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it, Alex, but keep it up. By the time I leave here, I’ll be taking a whole host of enchanting memories with me.”

      His hands stilled for a moment. “Where are you going next?”

      “To a little town on the Rhine in Germany for a month where the last segment of the film will be made.”

      He dusted himself off and got to his feet. “Stand back and let’s see if I’ve done this right.” Pulling a remote from his pocket, he pressed the button. The gate took its time, but it clanged shut.

      “Bravo. Too bad you didn’t get to work on it sooner. It would have kept me out and forced me to phone you for an appointment.”

      Before she could take another breath, he shot her a laserlike glance. “As you’ve already surmised, I didn’t mind the surprise or you wouldn’t be living here.” His comment filled her body with warmth. “But I’ve decided this was necessary to keep out trespassers while the studio is filming every day.” He tossed her the remote. “It’s yours. I have more in the office I’ll give to Paul for anyone who needs one.”

      “Thank you.”

      She felt his gaze linger on her features. “Were you looking for me?”

      Dana sucked in her breath. “No. My father’s on his way over from the hotel. I told him I’d meet him here.”

      As if talking about him conjured him up, a red rental car appeared and came to a halt. Before Alex said anything that would remind her of his parting words last night, she pressed the button on the remote and the gate swung open.

      “Hi, Dad. Drive on through.”

      He nodded his balding head and did her bidding. Once he’d passed through, he stopped the car and got out. Solid, yet lithe, he’d dressed in his favorite gray work slacks and matching crew neck shirt. His blue eyes, several shades darker than hers, gave them both a stare that others might consider fierce, but Dana was used to it.

      “Dad, I’d like you to meet Monsieur Alexandre Martin, the owner of the estate.”

      “Monsieur.” The two men shook hands.

      “Call me Alex. I’ve seen several of your films which I found remarkable. It’s a privilege to meet you.”

      “Thank you. Your English is excellent.”

      “He’s part Australian, Dad.”

      “Ah. That explains the particular nuance I couldn’t identify.”

      “Unlike your accent in English that no one could ever mistake for anything but Svenska,” Dana quipped.

      “Too true.” His hooded gaze darted back and forth between her and Alex before he addressed him. “My daughter has convinced me I won’t be disappointed with this location.”

      Alex eyed her father through veiled eyes. “Why don’t you take a walk down this road alone. The left fork will bring you to the front of the château. The door’s unlocked. Take all the time you want wandering around. I understand you’d rather do the discovering than be herded.”

      Dana’s father looked stunned. That was because Alex had taken his cue from her. Among his many qualities, he’d just shown he was a master psychologist.

      “Hand me the car keys, Dad. I’ll drive it to the front courtyard and join you in a few minutes.”

      His surprised glance switched to her before he dropped them in her hand. After nodding to Alex, he turned and began jogging.

      Once he’d disappeared around the curve in the driveway, she turned to Alex who’d started gathering up his tools. She could tell he was anxious to get back to his pruning. Considering he’d spent all day yesterday and last evening seeing to it she had a bedroom worthy of a princess to sleep in, she didn’t want to be the reason he was kept from his work any longer.

      As soon as she’d climbed in the car, she poked her head out the window. “You handled my father brilliantly, Alex. Congratulations on being one of the few.” The last thing she saw was his dark, enigmatic glance as she started the engine.

       Get going, Dana!

      Afraid if she stayed any longer she’d end up blurting out something incriminating like, did he want help? she followed the driveway while studiously avoiding looking at him through the rearview mirror.

      After pulling up next to her rental car parked in front, she gave her father a few more minutes lead before she got out. This was one time she was so confident of his positive reaction, it shocked her when he suddenly emerged from the château with a face devoid of animation. The look she’d expected to see in his eyes wasn’t there.

      “Follow me back to the Hermitage. We have to talk.”

       Chapter Four

      ALEX was up in one of the tallest trees, cutting away dead branches, when he saw both cars leave the estate. Jan Lofgren couldn’t have been on the premises more than ten minutes. That was quick, but Alex guessed he wasn’t surprised. In less time, Dana had made the decision to rent the estate on behalf of the company.

      His opinion of her father had been correct before meeting him. He personified conceit. Dana miraculously had none.

      Two hours later, Alex was coming back from the landfill after another haul when his cell phone rang. Paul Soleri was calling to make sure he and the crew could get in. They were on their way to the estate.

      The timing couldn’t be better. Once Alex could welcome them and answer any questions, he’d resume his work. The knowledge that Dana would be coming back to sleep after dark never left his mind.

      Before long a car and two minivans pulled up in the front courtyard. Alex stepped out of the château to meet Paul and the dozen light and camera technicians assembled. They all appeared delighted by what they saw. Their enthusiasm escalated as they entered the château.

      After Alex introduced himself and pointed out the location of the bathroom facilities, he told them to look around and explore all they wanted. Except for the petit salon on the main floor and the west turret round on the first floor, everything else was available to them.

      If they wanted to do any filming in the building housing the winepress or down in the wine cellar beneath the château, they were welcome. Already he could tell they were getting ideas as they left the foyer and darted from room to room checking things out.

      Paul, who was probably in his midforties, took him aside. “Has Jan been here yet?”

      “Yes. A few hours ago. He didn’t stay long, then he left with his daughter.”

      The dark blond man pursed his lips. “I’m surprised I haven’t heard from him yet.”

      “Perhaps he was tired from the long flight.”

      “That’s not like him,” he mused. “I assumed he’d be here.”

      “I have to admit I thought it strange he left in such a hurry,” Alex commented.

      “It doesn’t matter.” A pleasant smile broke out on his face. “We’ll go ahead without him.”

      “Make yourself at home, Paul. As I told you over the phone, all the furniture is stored on the third floor. Nothing’s locked. Use whatever you need.”

      He let out a long whistle. “When David gets here, he’ll be floored.”


      “The scriptwriter for this film. He’ll be arriving any minute with the set designer and staff from costumes and makeup. They’re all going to swoon.”

      “And that’s good?”

      “You have no idea. Since Jan wanted something unique

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