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heard him draw a ragged breath, his eyes blazing into hers as he tried to focus. ‘You’re right.’ His usually accent less English was thickened and pronounced. ‘It is crazy.’

      ‘I don’t—’ Her mouth was burning. Her body was on fire.

      ‘Neither do I.’

      If either of them had stepped back, they might have stood a chance.

      Instead their mouths collided again with almost brutal force. The raw chemistry that exploded between them was so intense that for a moment she couldn’t help herself.

      She’d missed this.

      She’d missed him.

      Missed the feel of his mouth. The touch of his hands. Kelly kissed him back hungrily, her mouth every bit as greedy as his, her tongue every bit as bold. But there was anger in her kiss too, and as she felt his response to her she thought, just look at what you’re missing: just look at what you gave up.

      He muttered something in Greek, so shaken that she felt a vicious rush of satisfaction.

      Yes, she thought, it was good and you threw it away. You threw this away.

      Purring in her throat, she licked at the corner of his mouth, the caress dangerously provocative. She had no idea what was pushing her—desire? Pride? Revenge? All she knew was that she wanted to be with him again. Just this once.

      Without breaking the kiss, Alekos powered her back against the work surface, jabbed his fingers into her hair and gripped her head. Her fingers were locked in the front of his shirt, dragging him closer. They kissed as if it were their last moment on the planet, as if the future of civilisation depended on their desire for each other, as if they had never parted.

      Kelly was so turned on she ignored the thought that this was really, really stupid.

      His touch was as skilled as she remembered—his kisses as bone-meltingly perfect.

      Yes, she was angry with him—blisteringly angry—but that just seemed to intensify the emotions that flared between them. Anger was just another fuel to stoke a fire that was already white-hot. She didn’t want to feel like this, but sex had never been the problem between them, had it? Maybe that was why she’d given it up, she thought as she dug her fingers into the hard muscle of his shoulders. She’d known it could never be like this with anyone else. Celibacy had been preferable to disappointment.

      ‘Theé mou, we should not be doing this.’ He growled the words against her throat and she gasped and slid her leg around his, unwilling to let him go.

      ‘You’re right. We shouldn’t.’

      ‘You’re angry.’

      ‘Boiling mad.’

      ‘I’m furious that you sold the ring.’

      ‘I’m furious you’re giving it to another woman.’

      ‘I’m not!’ He jerked her head back, his gaze black and intense, his voice thickened by the swirly, sultry atmosphere. ‘I’m not giving it to another woman.’

      ‘I hate her. I hate you.’

      He breathed in deeply. ‘I probably deserve that.’

      ‘You definitely deserve it.’ But her hands were on his belt and she heard the breath hiss through his teeth as her fingers brushed against the hard, rigid length of him.

      ‘If we do this, you will hate me even more than you do already.’

      ‘Trust me, that isn’t possible.’

      His hand slid up her thigh, hooking her leg higher. ‘In that case, there is no incentive to stop.’ He groaned as his fingers touched bare legs. ‘You’re wearing stockings?’

      ‘I always wear stockings for work.’ Does she wear stockings, Alekos? Does she do this to you? Does she make you feel this way?

      ‘Stockings under that prim black skirt.’ The prim black skirt hit the floor. ‘The whole teacher-outfit thing really turns me on.’ He dragged the clip out of her hair, silencing her gasp of pain with his mouth. ‘Sorry. Sorry. I didn’t meant to hurt you.’

      ‘You always hurt me.’ Her hair was all around them and she could feel his hands buried into the soft mass, his fingers biting into her scalp. ‘In the scheme of things, a little more pain doesn’t count.’

      ‘I know I was a complete bastard.’

      ‘Yes, you were—still are. And now could you please just—?’ Rocking her hips against him, she sank her teeth into his lip and Alekos took her mouth hungrily, his hands now locked against her bottom.

      ‘No other woman has ever made me feel the way you make me feel.’

      The words sent a thrill of satisfaction through her. ‘But I’m sure you’ve kept looking.’

      He buried his face in her neck. ‘You were never this wild four years ago.’

      She was never this desperate. Kelly’s eyes closed. ‘Don’t talk.’

      His answer was to weld his mouth to hers again and kiss her until she couldn’t breathe or stand upright. Her hands closed over his shoulders, but what began as a need for support, ended in a caress as her fingers slid over hard, male muscle.


      ‘Shut up.’ She didn’t want to talk about what they were doing. She wasn’t sure she even wanted to think about it. Her teeth gritted, she ripped his shirt so that she could get to his chest, hair tickling her fingers as she slid her hands over the hard muscle of his chest. His tie still hung between them but she ignored it, too absorbed by his body to bother undressing him.

      To have sex with Alekos was to understand why her body had been invented.

      His eyelids were lowered, his eyes half-shut as he watched her. It was a look of such raw, sexual challenge that she shivered.

      Later, she thought, I’m going to really regret this.

      But right now she didn’t care.

      He was probably lying about the ring. He was probably going to give it away, but she was going to make sure that he didn’t forget her, Kelly thought as she trailed her mouth over his jaw, feeling the roughness of stubble graze her lips. Other women had sex with men they didn’t know. She’d never done that; for her, sex had begun and ended with this man.

      She was achy, needy, and when he backed her to the table and lifted her she just gave a groan of assent, closing her fingers around the glorious velvet length of him.


      ‘I need to taste you, I need to…’ Muttering something in Greek, he ripped at her shirt, tore at her bra and fastened his mouth over her breast.

      Kelly’s head fell back, the heat of his mouth like a brand. She squirmed as hot, liquid pleasure pumped through his veins and he lifted his head and devoured her mouth again, both of them crazily out of control.

      ‘Now!’ She yanked at his tie, pulling him towards her, and he flattened her to the table and pushed her thighs up. Dragging aside her panties, he entered her in a single, driving thrust that had her crying out his name. It had been so long that it took her a moment to adjust to the size of him. He was hard, full and pulsing hot, and Kelly held herself rigid, afraid to breathe or move. And then his mouth claimed hers again and from then on it was wild, each rhythmic thrust driving away all thoughts of how much she hated him—the fact that this was going to turn out to be a bad decision. He wrapped her thighs around his hips and she dug her nails into his back as she matched his demands with her own.

      It was so shockingly good that when his phone buzzed there was no question of him answering it; neither of them were capable of focusing on anything but each other. He had one hand locked in her hair, the other under her bottom,

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