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“I’d appreciate it, Ned, if you’d give me some time to study the files on the active cases at the moment. Then I might be able to help out.”

      “Why, no, Dani, I have no intention of throwing you to these wolves. I’m working on the most important case, and I could use a good researcher. Come along to my office.”

      Michael actually felt sympathy for Dani as she followed the D.A. out of the conference room. Ned Cobb was easy to read. He was acting like a three-year-old with a new puppy.

      He stepped up beside Dick. “Has this happened before?”

      “New people?”

      Michael gave him a knowing look. “New woman.”

      Dick sighed. “Yeah. She won’t last long unless she plays along.”

      “He’s not married?”

      “Sure he is. For forty years. A sweet, gentle lady. But he’s our boss. There’s nothing we can do.”

      Michael didn’t like Dick’s attitude. The Crawford family tradition said a woman in trouble should be helped. But did he necessarily think Dani was a young innocent?

      He dived into the files, enjoying the cases he worked on. He hadn’t yet been given his own case, but, after all, it was his first day. A first day that, all things considered, had gone quite well.

      When he joined his family later at the dinner table, Abby wanted to know how it went.

      “Fine. I’m going to be busy.”

      “Beulah would tell you that’s best,” Abby said with a chuckle.

      That remark made him feel guilty for not mentioning Dani, but he kept his silence.

      Halfway through the meal, Abby said, “I tried to call Dani today, but I couldn’t find a listing in either Lubbock or Amarillo.”

      “Sorry, hon,” Logan said. “Maybe she’ll contact you again.”

      “I doubt she’ll make the drive from Amarillo after—”

      Michael couldn’t stand it any longer. He interrupted them. “She’s here.”

      Abby’s eyes widened. “She is? At the ranch?” She started up from her chair.

      “No, Abby, I didn’t mean she’s here at the ranch. She’s here in Wichita Falls.”

      “How do you know that, Michael?” Logan asked.

      “She’s the other new A.D.A. at the office.”

      Abby looked horrified. “Why didn’t you tell us? We could’ve asked her here for dinner after her first day.”

      “I didn’t tell you, Abby, because I’m still not sure she’s not trying to pull a scam on you.” He stuck his stubborn chin out, ready to argue with her.

      “After reminding us how an attorney is an officer of the court, Michael?” Abby asked slowly. “You said nothing would be worth wasting those three years in law school.”

      “Yeah, well, it might happen in some cases.”

      “How interesting,” Abby said thoughtfully. “Dani has a law degree, like you. How is she settling in?”

      Michael started to tell her Dani wouldn’t be around long, but he didn’t. Maybe Dick didn’t know what he was talking about, or maybe Dani would have no problem cooperating. He didn’t know. “Fine.”

      “Good. I’ll call her tomorrow.”

      Michael said nothing at all. He knew it would do no good.

      Dani appreciated Abby’s phone call the next morning. It was one friendly moment to count against the hours spent in Ned Cobb’s company. But she didn’t accept her invitation to have dinner at the ranch.

      “How are you settling in?” Abby asked. “If you need any help, I’m sure Michael would help you at the office. Did you find a place to live?”

      “Not yet. I’m holding out for the right one,” she confessed to Abby, hoping that would stop the questions.

      Abby agreed with her attitude, making her feel bad for lying. But she couldn’t admit that she didn’t think she’d be able to stay, so she didn’t want to sign a lease.

      When Abby called on Friday to extend another invitation, she was harder to resist.

      “Have you found a place to stay yet?”

      Initially Dani hadn’t intended to tell anyone she was going to stay at the hotel. Unfortunately, Ned had found out about her quarters. He’d shown up last night about nine with a bottle of wine in his arms, wanting to “talk.”

      She never answered his knock. Nor did she answer his call when the phone rang a few minutes later.

      “Um, I’ve decided to stay at the hotel—”

      “Oh, no!” Abby interrupted. “That’s impossible. We have a spare bedroom. You’ll stay with us.”

      “No, Abby, I can’t do that,” Dani said, even as she recognized it as a perfect answer to her problem. But she didn’t know Abby and it wouldn’t be fair to ask the woman to shoulder her problems.

      “Would you at least come out Saturday? We’re having a workday with everyone pitching in. We could use some extra hands. We’ll swap a good lunch for all your help.”

      That sounded so appealing. She’d made no friends because the men in the office were standoffish, understandable under the circumstances. And one didn’t make friends in a hotel.

      “Could I really be of some help?” she asked.

      “Oh, yes. It’s not skilled jobs. We’re talking cleaning and maybe some painting.”

      “All right. What time Saturday morning?”

      “Anytime it’s convenient,” Abby told her.

      When she hung up the phone, Ned entered her office. “Was that a personal call?”

      “Yes, it was.” She didn’t apologize. She already knew he’d use any excuse to put her on the defensive.

      “I’ve been waiting for you to be free. We’re going to lunch today with one of the top defense lawyers in the city. I’m sure you’ll like him.”

      Dani was sure the man would cancel and Ned wouldn’t tell her until they’d reached the restaurant. He’d already done that once this week.

      “I appreciate the invitation, but I’m afraid I can’t do that. I already accepted an invitation to lunch.” She didn’t explain it was for lunch on Saturday.

      Ned stiffened. “In the future, you should clear your invitations with my schedule before you accept.”

      “Oh, I’m sorry. I thought an hour for lunch was part of my job.”

      Ned put his hands on her desk and leaned toward her. “Don’t get sassy with me, Ms. Langston. You won’t have a job if you don’t cooperate.”

      “I have every intention of cooperating, Ned. About work. But I do not intend to have a personal relationship with you.”

      He glared at her. “We’ll see about that.”

      She leaned back in her chair, drawing a deep breath as he stormed out of her office. So much for her new job. Her fingers shook as she carefully straightened every piece of paper on her desk. Good thing she hadn’t found a place to live.

      After a moment she got up and went to the law library they had on the premises. She hadn’t so much as smelled a legal question this entire week, much less actually worked on anything.

      “There’s got to be a good case for this, but I can’t think of one,” Dick Stanton was saying. He and Michael were sitting at a table in the law library, open books scattered

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