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I just don’t have time to date right now.” She motioned around her. “This is a new venture for me and I…have to be here.”

      He frowned. “Is there any particular reason you don’t want to go out with me?”

      A couple of dozen quickly presented themselves but Shana couldn’t manage to get out a single one. “You seem very nice, but—”

      “It’s the kids, isn’t it?”

      “No, not at all,” she hurried to assure him. “It’s like I told you—the timing is wrong.” That was the excuse she’d used with Adam; it was also the truth. She’d untangled herself from one relationship and wasn’t ready to get involved in another.

      “You mean I should’ve waited until you were finished for the day?”


      He wiped his face. “You’ll have to excuse me. I’m new at this. My wife, I mean ex-wife, and I met in high school and well, it just didn’t work out. I don’t blame her. We were both too young, but Heather’s the only woman I’ve ever dated and—I don’t know what the hell I’m doing.” He looked completely crestfallen by the time he’d finished.

      Shana felt even worse. “Under other circumstances, I’d be happy to—” She stopped, afraid she’d just make matters worse if she continued. “Would you like a cup of coffee?”

      He nodded and sat down on the stool. “That would be great, thanks.”

      “It’s Tim, right?”

      He smiled dejectedly. “I’m surprised you remember.”

      He’d be shocked at everything she did recall about the last time he’d been in the ice-cream parlor—even if she preferred not to.

      Shana made them each an espresso, double shot. If he didn’t need it she did. When she set the tiny cups on the counter, Tim reached for his wallet. Raising her hand, she said, “It’s on the house.”


      She waved off his gratitude. For reasons she didn’t want to examine too closely, she felt guiltier than ever for rejecting him.

      “Can you tell me what I did wrong?” he asked after the first tentative sip.

      “It isn’t you,” she said earnestly. “It really is because of the timing. My new business and looking after my niece and everything.”

      Over the next three hours, she heard the story of Tim’s ten-year marriage and every detail of his divorce. The only time he paused was when she was bombarded with questions from customers or staff, or if the capable Catherine needed her assistance.

      She also learned practically the entire story of Tim’s life. He seemed to need a willing ear and she provided it, between serving ice cream in three dozen different flavors.

      “You know, Tim, it seems to me you’re still in love with your wife,” she commented while he was on his third espresso.

      His eyes flared and he adamantly shook his head.

      “No way.”

      “Sorry, but that’s how I see it.”

      “You’re wrong.”

      “Could be, but it’s obvious you’re crazy about your kids.”

      He had no argument with that. “They’re fabulous.”

      “So—what else can I do for you?” she asked when he showed no sign of leaving anytime within the foreseeable future.

      “You could always go to dinner with me,” he suggested.

      Shana laughed, knowing she’d be in for a repeat of his disagreement with the divorce attorney. She gave him an A for effort, though. “I thought we already went over that.”

      “Are you sure you mean no?” he asked again.

      “If the lady says no, that’s what she means,” Adam Kennedy said from the doorway leading into the restaurant. He glared at Tim as if he wanted to teach him a lesson. His tone was friendly enough, but his demeanor wasn’t. Shana sighed in exasperation. She was all too aware of the interest Catherine and the others were taking in this little scene. Tim was harmless, his self-esteem in shreds following his divorce, and he was counting on Shana to boost his confidence.

      “Thank you very much, Adam,” she said tightly, fighting the temptation to say a great deal more, “but the lady can answer for herself.”

      To her surprise Jazmine laughed outright. “Hello, Mr. Gilmore, remember me?”

      Tim looked as if he didn’t know what to say. He got off the stool. “I guess it’s time to go.”

      “Sounds like a good idea to me,” Adam murmured.

      “Adam,” Shana chastised, but his gaze didn’t waver from Tim’s face.

      As soon as the other man was out the door, Shana whirled on Adam. “That was completely unnecessary and uncalled for,” she said, trying to keep her voice down in deference to her staff and customers.

      Adam looked away. “Perhaps, but I wanted to be sure he got the message.”

      “And what exactly is the message?” Shana demanded.

      Adam grinned as if the answer should be obvious.

      “Hands off,” Jazmine supplied. “You’re already spoken for.”

      With her shift over, Ali went to check on Commander Dillon one last time and discovered he was asleep. His face was turned toward her and in slumber his features had relaxed. He looked younger than she’d first assumed.

      As she stood there, Ali hesitated, resisting the urge to move closer. She longed to place her hand on his arm, to touch him and feel the warmth of his skin. A chill ran down her spine as she remembered he didn’t want her anywhere near him. That had been made abundantly clear during her last visit.

      She wished she had someone she could talk to about the way she felt. This wasn’t something she could discuss with the other women on board. She could be putting her career in jeopardy. Any hint of a romantic entanglement, and she could be in more trouble than she wanted to consider.

      Before she left, Ali logged on to her computer.

      Sent: June 20

      From: [email protected]

      To: [email protected]

      Subject: Hello!

      Dear Shana,

      Just wanted to see how you’re doing this week. I think of you and Jazmine every day. I’m doing well myself. We had an emergency appendectomy this week—Commander Dillon. I might have mentioned him before. Before he went under, he seemed to think he might not make it, and asked if I’d look after his affairs. I told him I would, but thankfully that wasn’t necessary. He’s recuperating nicely now. I think he’s

      Ali hesitated, remembering the intense look in Frank’s eyes as he confessed he had no family. What a lonely life he must lead. Divorced and his brother dead. It didn’t sound as if his parents were still living, either. He’d wanted her to dispose of his earthly goods by giving whatever he had to charity. Ali told herself he didn’t have time to ask anyone else; she’d been handy, so he’d reached out to her. Still, she sensed that he trusted her. They were basically strangers but he felt he could speak to her and that she would follow through with whatever he’d requested. Had it been necessary, she would have.

      After a moment’s hesitation, Shana returned to her e-mail. She deleted the last three words and began a new paragraph.

      Jazmine mentioned that Adam was stopping by on Saturday. How did that go? I know you think my daughter’s trying to match the two of you up and I agree she has no business doing that. But the truth is, I don’t think it’s such a bad idea.


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