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      In spite of herself, Desi colored. So...she had a guest and it was so unusual that the sheriff was going to check up on her? Man, she must have some reputation. “I’m fine, Sarah.”

      “I can see that.”

      Desi relented even though she felt people might be getting too far into her private business. “Come on up. I’ll make some coffee.”

      “I never turn down coffee when I have night patrol. Thanks.” Sarah climbed the stairs and followed Desi into the front room. Kel was still sitting in the chair with a mug on the coffee table. He stood up immediately.

      “Sarah, this is Kel Westin, an old friend. Kel, Deputy Sarah Ironheart.”

      “Sarah will do,” she said as she shook hands with Kel. “Old friend, huh?”

      Kel glanced at Desi. “Yeah. Recently discharged. That’s why you haven’t seen me before.”

      Smooth lie, Desi thought, rounding the bar into her teeny kitchen to start a fresh pot of coffee. She didn’t know if it was wise to mislead the local law. As a rule, she avoided it at all costs. But maybe Kel feared blowing his cover. After all, he didn’t know if Sarah was trustworthy. How could he? He didn’t know Sarah.

      Sarah took one edge of the ancient couch. “So where’d you two meet?”

      Ah, hell, Desi thought. They hadn’t worked that out, and the smallest detail would give it away.

      “When I was at Fort Hood in Texas,” Kel answered easily. “Desi was down that way visiting her parents and...well...” He gave a charming grin. “There was this bar, and then there was this summer romance. Followed by a lot of me being away and us chatting by email and Skype. I thought it might be time to meet up again, now that I’m not being sent away all the time.”

      Well, that covered all bases. Desi felt relieved that he’d apparently thought about what he’d say. And boy, how much he’d accomplished with one little tidbit about her.

      That was when something gripped her. Pain or anger, she couldn’t tell. She’d just watched that man snow Sarah. He wasn’t trustworthy, badge or no badge. He lied like a pro. Later she was going to have some words for him, but right now she couldn’t. She just had to play along.

      She brought Sarah a mug of coffee and heated up Kel’s cup. “Sarah, you want me to fill a thermos for you?”

      “I have one,” Sarah answered lightly. “It’s just downstairs, and was I going to turn down a neighborly cup and chat?” She glanced at her watch. “Fifteen minutes, then I’m back on patrol.” She looked at Kel. “Desi’s a special woman. She can hand out a citation without making the violator furious.”

      Desi managed a laugh. “They just don’t let me see it.”

      Sarah smiled over her cup. “Yeah, that’s often wise. So Kel, you just got out? Any idea what you want to do now?”

      “Trying to settle into a different way of life,” he answered.

      Sarah nodded. “It can be difficult.” Then she winked. “Now you even have to decide what to put on in the morning.” She patted her leg. “Something to be said for uniforms.”

      At that, Kel laughed. “You’ve got a point there. Maybe I should just buy seven days’ worth of clothing that all look alike.”

      “Well, that’s one way,” Sarah agreed. She drained her cup and stood. “Desi, you look tired, so I’ll just be on my way.” She paused. “I heard about that trophy kill. Any leads?”

      “Zip,” said Desi. “Absolutely nothing. And the meat was wasted.”

      “I’ll keep my ear to the ground. Nice to meet you, Kel.” Then Sarah let herself out.

      Alone, Desi and Kel exchanged stares. Then she rose without a word and went back to her bedroom, locking the door. He lied too easily. Maybe it was required for working undercover, but it didn’t mean she could trust him.

      So just don’t trust him, she told herself as she readied for bed. If she didn’t trust him, he couldn’t hurt her. And to hell with the simmering attraction she felt. She’d lived without men for a while now.

      Kel was no reason to break her rule.

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