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the missive except him. Would they still censure him if they knew how dangerous Clara could be?

      He swallowed. Was she really that dangerous? She’d worked hard for Lady Ediva, stayed in that solar for more than a day, laboring with her mistress. He had seen no sign that she wished either mother or child to come to any harm.

      Nay, he would not risk Lady Ediva’s life! He plowed back into the bowels of the keep. There, he fumbled with the keys, hating how his hands had begun to shake as he struggled to unlock the door.

      Clara blinked at the sudden light. She stood in the center of the cell, her arms wrapped around her torso as if to keep at bay the filth and fear only the dungeon could create. Kenneth heard the scurry of some unseen creature behind her.

      “Milady has collapsed,” he grated out as he grabbed her upper arm. “I will take you to her, but be warned. If she dies, I will hold you personally responsible, for you’ve made poor decisions so far with new mothers and their babes.”

      As Kenneth dragged Clara through the keep, he heard her call over her shoulder, “I want the broth I ordered when her confinement began. Milady needs the strength in it!” She added to that order herbs, more hot water and water with spirits in it to cleanse the dungeon from her hands.

      “Aye, mistress, we have it all!” a young female voice answered.

      As if only then fully realizing the danger now happening, Clara broke free of Kenneth’s grip and bolted up the stairs.

      All Kenneth could do was race after her, a prayer on his lips.

      As soon as Kenneth learned that all was well with Lady Ediva and the new child, he approached Lord Adrien in his private chamber. The Baron of Dunmow had left his wife to sleep. “Milord, we need to speak.”

      Kenneth swallowed. He needed to confess his part in how Clara had disappeared so soon after Ediva had delivered, then suddenly reappeared when milady needed her help.

      “Hmm?” Distracted, Lord Adrien looked up from his mindless task. He held his oiling cloth in his shaking hand. ’Twas the job of that young squire, Harry, to oil and care for Lord Adrien’s chain mail, but Kenneth knew the baron took pride in keeping his own armor in order. Mayhap something to keep himself busy?

      The man looked tired, as if battle worn, and Kenneth set aside his confession for the time being. “Come, my lord. Let’s get you some refreshment. You have stayed up as long as Lady Ediva has. She’s resting, as you should be also.” Kenneth took charge and stepped out into the corridor to order Harry to provide some food and drink.

      Watching the young squire dash off, he could hear the sounds of supper preparation. ’Twas late in the day, and the evening meal had been delayed until word came down from the solar that mother and babe were safe from the dangers of delivery for the time being. Though his stomach growled, Kenneth ignored his hunger and returned to Adrien’s chamber. The pallet bed Adrien had used when he first arrived was shoved into one corner, its original space now occupied by a large desk and several chairs, a wardrobe and several trunks. Dropping his oiling cloth on the desk, Adrien leaned back heavily in his seat. The meal came, and Kenneth encouraged his baron to eat.

      Adrien looked up and blew out a sigh. “My thanks to you, Sergeant. Your quick actions saved Lady Ediva.”

      Kenneth straightened. “Nay,” he admitted tightly. “Clara saved her, milord. I merely retrieved her. I had—”

      Adrien carried on as if he hadn’t heard Kenneth. “Ediva was doing fine, smiling, feeding the babe, and suddenly, she paled and fell back onto the pillows. Our son nearly rolled off the bed when she went limp. Margaret caught him just in time. I don’t know what would have happened if Clara hadn’t returned so soon.” He straightened quickly. “She stepped out of the chamber after the delivery. Where did she go?”

      Kenneth swallowed. “I sent her to the jail below the stairs.”

      Lord Adrien’s brows shot up. “The dungeon? You threw her in the dungeon? What did she do wrong?”

      Kenneth pulled the missive from the pocket of his surcoat. Adrien took it. Standing, he read aloud,

      Dear brother, I greet you in the name of our Lord and pray for your health. My new and dear wife does well in her pregnancy and I enjoy each day with her. I hope Ediva is also fine.

      But this is not a social letter. Only today have I discovered the true reason for the offer of Clara, the midwife, to you, by my guild masters, when I asked for someone to replace yours. Though I had sensed Clara’s reluctance to leave Colchester, I assumed ’twas due to nervousness on her part. She was, after all, moving by herself to an unknown place to fill a position vacated by a death. Now I suspect she had no wish to leave but was given no other recourse by those in town.

      However, the reason the guild masters recommended her is enough for me to write this letter. It began last year when Taurin, Duke of Evreux, took a mistress, a destitute farm girl whom he purchased as a slave from her parents shortly after arriving in England, because his wife is barren. The slave girl conceived, and in her seventh month of pregnancy she fled Lord Taurin’s grasp. I am told that she made her way to Colchester. Clara took care of the woman and eventually assisted as she delivered a boy. The child was born two months ago. Clara kept the mother and child in her home.

      Shortly after the child was born, while I was in London at King William’s request, some of Lord Taurin’s men arrived here to search for the mother and son. They went to my sergeant at arms, who refused to assist them in their search, for they came without writ or summons. These men eventually approached the guild masters, who retrieved Clara, but by this time, she had hidden mother and child and refused to reveal where they were.

      After that, my sergeant forced Taurin’s troops to leave empty-handed.

      When I returned, your request for a midwife was waiting for me and I sought out the advice of the guild masters, who immediately offered Clara, so I sent her right away. You must understand that I had not yet been debriefed by my sergeant.

      Later, when Clara’s younger sister was discovered living alone in Clara’s old house, I investigated this matter more fully and discovered the real reason why the guild masters had recommended Clara. Fearing Taurin himself would come to Colchester with more troops and the king’s summons, the guild masters sought to thrust their problem onto you and your village.

      I will deal with the guild masters and their trickery myself, but I cannot guarantee anyone’s safety should Lord Taurin come for his mistress. I can, however, warn you of Clara’s dangerous secret and stubborn character. I trust you will act wisely when dealing with her. She will bring only trouble for you and the people under your protection if she doesn’t reveal the mother and babe’s location.

      But, as you probably have realized now, dear brother, I am also sending you Clara’s younger sister. The guild masters suspect that this girl, Brindi, may know where the slave is hidden. I cannot say whether that is true—she refused to answer the question when it was put to her. Regardless, she cannot be allowed to live here alone, nor can she be returned to her aged mother.

      Be careful, Adrien. Taurin is not to be trifled with. He is as crafty as the guild masters here are. Be cautious dealing with him and with your midwife.

      Your brother in blood and in Christ,


      Adrien looked up at Kenneth. “Her sister is here? How old is this girl?”

      “She’s about ten years of age,” Kenneth answered as he folded his arms. “After Clara returned to Lady Ediva, I found her in the bailey and sent her to the kitchen. The cook can always use an extra set of hands, though I did not see the girl there later.”

      “Such trickery.” Adrien inhaled deeply, then sighed. “Should Lord Taurin arrive here, I want to be ready for him.”


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