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I couldn’t have sprung something like this on her at the last minute and then left. Not that it mattered. Apparently she overheard me and Mum and...and took matters into her own hands.”

      She looked at him then, her gaze steady. “The one thing I did plan was coming to Destiny. To find you and tell you everything. Casey got here first.”

      Liam nodded, certain if he tried to speak right now the words wouldn’t make it past the lump in his throat.

      He tried to mentally piece together the jigsaw puzzle her story created. He believed her, as crazy as it was. He was angry at her parents for what they had done to both of them—all three of them. To keep the true paternity of their grandchild from their daughter because...

      He had no idea why. Other than that they must’ve been dead set against the plans Missy had made all those years ago to move to America. To go to college here. To be with him. Plans he’d stomped all over with his size-twelve boots when he’d announced his plan to rodeo full-time instead of going to the University of Wyoming.

      So where did they go from here?

      “I planned to tell Casey once we were together again. She wasn’t supposed to arrive in the States until Monday, meeting me in LA,” Missy continued. “She, of course, took it upon herself to change all that.”

      “Who was watching Casey while you traveled? Your mother?”

      Missy nodded.

      “I’m guessing she too was in the dark about Casey’s plans.” Liam leaned forward and set his now empty glass down. “Does she know where her granddaughter is now?”

      “Of course. We spoke during my layover. And yes, she had no idea what Casey was up to. She was under the impression she was staying with friends.”

      “You seem pretty calm about all of this—”

      She cut him off with a casual wave of her hand. “Believe me, I’m not.”

      “Really?” There was that cool British reserve again, and it irked him. “Your daughter changes her international flight plans, arrives alone in a foreign country and hitches a ride to Destiny from the airport and you’re just—”

      Her beautiful blue eyes grew wide. “Hitched?”

      “It was just pure luck that I ran into her at the rodeo at all. In time to get her out of what might’ve been a...sticky situation.”

      “I’m not sure what that means, but believe me, I will be discussing my daughter’s actions with her as soon as I see her.” Missy dropped her hand to the tote in her lap. “And answering what I’m sure will be quite a few questions from her about this entire situation. Thankfully, she and I have plenty of time to talk. We’re flying to Hawaii next week for a planned holiday before returning to London next month.”

      Liam’s head spun, his thoughts a jumbled mess of questions, ideas and plans, but her words cut through. “Wait a minute, you mean you were flying to Hawaii.”

      “No, I—”

      “Don’t think you can just show up, drop a bomb about a long-lost daughter and walk away three days later.” Liam’s anger was back and it was hot. He got to his feet again. “I don’t care who got here first.”

      “We have plans.”

      “Plans change.”

      She stood as well, ready to argue, but then a caravan of cars came down the drive. They parked in the nearby lot and his family spilled out into the night. Moments later they were across the yard and heading up the porch, with Casey leading the way.


      Missy’s expression transformed when she saw her daughter, and seconds later they held each other in a tight embrace. When they finally let go, Missy stepped back, running her hands lightly over Casey’s multicolored hair as she looked in her daughter’s eyes. Then she took in the new boots Casey was proudly showing off.

      Watching the two of them, and the private world they created just by being in each other’s company, made Liam’s chest ache. This was supposed to be his daughter, but he’d never felt more like an outsider despite being surrounded by his own family.

      He cleared his throat, catching both of their attention.

      “Missy, I think you probably remember my folks, Alistair and Elise Murphy.” The sooner they got introductions over with, the sooner they could get back to talking about how long she and Casey were sticking around. “Mom and Dad, this is Casey’s mother, Melissa Dobbs.”

      She took his mother’s outstretched hand first and then his father’s. “Yes, of course, I remember you, Mr. and Mrs. Murphy. It’s good to see you again. And please, call me Missy.”

      “Oh, it’s so nice to see you, too, dear,” his mother said, giving her the once-over before sending a wink Liam’s way that he hoped no one else noticed. “We remember you as well. You’ve grown up so nice.”

      “Ah, thank you.”

      “And these are two of my three brothers who live in town.” Liam waved at the men standing nearby. “I’m guessing Adam took Fay and A.J. straight on home?”

      “Only because the baby was fussy. Otherwise they would’ve been here too. Hi, Missy, I’m Nolan Murphy.” Liam’s brother stepped forward and gave her a quick handshake. “Adam’s our oldest brother and the smart one. He doesn’t live here on the compound.” He then pointed at the three teenagers lounging on the steps. “Those hooligans are mine. Abby is sixteen and the twins, Luke and Logan, are thirteen.”

      Missy smiled at the kids and then returned his greeting. “I’m sorry, I don’t remember meeting you before. Or Adam.”

      “That’s because I was living in Boston the year you were here. Adam was serving overseas in the military.”

      After nodding, she then shook hands with Bryant and his wife, Laurie. “Now, you I remember,” she said. “You were a wee freshman when I was here last.”

      “Yeah, that was me.” Bryant grinned. “Devlin is only a year behind Liam, so you must remember him too.”

      “Yes, I do remember Devlin. Popular with the ladies, right?”

      “Oh, that’s our Dev,” Elise said, and then laughed. “Only now he’s a one-woman man and living in London, actually, for the next few months, with his lady love, Tanya. And our youngest, Ric—oh, he must’ve been just six or seven when you were here—is in the air force, stationed in northern Italy.”

      “Well, it’s lovely to meet you all...again...and thank you for taking care of my daughter today. I do appreciate it.”

      “We enjoyed having her with us.” Elise smiled warmly at Casey, waving off Missy’s gratitude. “And we’re looking forward to getting to know her—and you—better during your stay.”

      Missy glanced at her daughter for a moment before her gaze flickered in Liam’s direction. “Well, we’re only in town for a few days,” she said, looking back at his mother. “The weekend. Casey and I have a holiday scheduled—”

      “Mum, are you daft? We can’t go now!” Casey spun around, grabbing her arm. “I just got here. We just got here! There’s so much more I want to see and do!”

      “Casey, we have reservations—”

      “Off the bloody reservations! Everything’s changed now!”

      Liam couldn’t agree more, but from the look on Missy’s face, she wasn’t buying into her daughter’s excitement.

      “Why don’t we head inside and let these three talk this out,” Alistair said, heading for the door with his wife in tow.

      “Are you kidding?” Abby leaned in from her perch on the stairs, flinging her long blond hair back over one shoulder. “This is getting

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