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Brown, Obama is essentially arguing that “clean energy would keep us competitive—‘as long as countries like China keep going all-in on clean energy, so must we’ . . . Immigration reform will ‘harness the talents and ingenuity of striving, hopeful immigrants’ and attract ‘the highly skilled entrepreneurs and engineers that will help create jobs and grow our economy.’ Economic growth would also result ‘when our wives, mothers and daughters can live their lives free from discrimination . . . and . . . fear of domestic violence.’”60 At the level of Obama’s rhetoric, the fight for equality and justice is not an end itself, but rather a means to achieve the end of economic growth and competitiveness.

      If Obama’s speeches disclose the manner in which progressive ideals are often couched in and motivated by the neoliberal values of economic growth and competitive advantage, the presidency of Trump depicts a scene of the near wholesale co-optation of democracy and the state by neoliberalism. The election of a businessman with no political experience and little knowledge of the US Constitution, democratic norms and procedures, and judicial principles reveals the extent to which neoliberalism has captured the political rationality of citizens and recast the function of the state in primarily economic terms.

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