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is wearing. Is it silk and clinging to her voluptuous bust? Does she still smell like paradise in a bottle? Is she happily married or just married?

      “No, that’s all.”

      “I’ll be sure to give her your message. You have a nice day, Mr. Brandt.”

      Derrick hung up the phone and sat back in his chair. “She’s married. She’s married. She’s married,” he chanted to himself.

      Determined to get his mind off Noelle Brown, or any other woman for that matter, he glanced at his worktable once more.

      A few minutes later, he was on his feet and headed to the door. As he passed Marjorie, he called over his shoulder, “I’ll be out of the office the rest of the day.”

      Chapter 5

      Elegantly dressed and regal in every way, Dr. Suzanne Chambers sat across from Noelle and twisted her nose in disdain. With a shake of her thick, black tresses, she tossed the file on the desk.

      “This is not a very impressive questionnaire, Noelle. Some of his answers border on rude. What makes you think I would be interested in this guy?”

      “Well, granted, he’s a little rough around the edges, but with the right woman I think he has a lot of potential.”

      “Hmm…such as?”

      Noelle knew Suzanne was quickly losing what little interest she had shown in the case file of Client 047. “For starters, he’s career driven and extremely ambitious.” Noelle winked at the woman, who was not only a client but a friend. “Sound like anyone you know?”

      Suzanne’s mouth twisted in a smirk. “Go on.”

      “And let’s just say I have a feeling that the chemistry would work. Trust me. Just meet him first and then make your decision. I have a feeling about this.”

      She sighed. “It’s just I thought there would be more obvious signs of compatibility. This feels like just another blind date, and heaven knows I’ve suffered through enough of those for one lifetime.”

      Noelle hid the sympathy she felt swell up in her heart. She knew exactly what Suzanne was feeling. The two women had much in common, including their physical build. It was one of the things that had factored into Noelle’s decision to consider Suzanne as a possible match for Derrick Brandt. Noelle knew that Derrick Brandt, unlike some men, would have no problem with Suzanne’s few extra pounds.

      “Well, just keep in mind, this blind date is being set up by a professional matchmaker.”

      Suzanne reached over and picked up the file once more. “I just don’t know.” Her soft brown eyes focused on Noelle’s face. “I’m tired of having my heart broken by guys only interested in my money. I’m ready for something real, Noelle. That’s why I came to you.”

      Noelle reached across the desk and laid her hand over the hand of her client and friend. “Trust me, Suzanne. I think you want to give this guy a chance.”

      “Well, if you really think—”

      “You can’t go in there!”

      Noelle heard the voice of her assistant rise in alarm.

      “I’m tired of waiting. I want to see her now!” an irate male voice responded angrily.

      Oh, no. Noelle stood from her desk chair.

      “What’s that about?” Suzanne turned toward the door with a worried expression.

      “Mr. Brandt! You can’t—”

      Noelle was halfway around the desk when her office door was thrown open.

      Derrick Brandt stopped in the middle of the floor as if surprised to see that Terri had indeed been telling him the truth.

      “Mr. Brandt, she’s with a client!” Terri was charging in the man’s wake, and he stopped so abruptly she ran smack into the back of him. Jolted by the impact, she stumbled back, and with lightning reflexes, Derrick turned and caught her before she slipped.

      Still fuming in anger, Terri jerked from him without so much as a thank-you and hurried over to the desk. “I’m sorry, Noelle. I tried to stop him, but he wouldn’t listen.”

      “It’s okay, Terri.”

      With one final glare at Derrick, Terri walked back out of the door, gently closing it behind her.

      Noelle ran a hand over her forehead, feeling the onset of a migraine. “Mr. Brandt, as you can see, I am in a meeting.” She gestured to Suzanne, who sat staring up at Derrick like he was a comet that had just dropped from the sky. “Suzanne Chambers, this is—”

      “Derrick Brandt.” Suzanne’s eyes widened.

      Noelle sighed. “Or as you know him, Client 047. Mr. Brandt, I was just discussing your profile with Ms. Chambers.” Noelle winced inwardly as Suzanne rose from the chair, stepped forward and extended her hand in greeting…only to have Derrick completely ignore it and walk around her.

      “Why haven’t you called me all week?” He stopped directly in front of Noelle and stood glaring at her.

      “As I was saying, Mr. Brandt, I have been actively working to find a candidate for you, and she’s standing right over there.”

      Derrick glanced over his shoulder at the confused woman. “No. I know her type. It’s all about her and her career, and I’m not prepared to be a Mr. Chambers.”

      Stunned by the unprovoked attack, Suzanne charged forward. “How dare you!”

      Not knowing what Suzanne planned to do when she reached him, Noelle jumped between the two. “Suzanne, let me deal with him. I’ll call you later.”

      “Fine.” She quickly collected her purse and jacket. “But you can scratch my name off the list of potential candidates. I wouldn’t date him if you paid me.” She stomped toward the door, and then just as quickly turned and stomped back to where Noelle was still standing protectively in front of her client.

      “You know, I would’ve been willing to ignore all the negative things I’ve read about you and given you the benefit of the doubt. But you just proved yourself to be a bigger ass than the press could’ve ever.” She glanced at Noelle. “Good luck finding a woman willing to accept this jerk.” With that she turned and stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind her.

      Noelle was fuming with anger at how he’d dismissed the best possible candidate she could find and had so callously insulted her friend.

      She took a deep breath—not that it did any good—and swung around to face him. “I hope you’re satisfied!”

      Derrick was staring down at her left hand. “Where’s your ring?”

      “Do you realize what you just did? You just chased away the very best chance you had at a compatible match.”

      The wolfish grin appeared for a brief moment. “Maybe—maybe not. Answer the question.”

      Suddenly Noelle remembered that she’d taken the prop ring off the evening before when she’d gone to her parents’ anniversary party and had forgotten to put it back on that morning. And from the look in his eyes, Mr. Brandt was becoming suspicious.

      Noelle walked around to her seat, putting the desk between them. “Mr. Brandt, I understand you’re anxious—”

      “Are you married?”

      Damn. “Mr. Brandt—”

      “It’s Derrick.” He followed her around the desk. “And answer the question.”

      The man really is an ass. “That’s none of your business.” She backed up as much as possible and felt the seat of her chair come up against the back of her legs.

      His face spread into the most beautiful smile she’d ever seen as he gently

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