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      poems, volume II

      cyril ioutsen





      I say








      Photograph anna lenina

      © cyril ioutsen, 2021

      © anna lenina, photos, 2021

      ISBN 978-5-0053-2054-4 (т. 2)

      ISBN 978-5-0053-2049-0

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system


      “after the concert…”

      after the concert

               a symphony

               of ringtones

      “after the music…”

      after the music

      silence is still

      catching up

      “always cheerful…”

      always cheerful

      bank manager

      another loan

      “another death…”

      another death

      a dried flower

               on a grave

      “another year…”

      another year

      they call it


      “art & craft…”

      art & craft

      the line

      in a poem

      gets fixed

      “         ashes…”


      to the wind

      to be


      “at the end…”

      at the end

      at peace

      at last

      “at the start…”

      at the start


      at the end


      floating world

      “at a station…”

      at a station

      a lone train

      – yet full




      that come

               to mind

      “back from…”

      back from

      the burnt

      the ashes

      “         between…”


      then and now


      “between trains…”

      between trains

               neither has

               arrived yet




      in email







      one book

      warm to

      the touch




      but the sign

      “burning history…”

      burning history


      in a fireplace

      “         bus drives on…”

               bus drives on

      another afternoon

               left in the past

      “but a gap…”

      but a gap



      yet huge




      as days

      add up

      “a calendar…”

      a calendar

      all the days

      that might

      never come



      and flowers

      both smell


      “cat in the mirror…”

      cat in the mirror

      calm knowing

      it is still there





               on eBay




      to go but


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