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him. Their feelings weren’t simple or uncomplicated, although he hadn’t deciphered the full extent of them yet. He did know their kiss had changed them. Changed their relationship.

      He’d been attracted to her from the beginning and was sure she’d felt the same way about him. They’d skirted each other for weeks, both denying the attraction, and then all of a sudden, after that day in Victoria, it was there. Undeniable. Unmistakable. He no longer tried to hide his feelings and she didn’t, either.

      “Where’s Jazmine?” she asked. “In the park?”

      He shook his head. “At home, cooking dinner. Her specialty, she says. I don’t suppose you have any clue what that might be?”

      “You left her alone?” Shana’s eyes widened with alarm. “In the kitchen with the stove on? Adam, she’s only nine! Sometimes that’s hard to remember, but she’s still just a kid.”

      “She seemed perfectly fine,” he said, suddenly deciding Shana was right. “She’s the one who sent me to the store.” He slid out of the booth. “I’ll get back now.”

      Shana sighed, then stretched out one hand and stopped him. “It was good to see you,” she said in a low voice.

      He gave her hand a small squeeze. “You, too. Don’t be late for dinner.”

      “I won’t,” she promised.

      Once again Adam started toward the door, then paused and turned around. “What’s her specialty?”

      Shana grinned. “It’s probably canned chili with grated cheese on top.”

      He dismissed that. “I think it might be more involved. Whatever it is requires a cookbook.”

      Shana’s grin faded. “In that case, you’d better hurry.”

      “I’m on my way.”

      Shana smiled again, and it reminded him—as if he needed reminding—how attracted he was to her. And just when their relationship was beginning to show real promise, he’d be leaving the Seattle area.

      She followed him to the front door. “Any word on that transfer?” she asked.

      If he didn’t know better, he’d think she’d been reading his mind. “Not yet.” It wouldn’t be long, though. Hawaii was a dream assignment. Who wouldn’t want to be stationed there? With its endless miles of white sandy beaches and sunshine, Hawaii had always appealed to him. Yet Seattle, known for its frequent drizzle and gray skies, was of more interest now than the tropical paradise.

      “Did you mention anything about the transfer to Jazmine?” she asked.

      He shook his head. He couldn’t make himself do it.

      “Coward,” she muttered.

      Adam shrugged lightly. “Guilty as charged.”

      Shana glanced at her watch. “I’ll be leaving in about an hour and a half.”

      “Okay, I’ll let Martha Stewart know.” Feeling the need to touch her, he reached for her hand. Even with the restaurant full of customers, they entwined their fingers, and it was a long moment before either of them moved. He felt the urge to take her in his arms and she must have felt the same impulse because she swayed toward him before shaking her head and dropping her hand.

      “I should get back to work and you need to get back to Jazmine,” she said, her voice little more than a whisper.


      “Bye.” Shana gave him a small wave. Adam heard the reluctance in her voice, a reluctance he shared.

      Jazmine met him at the front door, took his bags and banned him from the kitchen. “I can’t be disturbed,” she said grandly.

      Adam turned the television on again and sat with one ankle balanced on his knee, aiming the remote. He couldn’t find anything he wanted to watch. “Need any help in there?” he called out.

      “No, thanks.”

      Five minutes later he repeated the offer.

      This time Jazmine ignored him, but soon afterward, she asked, “Aunt Shana isn’t going to be late, is she?”

      “She’d phone,” Adam said, and hoped she would.

      At three minutes after eight, Shana walked into the house. “I’m home,” she said unnecessarily.

      Adam stood and Jazmine hurried eagerly out of the kitchen. “I hope you’re hungry.”

      “Famished,” she said.

      As if on cue, Adam’s stomach growled.

      With a sweeping gesture of her arm, Jazmine invited them into the kitchen. The table was covered with a tablecloth twice the right size. The cloth brushed the floor, and Adam wondered if she’d used a floral printed sheet. The candles were stuck in empty Coke bottles—apparently she hadn’t found real candle-holders—and were positioned on either side of the roses, which she’d arranged in a glass bowl. The effect was surprisingly artful. There were place settings, including wine goblets, in front of the three chairs.

      “Jazmine!” Shana exclaimed, hugging her niece. “This is absolutely lovely.”

      The nine-year-old blushed at the praise and wiped her hands on her apron. “Uncle Adam helped.”

      “Not much,” Adam protested.

      “We can start now,” she said with authority. “Please light the candles and pour the champagne. I’m having soda in my glass.”

      He bowed slightly. “At your service.”

      “Everyone, sit down,” Jazmine ordered when he’d finished. She gestured toward the table. “I have an appetizer.” Following that announcement, she brought out a bowl of dry Cheerios mixed with peanuts, raisins and pretzels.

      “Excellent,” Shana said, exchanging a look with Adam. They both struggled to maintain their composure.

      “This is only the start,” Jazmine promised, flitting about the kitchen like a parrot on the loose. “I made all our favorites—macaroni and cheese, Tater Tots and salad. Uncle Adam, there’s no tomatoes in your salad and, Aunt Shana, no croutons on yours.”

      Shana’s eyes met Adam’s. “She’s paying attention.”

      “I’ll say.”

      “Plus macaroons for dessert,” Jazmine added proudly.

      “Macaroons?” Adam repeated.

      Jazmine removed the bowl of Cheerios. “Yes, chocolate macaroons. Those are my favorites, so no complaining.”

      It was an odd meal, but Adam had no complaints and neither, apparently, did Shana.

      “We’ll do the dishes,” he said when they’d eaten. The champagne had relaxed him and Shana, too, because they lingered over the last glass while Jazmine moved into the living room.

      “This really was sweet of her,” Shana whispered.

      “Very sweet,” Adam agreed. What happened next, he blamed on the champagne. Before he could question the wisdom of it, he leaned close to Shana, intending to kiss her.

      She could’ve stopped him, but didn’t. Instead she shut her eyes and leaned toward him, too. The kiss was every bit as good as their first one. No, it was better, Adam decided. In fact, her kisses could fast become addictive—a risk he’d just have to take. He brought his chair closer to Shana’s and she gripped his shirt collar as they kissed again.

      She pulled away sometime later and pressed her forehead against his. It took him a moment to find his focus. He savored having her close, enjoyed her scent and the way she felt. Jazmine might see them, but he didn’t care as long as Shana didn’t—and obviously she didn’t.

      “You two need help in

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