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Manage your dream

      Your opportunities are endless

      Vlad Rekovski

      Feedback with the author is available at vladrekovski.com

      Translator Maxim Snegirev

      Editor Vladimir Volkov

      Photograph Vlad Rekovski

      Illustrator Evgeniya Titeneva

      Illustrator Nadezhda Yakovleva

      Design/ concept of the cover Vlad Rekovski

      © Vlad Rekovski, 2021

      ISBN 978-5-0053-4015-3

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system

      About the book

      Doctor of Philosophy,

      Professor Vladimir Volkov:

      Why do some people write books? Why do they suddenly decide to write some lyrics? What drives them? Writing a book is hard work, and not always success accompanies a writer. But thanks to this work, a person can create different worlds, immerse himself in them, get the opportunity to recreate the past, comprehend the present, and predict the future. He can connect fragments of thoughts, impressions, experiences into holistic images, reasoning, logical schemes, theoretical constructions, deduce new knowledge, create new, unusual, unknown from the old. In other words, a person does not just exist, he changes the world in which he lives, a person is not just present in him, but is the most important creative component of this world. The world can be understood and changed only through a person, through his actions. In addition, a book is not just a collection of words, sentences, a story, but also a thought, memory; it is a mechanism by which a person creates himself as a person, rises above himself. By reading the book, we create ourselves as spiritual, cultural beings. The author plays an important role in this process: he creates a tool out of nothingness, relying on which he overcomes what previously seemed insurmountable, creates in himself what he did not suspect before. In other words, he can pull himself out of the swamp by the hair, like Baron Munchausen. And we, reading its text, can do the same work, but moving on our own.

      The book by Vlad Rekovski is a multifaceted text. We are dealing with his personal history, the history of the country, world history, we are entering the world of science, esotericism, Eastern philosophy, symbols and myths. We get to know a person who makes himself (self-made man). Quite often people refer to circumstances, go with the flow, do not show any initiative, are afraid to stand out, take risks, choose their own unusual way of self-determination, work, rest, communication. The author shows with life examples how you can get out of the rut, go beyond what is strictly prescribed by custom, tradition, ritual. How to find yourself? How not to dissolve in the crowd, in the mass, not to waste time on empty, petty, wasteful? How to take care of your body and your spirit? Even in antiquity, the ideal of kalokagaty, harmony of soul and body, arose. But how to develop in oneself those abilities that are inherent in nature, and to find in oneself that which does not depend on nature, but depends only on oneself? How to build up bodily and spiritual muscles? How not to get sick, do many things at the same time, develop in different directions – physical, moral, aesthetic, intellectual? Clear and detailed answers to all these questions can be found in the book. Of course, they do not represent absolute truths at all times. Rather, these are reflections that allow us to enter into a dialogue, into a conversation, to clarify something important and significant for ourselves.

      The social environment in which we live often provides almost no favorable conditions for a good start. There are no role models, no good teachers, no books, no friends. But even in these conditions, you can make serious breakthroughs, engaging in self-education and go beyond your limits. Moreover, we often see that a person who seemed to have had everything in childhood does not use these opportunities, but remains somewhere on the sidelines, does not want to strain, work on himself, take care of himself, about his development.

      The author does not impose his position, his point of view on anyone. He proposes a methodology and thus says: “do as I do, and you will come to a positive result”, “try, and you can avoid the routine in which you are now immersed”, “dare, and you will become a completely different person”, “believe in yourself, in your strengths, in your capabilities, and you will overcome any difficulties and obstacles”.

      One of the most important sections of the book is devoted to reflections on the secrets of consciousness. How are consciousness and subconsciousness connected, what are our emotions, perceptions, sensations, will, motives, beliefs? Vlad has to turn to psychology, and to anthropology, and to philosophy, and even to esotericism, in order to try to reveal some of the secrets associated with this far from yet known sphere of ideal reality. How are material and spiritual, matter and consciousness, substance and energy related to each other? We get acquainted with the author’s version, with the author’s understanding of these difficult problems. Science still does not have clear and convincing answers to these questions. There are only various hypotheses, versions, possible options. It is possible and necessary to reflect on this topic. And Vlad Rekovski’s book allows us to move forward in this direction.

      Another layer of thinking is related to history. History is a memory of the past. This is a connection between generations, a connection with people who no longer exist. Recreation of these connections allows you to preserve continuity, because the past remains to live in the present, but in a new, transformed form. We are children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren of those who once lived here. And they live in us as long as we remember them. We all come from childhood. It leaves an indelible mark on our life. Any events, meetings, changes are reflected in our destiny, make us either act or do nothing. There are various options for action, and the choice of one of the options closes the opportunity to go down a other path, become other, have a other biography. All this determines the unpredictability and freedom of our existence. By the example of his life, the author shows that his choice was often completely unusual. He started from scratch and performed seemingly absurd acts. Sometimes this led to serious losses and collapse, sometimes – to overwhelming success and prosperity. The very ability to take risks, put everything on the line, start all over again, achieve success from scratch is a sign of a strong and whole personality.

      Vlad Rekovski is convinced that in this complex and contradictory world there are enduring values – family, children, wife, friends, favorite work, favorite hobbies. Around all this, first of all, the core of our life world is built. We can be located anywhere in the world. But your native home should always be, in which you are cozy and comfortable, in which you are always very much expected, where they remember and worry about you. Our flights from one country to another, work in different countries, hotels, trains, airplanes, conversations in different languages, life among different nations, acquaintance with various cultural traditions, customs, communication with people who are completely different from us – all this it enriches us, develops, makes it possible to understand what we would never understand if we lived in only one place. Thanks to this book, we can get acquainted with the customs and characteristics of the mental state of Russians, Germans, Indians, people from various social strata – workers, intellectuals, businessmen.

      Book “Manage Your Dream!” – not a dry scientific treatise. It is rather an essay genre, a work of fiction. This, of course, is not a novel, but the author certainly has an artistic gift. Using words, but not colors, he creates wonderful images of the nature of Russia, Germany, India, majestic pictures of the Ural landscape, mountains, lakes, rivers, taiga. All this gives rise to unforgettable impressions, delivers great aesthetic pleasure. Thought is expressed easily, figuratively, it is saturated with epithets, love for the word. One feels that the author is a romantic at heart. It is no coincidence that he is fond of playing the guitar, loves to sing, create something beautiful. He even built a house with his own hands, not just in order to have a roof over his head, but above all in order to admire him.

      I am very glad that another one appeared in the community of writers – the original, talented writer Vlad Rekovski. I am sure he will write many more good books. We are waiting for

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