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from her cup.

      “I still liked him, but more like a good friend.”

      “So why do you want him after all this time?”

      “Because he is the only real guy friend I’ve ever had. We can talk about anything and he makes me laugh. I like a guy with a sense of humor. When I got sick from the accidental overdose, he brought flowers to my house and talked to me nearly every day. It was at that point that I began to realize how much he meant to me. I know that I’m the perfect girl for him. He even told me I was.”

      “So why didn’t you go for him then?” Lauren asked.

      “Because I felt stupid about chasing after Carlo and didn’t have the nerve to confess my true feelings. Jeremy and I both know that we’re good for each other. Now is the time for me to be a little bolder and encourage him to ask me out on a serious date. We’re meant to be together because I like the way he smiles at me, and I like the way he’s always been there to wipe away my tears when things don’t go right. I like the way he makes me laugh. Hell, I like how good-looking and popular he’s become. He knows me and I know him. I never really stopped liking him as more than a friend. I put him in the friend lane and lied to myself about how I truly felt about him. Am I making sense or am I babbling?”

      “You make perfect sense to me. You’ve always cared for him but you were afraid to let him know. Now you’ve found the courage to fight for his heart.”

      “Yes, and once I have it, I’ll give him my heart as well, and we can stop pretending that our feelings are only on the friendship level.”

      “Okay. So what’s your plan?” Lauren set her empty cup in the cup holder and shifted in her seat.

      “I’m going to invite him out for a bite to eat after the concert. While we’re eating, I’ll drop him some serious hints. I also want you to keep saying, whenever you can, that we make a cute couple.”

      “What if he doesn’t get it? You know how guys can be totally clueless.”

      “He’ll get it. I’ll make sure of that. You just keep mentioning how perfect we look together.”

      “You got it,” Lauren said. I continued to search for Jeremy and finally spotted him walking in. He was headed toward the seating on the right side of the theater. I rose to my feet and waved my arms, hoping he’d see me, but he didn’t.

      “Jeremy!” I called out his name, but he didn’t hear me over all of the chatter.

      “Jeremy!” I yelled louder, but he still didn’t hear me. I was about to call to him again, but felt Lauren tug on my clothing. I turned and looked at her.

      “Why don’t you go over there? I’ll hold your seat,” Lauren suggested.

      “Good idea,” I said. Just as I was about to do that, the houselights dimmed and the curtains began to open. The show was about to start.

      “I’ll wait until the show is over,” I said, sitting down.

      “Well, at least you know that he’s here,” Lauren said.

      “That’s true,” I said and inconspicuously reached for one of my coat pockets. I pulled out my cell phone and sent Jeremy a text. Then I took a deep breath and waited.


      Once the stage curtains had fully opened, the stage lights came up and I saw that the edge of the stage had been lined with poinsettias. Several microphones were strategically positioned and there was a black piano situated at the center of the stage. The choir stand formed an arc directly behind the piano. The audience began clapping as members of the choir walked onto the stage.

      “Go, Tina!” I heard someone shout out from behind me.

      “Let’s go, Nicole!” someone else screamed out from the left side of the auditorium.

      I felt my cell phone buzz and took a peek. A text from Jeremy had arrived.

      What’s up?

      @ the concert. There is an empty seat next to me. Come over.

      2 dark. I don’t wanna trip over people.

      Now I am sad.


      You need to be near me.

      LOL U sound like a pouting girlfriend.

      Maybe I am.

      Stop playing Anna.

      What if I am not playing?

      Yeah right. I thought Carlo was your type.

      I made a bad choice.

      I tried 2 warn u about him. Remember?

      Yes. I remember. It was cute the way you acted like a jealous boyfriend when u found out about Carlo. Remember that?

      I wasn’t that bad.

      Yes you were.

      I was trying to protect you from disaster.

      I know and I should have listened to u.

      Yeah but u didn’t.

      Meet me in the hallway when the show is over. I need 2 talk 2 u bout something.

      About what?

      Something. Just wait 4 me. I will find u.


      After I put away my phone, the choir began to sway from side to side. They launched into a brilliant rendition of “Jingle Bells” and gave the audience more than they had bargained for. When that song was complete, a girl named Bernita Gilmore, who I once considered to be my friend when we were in eighth grade, came onto the stage. Our friendship ended when I learned that she had told other girls at school that I had allowed a boy to get to second base. I had only let the guy squeeze my behind a few times. When he tried to touch other things, I slapped his hand away. He eventually transferred to another school and I lost contact with him. I had told Bernita about it during a sleepover one weekend, months after the guy had transferred. She was the only person I had told, so I knew that she’d shared my secret and I could no longer trust her. After that secret was set loose, a number of guys at my junior high school perceived me as a fast girl who would allow any guy to touch me anywhere. For weeks, guys would walk past me and gesture as if they were about to smack my butt. Jeremy had come to my defense and had told as many guys as he could that I was a sweet girl. I’d never told him that Bernita was the source of the rumor. He didn’t have to defend me, but I appreciated his effort. Bernita and I hadn’t spoken since.

      Bernita was wearing a black gown that was sleeveless and had a scoop neck. It was the same dress that all of the girls in the choir had on. Although I didn’t like admitting it, she looked really good. Bernita was a light brown girl with silky wavy hair that was cut in a style that angled sharply around her cheekbones. Bernita was also blessed with the type of skin that was flawless and glowed like a velvety fabric. She reached the microphone and began to sing. That was another thing about Bernita; she had a beautiful voice that was equal in power and depth to Jennifer Hudson’s. Bernita sang “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year,” and when she finished, the audience clapped and cheered loudly. I waited for her to exit the stage and was stunned she remained for several more songs. It was then that I realized Bernita was the main attraction and the choir was her backup. I was floored by the fact she led all of the songs as if the entire event was her personal Christmas concert. I held on to my praises because I still hadn’t let go of my grudge against her.


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