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in the sharp reality of the all-consuming pain and heat spreading through her. At one point she became immersed in her efforts to escape the lashes, but upon the realization that she could not evade them she gradually accepted them, and in the end she was consumed with merely enduring the harsh onslaught with the anticipation that it would eventually come to an end. And although she had ceased her efforts to escape, her hips bobbed and jiggled rebelliously, seemingly in an effort to predict where the next lash would fall and futilely attempting to dodge her assailant’s level eye. The skin of her backside burned hotter and hotter with every blow and Pansy could do little more than squirm and cry out in muffled sobs. The beating continued until Pansy was conscious of nothing but the searing pain that lit up her flesh like wildfire.

      Then quite abruptly the blows stopped, and Jack dropped the belt on the floor beside her. Pansy’s eyes were still wide and frantic, and her hips continued to move in the rhythmic motion of her struggles. She was breathing heavily from her exertions and her gasps for air mingled with her muffled sobs. Jack pulled her head back again until her eyes met his, and she suddenly became still and ceased her crying. Even her tears seemed to halt on her cheeks. They stared at each other for a long moment. She felt as if he was observing her from within. He leaned closer and tenderly kissed her wet cheek.

      “You took that well,” he said gently. Something within Pansy jolted, but outwardly she merely continued to stare silently into his eyes. His other hand began moving lightly over her blazing haunches. She couldn’t contain a slight moan when he touched the tender flesh. There was a strange combination of disbelief and acute attentiveness all around her and she struggled to ascertain what was real. Jack caressed her bottom thoughtfully, moving his fingers tentatively over the rising welts in her flesh. Very leisurely he let his fingers roam all around the area, and eventually he slipped a finger between the two round mounds of her buttocks, sliding it up and down along her crack. He slowly continued guiding his finger up and down; extending the span with every stroke until at last he reached her labia lips and pressed a few fingers into their silky folds. His fingers slipped in easily and Jack thrust them in and out brusquely, reveling in her soaking wetness, and accentuating the slopping sounds to add emphasize to his next remark. “You see,” he said, “how much you wanted that?”

      Pansy simply stared up at him. She felt as if she was drugged. Her flesh ached more acutely where he fingered her playfully than where the swollen welts still raged. She felt a slight tugging in the back of her head where he still held her by the hair. “Do you see that, Pansy?” he asked her again.

      She could not speak through the panties in her mouth. The pain of the lashing was subsiding into an achingly hot tenderness that pulled at her womb and spread warmth throughout her lower body. Slowly she nodded. This simple admission caused her swollen sex glands to contract. Jack felt the contraction with his fingers.

      “You’re really a very good girl,” he said huskily, causing more of the little contractions, and making her engorged sex sting. Jack’s fingers moving in and out of her only managed to tantalize, not to satisfy. “We could take your punishment one step further, Pansy,” he murmured. Her eyes were still fixed on his, and they widened slightly when she heard his words. “This time it’s up to you,” he assured her quickly. Her eyes bored into his. “I know your bottom hurts,” he continued. “I can see that it hurts because it’s so red and hot and swollen.” Again he caressed her burning flesh. “But in order to get the full amount of pleasure—to get what you need from it, Pansy—you have to want it. You have to want it so much you’ll beg for it.” Pansy closed her eyes when she heard this. She dreaded what she was about to do even though she had no doubt that she would do it. How could she stop this now? Wasn’t she already here, naked, on her hands and knees, getting carpet burn on a dirty hotel-room floor, with a virtual stranger, having already given him more of herself than she had ever shared with her husband? The most difficult part—the part where she’d agreed to come here with Jack in the first place—was over and done. To stop now would be to go home with all the guilt and none of the satisfaction. She could do no less than to see it through to the end.

      Besides all of this, Pansy had never been so aroused in her life, and she knew that some small part of her really did want this. She opened her eyes. Jack was still watching her intently. She nodded her head in the affirmative. She saw him smile and felt a brand-new thrill of fear. He carefully removed the panties from her mouth. “Well?” he prompted.

      “I…want it,” she said, self-conscious. Her mouth was very dry.

      “Ask for it.”

      “Will you punish me again?” she asked, feeling her face burn. But her eyes didn’t look away from his.

      “Beg for it, Pansy.”

      She paused only a moment before continuing awkwardly. “Please…Jack…please punish me again. Punish me harder this time!” And suddenly she meant it. Her hips were already swaying back and forth in anticipation of the blows to come.

      “It will hurt more this time, Pansy,” he said, looking to subjugate her a little more with every word. “Your flesh is raw from the punishment I already gave you. Are you sure you want more?”

      Pansy faltered, recalling the pain. Jack smiled to see her hesitation. He wanted her broken. She began to tremble. He waited patiently for her answer.

      “I’m sure, Jack,” Pansy said after another moment. And all of a sudden, she was sure, even yearning for what was to come. “Please, Jack, please! I need you to punish me some more.” She was overjoyed when she saw that he was pleased by her words.

      “It will be good after, Pansy,” he told her, stuffing the panties back into her mouth. He paused to touch her face affectionately. “I promise you that.”

      Her sex felt as if it was consuming her. She braced herself for the blows to come. He had not lied. The pain was twice as intense when it was inflicted on her raw flesh. Her hips bounced and jerked miserably as the blows fell over them and the flames of pain licked up along the length of her. She cried out and thrashed with all her might, knowing no one but Jack could hear or see her, and that it pleased him to see her so. In her wild abandon and absolute suffering she felt as if she was being released from something terrible, even though the incredible pain and heat was virtually consuming her.

      Pansy was nearly beside herself by the time the second beating finally stopped and Jack threw down the belt for a second time. Without a word he immediately began removing his clothes. Her hips continued to rock back and forth and she moaned absently. She had rested her head on her arms, and gradually became quiet as it occurred to her that the worst was finally over. Her buttocks were rutted and inflamed and quivering. Her mouth was still held open wide with the panties. When Jack approached her she looked up at his hard, throbbing sex in wonder.

      “Keep your head down,” he said hoarsely, adding approvingly when she complied, “Good girl. Now bring your hips up nice and high for me…higher.” He guided her hips up so high that she was obliged to unbend her knees and distribute her weight between her hands and feet. “That’s it,” she heard him murmur, and at long last she felt the hard length of him slide easily into her aching hole.

      “Mmmhhh,” she moaned, shuddering, and she heard his responding moan mingled with laughter.

      “I’ve never seen anyone need a spanking that badly,” he said, driving into her with hard and rapid thrusts. “You must have been really bad to need all that punishing.”

      “I…am,” she tried to tell him though her words were garbled. She enjoyed these kinds of demeaning innuendos while in the throes of passion, and wanted to encourage him to continue in the same vein.

      “Did you need to be punished because you’re an adulterous whore?” he asked, pounding himself even more violently into her. He found this kind of talk exciting, as well.

      “Yes!” she cried unintelligibly, slipping her fingers over her clitoris.

      “That’s it,” he coaxed when he noticed her arm reaching between her legs to touch herself. “No need to be shy with old Jack. I know what cheating sluts like you like even better than you know yourself.” He could

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