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Pumpkin Patch birthnight party sounds super fun!’ said Tangine. ‘I know Pumpy will love it!’

      Pumpy, Tangine’s own genetically modified pet pumpkin, tried to roll over, but fell asleep halfway through the roll.

      ‘Although, I’ve recently discovered Pumpy suffers from Chronic-Upside-Down-Sleep-Syndrome . . .’ said Tangine, giving Pumpy a nudge so that he was upright once


      The huge pumpkin flexed his six-pack

      and PA-DOOFED once into Tangine’s

      arms, causing the prince to fall backwards.

      ‘PRINCE DOWN!’ yelled Florence as

      Tangine groaned.

      Amelia tried to smile but couldn’t quite

      manage it.

      ‘You seem sad, Amelia,’ said Grimaldi.

      ‘What’s up?’

      ‘Me and Mum had a bit of an argument,’

      sighed Amelia. ‘I told her I didn’t want to play

      the organ this week so that I could finish

      Squashy’s costume – and read more Positively

      Pumpkin. And she got really cross. I just don’t

      think I can be the perfect vampiress she wants

      me to be.’

      ‘THAT’S TOO BAD,’ said Florence, putting

      a big hairy arm around Amelia’s shoulders.



      She yawned.

      Amelia and her friends were all feeling a

      little tired after the big Petrifying Palace

       Parade a few nights before, where everyone

      had celebrated the Kingdom of the Dark and

       the Kingdom of the Light becoming friends.

      After many years of being completely

      terrified of the other, Creatures of the Light

       and the Dark could now live alongside each

      other in peace, since the evil Alpha Unicorn

       had been defeated by Amelia and her friends.

      Along with a group of mighty unicorn lords,

       Alpha Unicorn had been spreading false and

      scary rumours about the creatures from each

       kingdom to keep them divided. But thanks to

      Amelia and the gang, everyone was now free

       to roam wherever they pleased. Things were

      better than ever, and the Creatures of the

       Dark now accepted the wonders of glitter;

      once the stuff of utter DAYMARES!

      The parade had been a LOT of fun,

      but after much dancing, singing and pumpkin

      juggling, Amelia and her friends could have

      done with a little bit more sleep.

      From across the graveyard came the rattling

      sound of the Catacomb Academy welcome


      ‘C’MON, FANG,’ said Florence to Amelia

      affectionately. ‘I’M SURE A BIT OF BORING


      Amelia couldn’t help but chuckle. ‘Squashy,

      you can stay out here in the graveyard and

      play with Pumpy while we’re at school.’ She

      gave the little pumpkin a pat on the stalk.

      Squashy pa-doinged once and blew a

      raspberry at Pumpy. Pumpy responded by

      puffing his six-pack chest out at Squashy.

      ‘You two need to learn to be friends,’ Amelia

      said kindly. ‘I hope you are by the time

      school finishes.’

      Amelia would usually sneak Squashy into

      class with her, but she felt having a pumpkin buddy would be good for him. It didn’t stop her from missing Squashy every second they were apart, though. Luckily, Amelia had lots of new school subjects to focus on and keep

       her mind occupied.

      Since the Kingdom of the Dark and the Kingdom of the Light had become friends, Catacomb Academy had introduced a variety of new Kingdom of the Light themed lessons, to educate the Creatures of the Dark. Alongside Pumpkinology and Slime Skills, Amelia and her friends now also studied


      Angel-Kitten Singing, Cloud Crafts, Glitterology

      and History of the Bug Blossoms.

      ‘Good evening, class,’ said the headmistress,

      Miss Inspine, as the students settled on to their

      plinths. ‘Firstly, I’d like to welcome the fairy

      exchange students from the Kingdom of the

      Light. I appreciate you may be a little sleepy

      while you get used to the time difference,’ said

      Miss Inspine, addressing the fairies.

      Five fairies of varying sizes waved shyly

      from the back of the classroom, not looking

      remotely alarmed that their new headmistress

      was a skeleton. One teeny weeny fairy with a


      puffy dress had fallen asleep

      inside a test tube and was

      snoring loudly.

      ‘Now class, you may remember I asked

      you all to put together a presentation on a

      subject of your choosing, to introduce

      our visitors to the Kingdom of the

      Dark,’ Miss Inspine continued.

      ‘Tangine, I believe you’re up

      first – what is the title of your


      Tangine stood up and

      strutted to the front of the


      ‘May I present to

      you, MY LIFE . . . IN

      SONG,’ said Tangine

      straightening his bow tie.

      Amelia, Florence and

      Grimaldi looked at each


      other wide-eyed, trying not to laugh.

      ‘Um . . .’ began Miss Inspine. But before she could continue, Tangine bellowed:


      ‘Oh, he’s actually doing this . . .’ said

       Amelia, a little surprised. She’d never heard

      Tangine attempt to sing before.


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