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“Nothing really bad,” he amended, giving her a speaking look.

      “Menial tasks are not part of my job description, sir,” she reminded him. She smiled.

      “Making decent coffee isn’t menial.” He sighed.

      “That depends on your definition,” she retorted.

      “You shoot real good,” Markie told the tall man. He was looking pointedly at the bulge under Jon’s jacket. “You got a gun.”

      “That’s right,” Jon told him. “I work for the FBI.”

      “I know. Mom talks about you all the time.”

      “We should go,” Joceline said, a little flushed. “Thanks again,” she added. “I’ll see you Monday, sir.”

      “Mommy …” Markie protested as she rushed him out the door.

      Mac had been listening. He glanced at his brother. “Talks about you all the time, huh?”

      “I’m sure he meant in a work-related way,” Jon said stiffly. “Joceline has worked for the agency for several years.”

      “So have you.”

      Jon glared at his older brother. “She works for me. Period.”

      Mac pursed his lips, but he didn’t reply. He just chuckled and went back to the table where Winnie was waiting for him.

      JON WAS OUT of humor when he walked into the office Monday morning. Joceline was still putting away her jacket and purse, having only just beaten him to work.

      “You’re late,” he muttered.

      She pointed to the clock over her desk. She was absolutely on time. It was eight on the dot.

      He shrugged and went into his office to see what he had on his day planner. The phone rang while he was searching it.

      His intercom buzzed. “Yes?” he replied.

      There was a pause. “It’s for you, sir. A Mr. Harold Monroe.” She said the name pointedly.

      He frowned and picked up the phone. “Blackhawk,” he said.

      “Hiya,” he replied. “Remember me? I’m out now waiting for a new trial. I’ll beat that trafficking charge. I got a great lawyer.”

      “Congratulations,” Jon said. “I’ll send over balloons.”

      There was a pause. “Balloons?”

      “For the celebration.”

      “Cele … oh. Oh! Ha ha ha.”

      “Was there something else?”

      “No, nothing else. I just wanted you to know I was out.”

      “Thank you.”

      Another pause. “You made a mistake.”

      “Did I?”

      “Yeah. You want to be careful. My family gets even with people who hurt it. Always. I’ll be seeing you, Agent Blackhawk.”

      He hung up.

      Jon stared at the receiver before he replaced it. “It takes all kinds,” he muttered.

      He was on his way out the door when Joceline called to him.

      “Rick Marquez wants you to stop by his office while you’re out,” she told him. “He says it’s important.”

      “What is it about?” Jon asked, turning.

      She put a finger to her forehead and closed her eyes. “I see mountains. Trees. Birds flying.” She opened her eyes. “However, not being psychic, I have no idea.”

      “He didn’t say?”

      “Apparently not.” She smiled vacantly. She cocked her head. “Would you like to know what the new skirt length is out of the Milan fashion shows …? Sir, it’s not polite to turn your back on people who are talking to you!” she called after him.

      “One day I’ll strangle her,” Jon muttered to Rick Marquez while they were sitting at the detective’s desk, drinking coffee. He’d just related Joceline’s latest verbal coup.

      Marquez chuckled. “You’d never replace her,” he commented. “I’ve seen paralegals come and go. Joceline is in a class all her own.”

      “I know.” The other man sighed. “I wouldn’t have half my cases solved without her. She can dig out information that I can’t get. I have no idea how she pulls it off, either.”

      “She’s psychic,” Marquez said with big eyes.

      “She is not. She’s just very good with a telephone, and she can talk people into telling her things that they don’t want to.”

      “She’s a paralegal. Why isn’t she working for a judge or at least a firm of attorneys?” Marquez asked with a curious frown.

      “She started out as legal secretary to a firm of attorneys. But the senior partner retired, several more attorneys joined the firm and she was doing the work of three paralegals with the pay of one,” Jon said. “We got her as a result. It was a good thing that Garon Grier didn’t have her put on the rack when he started work at the office,” he added thoughtfully.

      Marquez burst out laughing. “What?”

      “He was used to female workers making coffee for him. Joceline doesn’t do menial tasks. Or what she considers menial tasks.”

      “Our administrative assistants make coffee,” Rick said smugly. “Good coffee,” he emphasized with a pointed look at Jon.

      Jon sighed. “None of us can make drinkable coffee. On a bright note, our potted palm seems to thrive on caffeine.”

      “Excuse me?”

      “Everybody dumps their coffee into it when we aren’t looking.” He chuckled.

      Marquez sighed. “Oh, the adventure of working at a federal office.”

      “At least we have decent expense accounts,” he replied. “We don’t have to have a receipt for a cup of ice.”

      Marquez made a face. “It was a very hot day and our air conditioner wasn’t working.”

      “You’re from Mexico originally, and you live in southern Texas. You should be used to the heat,” Jon commented.

      “Yeah. Go figure.” Marquez wasn’t comfortable talking about his childhood. In fact, nobody except his adoptive mother, Barbara, in Jacobsville, even knew what his background was. And neither he nor Barbara knew the whole truth, but they were trying to find it. However, he had no plans to share that news with his visitor, even though he liked and respected the FBI agent.

      “I didn’t mean to offend,” Jon said, sensitive to the expression that flashed just briefly across the other man’s face. “I know about racial issues. You might have noticed that my ancestry includes feathered headdresses and mounted combat.”

      Marquez relaxed, and smiled. “So does mine, actually. One of my forebears was Comanche.”

      “Really? So was one of mine,” he replied.

      “No kidding? Small world.”

      “My mother has Cherokee, my father was full-blooded Lakota,” Jon said.

      Marquez’s eyebrows arched. “Cherokees come from back East originally.”

      “Yes, they were relocated on the ‘Trail of Tears.’ Cherokees were rounded up in 1838 and removed to Oklahoma in late 1838 and early 1839, in the winter cold and snow without proper clothing, because of gold discoveries.” He shook his head. “One of my ancestors said that we could never coexist with a materialist culture, because we shared everything and the conquerors wanted to own everything,”

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