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       In the late '60's my family lived in Louisville, Kentucky. This was when the Holy Spirit fell on the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary Campus and students began receiving the fullness of the Spirit with biblical gifts. Many homes became the centers for prayer meetings just as in the early church and as such, our home was one. Soon we found ourselves entertaining people from all denominations who were hungry to explore answered prayer and miracles.


       One meeting night a gentleman whom we will fictitiously call "Chuck", showed up. As he sat down in the huge circle of chairs he introduced himself and said, "I'm not here to pray with you or get anything. I belong to a large world wide club of people who are communicating with UFO's. They are telling us that we are in the End Times and there will be people who are praying in tongues. I'm here strictly to find out about that." (I noticed people rather wide-eyed, trying to keep straight faces and grab for tin foil hats.) However, they were kind and polite whenever Chuck attended. He offered me a book to read, written by an Air Force colonel stationed at White Sands Proving Grounds who had claimed to have ridden in one in a space of minutes from NM to New York City. I reciprocated by giving him John Sherrill's book, " They Speak With Other Tongues."

       As I read the Colonel's account I actually believed his testimony of what happened to him; however, some of the things they conveyed to him telepathically were seriously suspect. They said they had been here long before mankind, that they were "watching over us now", that they were not in the ships down here, but were in the heavens in "Mother Ships", that the star of Bethlehem was actually a UFO, (I really choked on that one!) I became extremely worried about what I might be swayed by and prayed earnestly for an answer to what the UFO's actually were.

      I led a women's Bible study one afternoon a week and people brought me all kinds of books, pamphlets and tracts which I rather ungraciously threw into one of the buffet drawers in my dining room. After praying I clearly got directions to "look through the top drawer and read a tract called "The Devil And His Angels" As I myself was a fairly new Christian this was a grand slam eye-opener for me. I learned that satan had been a beautiful angel by the name of Lucifer who had led worship in heaven. He rebelled against God and was cast out of heaven to earth. (Whoops! Wasn't that what the UFO's had told the Communication people that they had been here living on earth before us?) The tract also said satan had taken 1/3 of the angels with him and that these were the fallen angels and were therefore the demons . (My toes began curling over what might be in our midst.) I shared these new concerns with the prayer group, of course. However, coincidence or not this occurred on a night that Chuck did not attend.


       The next meeting night Chuck did attend he said that the President of Communications, Inc. was requesting that he ask me if he could meet with me. Chuck had already filled me in on the fact that their meetings progressed in this manner. Thomas, the President (fictitious name) would stand in front of their group and as he would "get messages" he would dictate them into a tape recorder for transcription. At this point in time I believed that he was actually "channeling" and getting his information from a demonic source much as one does from divination. To be perfectly honest the idea of meeting with this man seriously frightened me! But after much prayer and consultation with members of the prayer group I felt I was supposed to meet with him with Chuck present. I felt it should be on my "turf" so I got back with Chuck and invited them to my home for lunch. Both men worked for G.E. at Appliance Park so I invited them for tuna sandwiches for a quick lunch on their lunch hour. The prayer group promised to be in prayer for my protection and leadership through this period of time. Mitzi H., and her husband lived across the river in Jeffersonville, Indiana and their home hosted prayer meetings on an alternative night from ours. As Mitzi was a close prayer partner she pledged to keep driving around my block praying the whole time they were in my home.


       As they entered my front door and Chuck introduced Thomas I reached out to shake hands with him. As he touched my hand he yelled, "Ouch!". The touch had burned his hand and he dropped mine immediately. (I have to confess this actually gave me a boatload of courage.) At the luncheon table Thomas asked me how I felt when I spoke in tongues. I had to tell him that I had never spoken in tongues as that was a message to the church that was always accompanied by interpretation. However, I told him, I prayed in tongues and that I didn't feel any different at all. He said when the UFO's were communicating through him his mouth felt "frozen" around it. As our conversation progressed I became aware that for every question he asked, the Lord seemed to have scripture on tap for me to quote. Eventually I asked him what the UFO's were telling them about Jesus. "Oh...He was a wonderful prophet," he said.


       "Not the Son of God? Not divine?"

       "Oh no. A prophet like Mohammad." That wrapped it up for me. This was definitely anti-Christ.


       Shortly after they returned to G.E. I got a pay phone call from Chuck. "Sandy," he said, "I will never ever go to a meeting of Communication, Inc. again! Sitting across that table from you both it was like watching satan and Jesus, or a disciple having an argument."


       This phone conversation was quickly followed by another. Mitzi called to see what had happened and asked if she could stop driving and come in. I poured her a cup of coffee and had to relate everything that had happened, plus Chuck's call saying he would never attend another meeting.


       After a time she felt she should get back home as her kids would be coming home from school. She called me later to report as she drove toward her neighborhood she was confronted by yellow police tape and many police cars. There had been a UFO hovering over her home for almost a half hour. Her children, in the house, had called the police! I was sorry that they had picked on Mitzi, but grateful that I have never seen one myself. But I know where they come from!

      Further information: Revelation 12

      7 Then war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. 8 But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven. 9 The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.

      — Revelation 12:7–10 (NIV)


       Read on......



      To my children: Eric; Lisa; Kurt; and his twin brother Kent, who must have been standing close to Jesus, whispering pleas of help in the Lord's ear as the work progressed.

      3 John 1:4 "I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth." (NIV)


      Few authors have the rare privilege of having an extremely well-qualified research team at their very fingertips; however, I have had this good fortune in writing BEWARE THE COUNTERFEIT RAPTURE!



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