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she had no intention of following, he’d left a minder behind to ensure she obeyed his command.

      The chatter was rising. Curious looks and pointing fingers were aimed at her as she scrambled to find a way around her dilemma.

      Stay here and deal with the gossip-hungry pack, or go outside and deal with the even more dangerous predator who had made every nerve in her body zing to life?

       ‘Oh, my God, did you actually see him?’

       ‘He’s like...a god!’

       ‘I could actually drop dead from how drop-dead gorgeous he is!’

      ‘Who is she, anyway?’

      That last question propelled her feet forward, fuelled by the distinct impression that the bodyguard wasn’t above physically bundling her up and delivering her to his master.

      Outside, the sleekest, shiniest black limousine idled at the kerb. The shiver that lanced through her when she spotted it had nothing to do with the chilled late-March air.

      As she drew closer the driver, standing to attention, swung the back door open.

      The interior light was off, so all Maddie saw with the aid of the streetlights were long, trouser-clad masculine legs and polished shoes.

      ‘Get in, Miss Myers.’ The instruction was deep, resolute and throbbed with impatience.

      She was a few dozen yards from Soho’s bustling main street. Her legs were strong enough to outrun the bodyguards...

      ‘Take my advice and don’t bother.’ The suggestion was an arrogant drawl, wrapped in steel.

      With every fibre of her being Maddie wanted to refuse. But she knew it would be futile. Whoever he was, unmistakable power and authority oozed from him. Plus, his bodyguards were in prime condition.

      So, with a snatched breath, she climbed in. The earlier she got this over and done with, the quicker she could go home, she told herself. She needed to be at work in a few short hours.

      The moment she slid into the car, the door shut behind her.

      For tense seconds she withstood those eerie eyes glinting at her, withstood the need to glance at him and pretended interest in the luxury interior and the long, soft leather bench seat. But inevitably her gaze was drawn to him, like an unwitting moth to a flame. Again his gaze dropped to her mouth before rising to meet hers, leaving her shaky and tingling all over again.

       Enough of this.

      ‘Who are you and how do you know who I am?’ she demanded, when it became clear he was just going to stare at her with those electric eyes.

      The question seemed to startle him. Then his head went back in a manner that could only be termed exceptionally regal.

      ‘My name is Remirez Alexander Montegova, Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Montegova. I know who you are because I have an excellent team of private investigators who make it their job to furnish me with that kind of information. Now you will tell me how much it will take for you walk away from my brother.’


      YOUR BROTHER?’ MADDIE cringed at the squeak in her voice.

      ‘Technically, half-brother. We share the same father.’ His voice was coated in dark ice.

      She shook her head, confused. ‘But...but his name is Jules Montagne. And he’s French.’

      Whereas this man’s accent was an enthralling mix of Italian, French and Spanish.

      Crown Prince Remirez...oh, my God...shrugged one rugged shoulder. ‘He’s French on his mother’s side. And the name he uses is a ruse, I suspect, to throw people off the scent.’

      ‘Off the scent of what?’ she asked, grappling with the alarming disclosure and the fact that everything about the man lounging like a resting panther finally made sense. As did the fact that the resemblance she’d noted was to Jules.

      He remained silent, then a tiny interior light was illuminated above his head. Once again he was bathed in golden light. He seemed even larger against the dark backdrop of the car, his jet-black hair glinting, the shoulders beneath his bespoke suit broader and even more imposing.

      ‘Off the scent of his true identity. Off the scent of gold-diggers, con artists and hangers-on,’ he replied with icy-cold condemnation.

      There was little doubt the accusation was aimed at her. And it deeply irked Maddie that even that couldn’t stop her body’s hyper-awareness of him. Couldn’t stop her noticing her clammy hands or the elevated temperature between her thighs.

      ‘Right. I see.’

      ‘I’m sure you do,’ he replied wryly.

      She leaned closer to the window and flinched as her arm protested. She dragged her gaze from the view of Waterloo Bridge. ‘Where are you taking me?’

      ‘Where I said I would deliver you. To your home,’ he answered simply. ‘What’s wrong with your arm?’

      ‘Excuse me?’

      His gaze dropped.

      She followed it and realised she was rubbing her lower arm. She hastily dropped her hand. ‘Nothing. I’m fine. You know where I live?’

      His gaze stayed on her arm for another handful of seconds before he replied, ‘Yes. I also know where you work, where you went to school and who your dentist is.’

      Apprehension fizzled inside her. ‘Is that some sort of threat?’

      ‘I’ve merely armed myself with knowledge. After all, it is power, is it not? Did you not get into this car to do the same?’

      ‘I got into this car because you sent your supersized bodyguard after me.’

      ‘He didn’t touch you.’ The finality behind the words indicated she hadn’t been touched because he’d wished it to be so.

      She forced a laugh, despite the surge of energy thrumming through her belly. ‘Oh, wow, I’ll consider myself lucky, then.’

      He knew everything about her. Did he know about her father? Her mother? Greg? Was he aware of the shameful secret that dogged her every wakeful moment and followed her into her nightmares?

      ‘You haven’t answered my question,’ he said.

      She swallowed the pulse of anger in her throat. ‘And I’m not going to. It’s insulting. I don’t know you from Adam and yet you think you can just throw money at me and I’ll do your bidding?’

      He didn’t respond immediately. Not until the limo stopped at a set of traffic lights a mile from her flat. ‘I haven’t done any throwing since you haven’t given me your price. How long have you known Jules?’

      Unease ramped up the vibrations in her belly. ‘I don’t see how that’s relevant—’

      ‘You’ve known him a little over a week. You’ve been out with him almost every night and yet you’ve never returned to his apartment with him.’

      The depth of his knowledge sent a sheet of ice gliding over her skin. ‘That doesn’t mean anything.’

      ‘On the contrary, that leads me to conclude you’re holding out for something. What is it, Miss Myers?’

      She smiled. ‘Sex, drugs and rock and roll—what else?’

      Her dripping sarcasm went straight over his head as he threw a disdainful glance out of the window.

      ‘Jules wouldn’t be caught dead in this neighbourhood. So, unless you’ve been copulating somewhere other than his apartment,

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