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      ‘Lady, grant me one boon,’ he said softly. ‘Hear me out.’

      She sank back on the seat, too amazed to do more than stare at his lowered head.

      ‘I am sorry,’ he said quietly. ‘I came to you in pride. Now I come to you in humility.’

      ‘R-Robert, no,’ she whispered. Never had she wanted this proud man to abase himself before her. ‘P-please, get up.’

      He didn’t move, didn’t raise his head, didn’t look at her, but knelt before her like some knight of old before his liege, humbled, penitent.

      She couldn’t breathe the sight pained her so much.

      ‘You said my offer wasn’t enough. I thought you meant I wasn’t good enough. It hurt. My pride was hurt. But far worse was the sense of loss deep in my soul. Only when I realised that I stood to lose you forever did I realise my greatest wrong. I offered so little of myself in return for the priceless gift you bring to my heart.’

      ‘Oh, R-Robert,’ she breathed, unable to believe what she was hearing.

      He looked up then and the humility and love shining in his eyes almost sent her to pieces.

      She reached out.

      He took her hand, kissed the back of it with gentle reverence. ‘It was family pride that kept your parents apart and pride that set me adrift from my family’s love.’

      He looked up and gazed into her face. He looked beautiful and sad. ‘Today I walked away too proud to beg for what I needed. I let pride speak instead of saying what was in my heart. Can you forgive me, Frederica, for being such an arrogant fool? If you can, I beg that I may spend the rest of my life trying to win your love. I will abide by your wishes. If you send me away, I will never trouble you more. But I want you to know, I love you with all my heart.’

      These were the words she had longed to hear. And the truth shone in his eyes and rang in his voice.

      Her heart swelled with joy. And yet how could she let him make such a sacrifice? By marrying her he would be giving up his place in society, possibly in his family, if what she knew of the duke was half true.

      She had turned him away because he spoke only of duty; now he spoke of love, but she still wasn’t convinced it was right. She loved him too well to ruin his life.

      She was a bastard. Illegitimate. Unwanted. He was the son of a duke.

      She would bring him nothing but shame.

      Frederica slid off the seat onto her knees and cupped his cheeks in her hands, felt the warmth of his skin and the faint haze of stubble, inhaled the scent of his cologne. ‘Don’t do this.’

      ‘Ah, sweetheart,’ he said. ‘If you won’t have me as your husband, I’ll come as your servant. You can pay me to carry your bags, arrange for your carriage, keep the damned banditti at bay.’

      ‘You would do that for me?’

      ‘I would do that and more to remain at your side. To protect you when asked. To serve when needed.’

      Tears blocked her throat and burned the backs of her eyes. ‘And will you bring me chocolate in bed in the morning?’ she whispered huskily.

      ‘I will.’ He smiled. ‘As long as I get to lie beside you as you drink it.’

      ‘Oh, R-Robert, are you sure this is what you want? I will never be entirely respectable, you know.’

      ‘As sure as I am of needing my next breath to live. I

      love you, elf. Without you, I’m a shell. An empty husk. It took a while to get it through my thick skull, but without you, I might as well not breathe. You are my life.’

      She pressed her lips to his, and his arms came around her. ‘Marry me,’ he whispered against her mouth. ‘Please.’

      ‘Yes, R-Robert. I will.’

      He cradled her nape and she dissolved against his lips and his hard body.

      ‘Here? Or in Italy?’ she asked.

      ‘Wherever your heart desires, my love,’ he answered and then couldn’t help a soft chuckle, ‘though I am sure my mother will never forgive me if I don’t let her welcome her new daughter-in-law properly. And I would like you to meet my twin.’

      ‘Then England it is. I find I like your mother very much. I’ll let Snively know.’


      Then there was no more talking because his lips devoured hers and ecstasy carried all thought away.

      Three days later, Robert stood on the steps of St George’s in Hanover Square with his wife of five minutes and gazed at the crowds madly cheering him and his bride. It was a cold January day, but inside he felt warm.

      When he’d told his parents of his wedding plans, he hadn’t expected such an elaborate affair, but ducal pride required they celebrate in grand style.

      It was right. Frederica deserved the homage.

      He raised her small hand to his lips. ‘Happy?’ he asked, smiling down at her glowing face.

      ‘Never more so,’ she answered.

      A figure pushed through the crowds and up the steps. Two days’ growth of beard shadowed his jaw, his coat was rumpled, his neckcloth limp. He had his gazed fixed on Robert’s face.

      Charlie. Late. Which really wasn’t like him. Their mother had been frantic.

      When Charlie reached the top step, he hesitated, then thrust out his hand. ‘Congratulations.’ His expression said he wasn’t sure Robert would take it.

      The idiot. He grabbed the large hand and pulled his brother close, slapping him on the back. ‘Glad you made it.’ His voice sounded thick and husky.

      His brother pulled away and cleared his throat. ‘I would have been here sooner, but my horse threw a shoe. Had to walk miles for a replacement.’

      ‘A fine tale,’ Father said, coming up behind them.

      Charlie shook his hand. ‘It is true.’

      ‘Better late than never,’ Robert said with a sympathetic grin at his brother.

      Charlie glanced towards Frederica.

      ‘Let me introduce my wife. Darling, this is my brother Charles.’

      Frederica’s eyes widened. Her gaze ran over Charlie and she smiled. ‘You are even more alike than your p-portrait suggests. I would like to paint you some time. You’d make a wonderful Zeus.’

      A growl rose in Robert’s throat.

      She laughed. ‘Draped in a sheet, R-Robert.’

      He grinned and pressed a kiss to her wrist. ‘Fully clothed.’

      Charlie’s eyes goggled.

      ‘Family joke,’ Robert said.

      ‘Who would have thought you would ever marry?’ Charlie said. His cheeks turned red.

      ‘I did,’ Mother said. ‘Welcome, my son.’

      Charlie enfolded her in a bear hug. In the next moment they were surrounded by the rest of the Mountford clan. His chattering sisters, who’d been bridesmaids, his youngest brother, whose voice gave no sign of breaking for all that he already topped Robert’s chin in height.

      It was a good feeling. And Frederica looked thoroughly at home and happy. As she deserved.

      The bridal carriage rolled up to the steps.

      ‘I’ll see you back at Mountford House,’ Charlie said.

      ‘’Fraid not. We’ve a ship to catch.’

      ‘To Italy,’ Frederica said.

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