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she whimpered and let her head fall back over his arm, her hips squirming as he teased the tender buds until each was as ripe as a berry. He pulled her on to his lap and slid his tongue into the delicate interior of her mouth, probing with erotic mastery while he played with her swollen nipples.

      Faster than Maddie could have believed, she became unbearably aroused by his touch. Liquid heat coiled in her belly and set up a tingle of tormenting awareness between her slender thighs. Settling her down on the bed, he sprang upright to undress.

      ‘Theos mou…I have never desired a woman as much as I desire you,’ Giannis intoned. ‘I didn’t know I could feel like this, and every time I feel it with you I crave it again. There has been no other woman for me. Don’t you ever try to disappear out of my life again.’

      ‘Never,’ she managed shakily, treasuring his every word as reassurance of the kind she most needed to feel secure.

      ‘Or I’ll tag you like a criminal…even tie you to my bed,’ Giannis muttered thickly, coming down beside her again. ‘But then I might never leave the bedroom, agape mou.’

      Looking at him, she felt the inside of her mouth run dry. He was all virile male, from his strong shoulders and muscular hair-roughened chest to his long powerful thighs and aggressive arousal. He kissed her with fierce heat, and yet there was a gentle edge to his sexual urgency that filled her with delicious tension. He explored the delicate pink folds of her femininity and she shivered violently, too excited to stay still. He stroked the tiny pearl of sensitivity with a skill that made her hips writhe and her teeth clench. She was hot and swollen and damp, and the ache between her trembling thighs was edging closer and closer to pure sensual torment.

      ‘Are you ready yet?’ Giannis breathed raggedly.

      ‘Yes…oh, yes,’ she moaned.

      He sank into her with a ravenous groan of raw physical pleasure, and the extreme surge of delight she experienced almost overwhelmed her. His every slow, deliberate movement electrified her. Each individual sensation was so hot and fresh and intense that her excitement kept on rising. His endurance was amazing. Tiny tremors started running riot through her. The pleasure was exquisite, making her burn and tighten and throb until at last his powerful passion pushed her to an ecstatic climax. Ripples of rapture left her ravished by the bliss of complete gratification.

      Giannis tugged her down on top of him and covered her hectically flushed face with tiny featherlight kisses. The unfamiliar display of affection filled her with happiness.

      She smiled giddily at him, feeling warm and loving and very lucky. ‘I think you’re the one who’s going to end up tied to the bed,’ she whispered dreamily. ‘I hope it’s going to be a long honeymoon.’

      Giannis dealt her a lazy masculine grin. ‘I think I’ll be up to the challenge.’

      Maddie snuggled closer. ‘You didn’t need to try and make me agree to marry you,’ she confided. ‘I hadn’t the smallest intention of saying no.’

      Surprise and confusion flared in his brilliant dark eyes.

      Maddie grinned. ‘I just thought you should know.’

      The portrait of a pretty little girl with black hair and laughing brown eyes hung on the wall of Giannis’s study. ‘Who is she?’ Maddie asked, having meant to enquire before, on another occasion, but having forgotten.

      His lean strong face tensed. ‘My sister, Leta.’

      Maddie spun round. ‘My goodness—I didn’t even know you had a sister! I thought you were an only child.’

      ‘People prefer to forget about Leta.’ Giannis looked sombre. ‘She was a passenger in the car that my father crashed on our private estate in Italy. He was drunk, and racing one of his friends for a bet. Leta was ten years old. My father walked away, but my sister suffered horrific injuries that left her disabled in mind and body. She required constant nursing care but she still recognised us…’ His voice had grown rough-edged with emotion. ‘I spent as much time with her as I could, but I was only thirteen and in boarding school and it was difficult.’

      Warm sympathy had filled Maddie’s green eyes. ‘You must all have found that very difficult to deal with.’

      ‘My parents didn’t.’ His lean, darkly handsome face was bleak. ‘Leta was airbrushed out of our lives. They said that visiting her upset them too much. Her condition embarrassed them. When they were told that she was dying they didn’t go to her, and I didn’t find out until it was too late. She died alone, save for the nurses who were caring for her.’

      That sad conclusion to a situation that she could tell had devastated him when he was a teenager made Maddie swallow hard. ‘I’m so sorry. It would have helped you to be with her at the last.’

      ‘Yes. But good can come out of bad. A few years afterwards Dorkas persuaded me to put my anger at Leta’s lonely passing to more positive use. That was when I became involved with charities that work with terminally ill children. But I also think that’s why I thought until I met you that I would never want children,’ Giannis admitted. ‘Maybe I was afraid that being a lousy parent was in the blood.’

      ‘And maybe you were just remembering unhappy times and protecting yourself. That’s only human,’ Maddie added softly.

      Giannis hovered, and then dropped a casual kiss on the top of her head. He walked out to the helicopter waiting to whisk him to Athens and then an onward flight to London. They had been together almost constantly for more than a month. About twenty feet away from the helicopter he stopped dead in his tracks, wheeled round, and strode back to her. Dark golden eyes smouldering, he closed a possessive arm to her spine to pull her close and kiss her breathless.

      ‘What was that for?’ she whispered, wide-eyed

      ‘Don’t get too used to sleeping alone in my bed, agape mou,’ he murmured huskily.

      Maddie went down to the beach accompanied by a cavalcade of willing helpers bearing a chair, a table, rugs, parasols, cool drinks and books. It was her husband’s wish that she receive what she considered to be a ridiculous amount of attention. He was afraid that she might overtire herself, and he had insisted that when she was outdoors someone else should always be within reach, in case she had an accident. Getting in the water even to paddle was strictly forbidden when he was not present. She had pointed out that her gynaecologist was delighted with the way her pregnancy was progressing, but Giannis remained unconvinced.

      A friend had had the poor taste to tell Giannis that twin pregnancies were more likely to end in premature labour. In an effort to educate him, and cool his apprehension on her behalf, Maddie had made the mistake of pressing a book on the subject on him. Unfortunately he had turned straight to the section on complications and discovered a bigger source of apprehension.

      Maddie, however, was supremely unconcerned. She felt good. She was also feeling incredibly happy. Although she would never have risked saying it to Giannis, she believed a couple of days back at work would give his thoughts a more appropriate focus. At times he was downright exhausting to be around.

      A dreamy smile softening her mouth, she sipped at her apple juice and watched the waves streaming into shore one after another, in a timeless hypnotic pattern. The constant surge of the water rolling in over the sand was as soothing to her as music. Five weeks had passed since their wedding, and even though Giannis had had to devote time to his business empire, the spirit of the honeymoon was still very much alive.

      Indeed, his care and concern for her wellbeing had melted away her insecurities. He had become everything to her—a passionate lover and a fiercely entertaining, amusing companion. She loved his boundless energy and his quick, incisive mind. She had learned to appreciate his sardonic humour. In short, she absolutely adored him and could not imagine life without him.

      He was teaching her Greek. She had utterly failed to teach him how to relax doing nothing. Giannis was active for eighteen hours out of every twenty-four. If she woke at dawn he was already up and about. Together they had island-hopped on the yacht, eaten in unspoilt

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