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fresh eggs for breakfast every day.

      ‘Something wrong?’ asked Edith.

      Alice shook her head and laughed. ‘Just trying to imagine my parents and their chickens. They won’t like it if they make a mess of anything.’

      ‘I don’t think you can tell that to a chicken,’ Edith replied, pulling out her first parsnip. ‘Look at that, a real beauty. I do miss scrambled eggs though. Do you think we could build a henhouse in the yard, next to the bike rack?’

      Bridget laughed. ‘They’d have to be miniature birds, wouldn’t they? I like a boiled egg for breakfast as much as the next person, but you’ll be hard pressed to get away with that.’

      Edith frowned. ‘What about over at Jeeves Street? What do you reckon, Al?’

      Alice shrugged. ‘I know it’s got a big yard, or small garden, whichever way you want to look at it, but lots of it is taken up with the Anderson shelter. Mattie’s already growing greens on the top of that, and potatoes in old dustbins. She even got radishes to grow on the windowsills last summer. Not sure where she’d fit the chickens.’

      ‘Ah well, just a thought.’ There was something in Edith’s tone that told them that she hadn’t given up on the idea just yet.

      ‘Nearly spring and then we can start sowing all sorts of things,’ Gladys said with enthusiasm. ‘I want to try carrots. Maybe some peas and beans too.’ She brushed the worst of the mud from another parsnip. ‘How are you getting along, Belinda?’

      The tallest nurse straightened up, dashing her tight black curls from her eyes. ‘There are a few good ones over here. I’m trying not to get too filthy though. Got to look my best this evening.’ She gave them a bright smile.

      ‘Why, where are you going?’ Gladys always liked to hear about the nurses’ evenings out, as she never had any of her own, caught between the demands of her first-aid duties and the need to look after her siblings as Evelyn was still being difficult.

      ‘Dancing,’ said Belinda, turning on the spot in a twirl. ‘Peggy and Clarrie asked me to go with them. Any of you fancy coming along? The more the merrier.’

      Alice and Edith automatically shook their heads, but Bridget looked interested. ‘I might do that,’ she said. ‘I’ll see what Ellen is doing.’ Ellen had come over from the same big Dublin teaching hospital, and they shared the two-room annexe to the nurses’ home. The home had been full but the superintendent, Fiona, had been eager to recruit more trained staff to her team. They had joined them when the war was already well underway. ‘Where were you thinking of?’

      ‘West End,’ said Belinda grandly. ‘We can get the bus. We’ll be there in no time at all. After the parsnip soup, of course, we wouldn’t want to miss that.’

      ‘Not after all this hard work.’ Bridget stood up and stretched. ‘Do you think we have enough yet, Gladys?’

      Gladys looked around critically at the now-filled trug and the other bags the nurses had brought along. ‘Yes, that should do. Thank you, it would have taken me hours on my own.’

      ‘Hours you don’t have,’ Edith said under her breath. She had never known Gladys to have any time to herself and wondered if that would ever change.

      ‘We can go back and get cleaned up, then pop over to Dr Patcham’s,’ she said to Alice, who was shaking the worst of the earth from her hands. ‘Then I might write to Harry this afternoon.’

      Alice nodded. ‘And I might write to Joe,’ she said quietly, unable to keep the delight from her voice.

      ‘Joe?’ Edith stopped in her tracks. ‘Joe? Have you finally heard from him?’ She was all but hopping on the spot.

      ‘Yes, at last.’ Alice gave a huge smile, allowing the strength of her feelings to shine through. ‘He’s safe; he’s probably based in Plymouth. He’s alive. I got a card this morning. He’s safe, Edie.’


      Peggy smiled as she caught sight of Belinda being swirled around the dance floor. Her partner was in a Canadian uniform and the top of his head reached as far as the tall nurse’s ear, but he was full of enthusiasm and she seemed to be having a good time. At least he was keeping to the right beat. It was too bad when you were asked for a dance and the man turned out to have two left feet.

      The place was crowded and the air felt hot, despite the coolness of the winter evening outside. Peggy took a moment to compose herself. She had had three different dance partners so far, all of whom had been perfectly polite, friendly even, but she did not feel inclined to seek out any of them again. She didn’t want to give them false hope. She was interested only in dancing, nothing more. She patted her light brown hair into something like its intended shape.

      Clarrie whirled by, the skirt of her bias-cut frock flaring out just as it was meant to, emphasising the shape of her calves. In this light, and moving at that speed, nobody would notice that the hem was frayed and the seams much mended. It had lasted for several dance seasons, and would have to last for many more unless the war ended soon. They all knew how unlikely that was.

      Peggy grinned and shook her head as Clarrie raised her eyebrows at her and cocked her head a little to one side. She knew it was shorthand for ‘Are you going to dance with any of them again?’ Clarrie could be very protective, which Peggy appreciated, but she still didn’t want to accept a second dance with any of the young men.

      She was in no hurry to get back on to the dance floor. Sometimes it was more fun to watch, guessing who was going to dance with whom, or trying to recognise anybody she had met here before. The music was lively and she tapped her feet along with the rhythm, almost without realising it. She knew most of the tunes from hearing them on the wireless, which was on full blast throughout her shifts at the factory.

      ‘You look as if you like the music.’

      A voice sounded from just behind her, and she turned to meet the eyes of a man who was clearly a GI from his uniform. The Americans had begun to arrive now their country had entered the war good and proper and already some people resented their presence, but Peggy had nothing against them. He was taller than her, perhaps by a head. He was slimly built but she could tell he was fit from the curves of his muscles beneath his olive shirt. Something about the way he held himself made her think that he would be a good dancer.

      ‘Want to have a spin?’ He smiled, and his expression was bright, almost teasing. She thought his accent might be from New York – or as far as she could tell from watching Broadway Melody more than once at the local Odeon. His skin was a warm brown colour, a couple of shades lighter than his eyes, which sparkled as they fixed on her.

      Suddenly the idea of standing at the edge and watching the entertainment was not as compelling. ‘Yes, all right,’ she said after a moment. It didn’t do to seem too keen.

      His smile broadened as if he knew exactly why she’d made him wait, then he opened his arms and she stepped into them. She fitted exactly. As he began to move to the first notes of the new song, she knew she’d made the right choice. He was an excellent dancer – not flashy, but naturally assured. He made her seem as if she was far more accomplished than she’d ever been before.

      ‘Do I pass the test?’ he asked lightly, never missing a beat.

      This time she didn’t pause. ‘You do,’ she said, tipping her head back and laughing in surprised delight.

      ‘Oh, I don’t want to go home yet.’ Peggy’s voice was full of regret. ‘Go on, Clarrie, stay for another song. Just one more.’ She gazed soulfully at the entrance to the dance hall as they lingered by the chilly cloakroom.

      Clarrie shrugged into her big winter coat with the astrakhan collar. ‘No can do, Peggy. It’s my sister’s last day at home tomorrow and it’s all hands on deck to make her a Sunday roast to remember and give her a proper family

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