to be an Entrepreneur but never knew where to start so it seems impossible?

      What if you were born into poverty and developed a fixed mindset thinking that this is all I will ever see in life? I will never amount to anything. This is how life will be for me for the rest of my life so I may as well go with it and do what I must do to survive.

      If you have asked yourself any of these questions or have thoughts like these on a regular basis, you have the ability to change these stress and worry causing thoughts. Your thoughts play a role in how you feel. If you think negative, it will show verbally when you speak.

      Through your actions when you interact with others and one of two things will happen if not both. You will push good people away and end up alone (loneliness can lead to depression) or you will attract other negative thinkers and hold each other back through your actions, conversations, and continuous negative energy you all will create around yourselves.

      Negative thoughts are a challenge that we all face, and they create problems or make situations worse than they actually are which is stressful. Do you say negative things to yourself?

      Do you worry about the future?

      Do you criticize yourself?

      Do you spend lots of time focusing on what you lack? These are natural thoughts.

      These negative thoughts can be changed with a willingness to change. Being aware that a change needs to happen. Following and sticking to the steps needed to make the changes you desire.

      Scientists have a theory to explain all this negative thinking.

      It was imperative for human survival. Unfortunately, it is not helpful anymore.

      There was a time that food was scarce. A member of another tribe might beat you to death with a club just for looking at his mate. There were dangerous animals. Those that were overly cautious and worried survived more often than those with a more relaxed attitude.

      Now we have grocery stores, police, and most of the predators are not an issue. We have armies to fight our wars. So you see, even when we don’t see it, or know of it being possible, change is possible. Things can be different, can be better, regardless of its current state.

       THE FACTS

       Forty-three percent of all adults suffer adverse health effects from stress.

       75% to 90% of all doctor's office visits are for stress-related ailments and complaints

       Stress can play a part in problems such as headaches, high blood pressure, heart problems, diabetes, skin conditions, asthma, arthritis, depression, and anxiety.

       The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) declared stress a hazard of the workplace. Stress costs American industry more than $300 billion annually.

       Everyday Stress

      This is a big one. Your mind fills with clutter as your stress level increases. Your thoughts become less controlled and more negative. It is not surprising that many serious mental health issues are often precipitated by stressful events. The level of stress that you face each day is relevant to the amount of mental clutter you have.

      It is often the accumulation of little things that have a significant impact. It is traffic, late bills, a runny nose, an annoyed spouse, and a broken shoelace that can send your brain into a tailspin. Too many smaller stressors can be just as stressful as large stressors.


      Making a lot of decisions can really wear you out and create mental clutter. There is a reason why Steve Jobs, Barack Obama, and Albert Einstein limited their daily wardrobes to just a few items – the elimination of choice.

      When you are faced with too many decisions, mental clutter grows. Studies also show that making decisions decreases your ability to make additional decisions. Eliminate as many possible decisions as you can each day.

      When making the transition from employee to boss, outsource some of the business responsibilities. Keep your mental as clutter-free as possible, so you can pay attention and be fully present in your relationships business and personal.

      The benefits of being a boss, owning your own business. It does not have to be a major corporation in a huge building and thousands of employees. An internet business will do and provide some great business tax benefits.

      Some of the benefits of owning your own business. Getting 20 to 30% off on all your purchases during the year.

      If you know nothing about tax law, you would, just as the majority, assume the government is out to take as much from you as possible. Keeping the rich, rich, and the poor, poor.

      If you knew that the government uses this strategy to encourage a type of active behavior from you by force or by policy; this way certain things can get done. Things like what you may ask. Job creation. Entrepreneurs create jobs. Which is why they get a number of tax breaks that act as subsidies. To encourage job creation.

      Real-estate investor get tax breaks as a means to inspire the building of affordable housing. So, if you ever thought about getting into real estate, between tax breaks and profits, financial freedom isn’t hard to obtain.

      Then there are tax breaks for specific types of investments like oil and gas investing, green energy, farming, and other types of agriculture.

      Do your own due diligence to find all of the tax breaks available for the type of business you have in mind.

      You must be driven. Take what you already have i.e. skills, talents, knowledge, etc. and turn it into a business. Ask yourself. What am I good at? What do I enjoy doing that I am good at? Once you have figured this out, improve on it. Make it better so you can sell it. Do some research on it. Research those that are doing it or doing something similar. What is there story, how did they get started? How long did it take them to make it happen? How did they handle rejection?

      Knowing these things will help you not only learn what to do but help keep you motivated because you will see the ups and downs of the journey and yet see that it is possible. You must understand that there is no glory without sacrifice. Anyone that you see on top started at the bottom unless they came from a wealthy family who at some point in history started with nothing and created something that generated wealth for generations to come.

      Those that it was passed on to are the ones that did not have to start at the bottom but had to learn, gain experience so they could continue the legacy.

      Now it is time for you to create something that will create generational wealth so that

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