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not alone. Don’t let this gangster get the better of you. You’re smarter than he is.”

      Tears sprang to her eyes and she blinked hard to keep them from falling. Did Logan really see her that way? Or was he just giving her a pep talk so she didn’t blow the operation before they’d even gotten started? Either way, his confidence was seeping into her, shoring up the cracks in her defenses and making her feel like maybe she could get through this after all.

      “I wish you were here with me,” she said, realizing too late how that sounded. She winced, hoping Logan wouldn’t think she was hitting on him.

      “I do, too,” he said. “But this is the last time you’ll have to face Carlos. I’ll be by your side every moment we’re in Colombia. You’ll be sick of me by the time we’re done,” he said, laughing softly.

      Not likely, she thought reflexively. Then she shook her head. That was just her insecurities talking, she decided. Logan was a strong and confident presence, and he made her feel safe. It was only natural she wanted him around while she dealt with the unknown quantity that was the cartel.

      “We’ll see about that,” she replied, trying to sound natural.

      Logan was quiet, as if digesting her words. “I’m going to hang up now,” he said, sounding a little rueful. “Remember, you can do this. And your backup is just down the hall. It’s going to be okay.”

      Olivia closed her eyes and let his voice wash over her, diluting the worst of her fears. “Thank you,” she said simply.

      “Don’t mention it. I’ll see you after.” It was a statement, but she grabbed on to it like a promise.

      “I’m going to hold you to that.”

      “I hope you do.”

      Then he was gone, and she felt a wave of loneliness at the loss of his presence. Even though he hadn’t physically been near, just hearing his voice had been enough to quell her rioting emotions. She’d never been affected like that by anyone before, and the fact that Logan, a relative stranger, held such sway over her should have bothered her.

      Instead, it was a comfort. And given all the uncertainty in her life right now, Olivia wasn’t inclined to question this gift.

      She slipped the cell phone into her desk drawer just as her office line rang. She took one last deep breath to steady herself and answered.

      “Dr. Sandoval? Your next patient is here.”

      Logan’s face flashed in her mind, along with his encouraging words. You can do this. She was going to have to, because in addition to keeping her friends safe, Olivia didn’t want to let him down. This was his chance to take out a major player in the drug trade, and she wouldn’t let herself be the one to mess things up.

      Feeling a little like her old self again, Olivia straightened her spine. “Send him in, please.”

      * * *

      “Look alive, guys. I’ve got eyes on him.”

      Joseph’s voice buzzed in Logan’s ear, triggering a jolt of adrenaline that made Logan’s heart pick up speed.

      “Pictures?” Logan asked. Even though Olivia’s description of Carlos was spot-on, it would be good to have photographic confirmation of his involvement.

      “Got ’em,” Joseph replied. He was parked down the street with the best telephoto lens money could buy, snapping shots of anyone entering and leaving the building that housed Olivia’s office. “It’s our guy.

      “He’s in the building,” Joseph continued. “Headed your way, Keith.”

      There was a rumble of acknowledgment as Keith cleared his throat. He and Alan were sitting in the waiting room, posing as patients. Technically, their presence wasn’t required, but Logan felt better knowing two of his team members were only a few feet away from Olivia. Carlos was an unpredictable man, and Logan didn’t want Olivia to have to deal with him alone if there was any trouble.

      Logan leaned forward and adjusted the blinds, carefully checking to make sure the sun didn’t reflect off his own set of lenses. He had a direct line of sight into Olivia’s office from his perch across the street. Normally he’d be the one inside, right in the thick of things while Keith took care of this end of the operation. But since Logan was going to pose as a potential investor on the trip, he didn’t want to show his face beforehand and risk Carlos recognizing him later. So today it was his job to collect more photographs and to record the conversation, using the department’s powerful audio surveillance equipment.

      It would have been easier to fit Olivia with a wire. More enjoyable, too, his libido pointed out, as it was the perfect excuse to get his hands on her body. But it just wasn’t worth the risk. If Carlos discovered it, he’d kill her without a second thought.

      And so Logan sat in his nest of wires and cables, trying to keep his frustration under control. This kind of watching and waiting was a crucial part of the job, but it had never been his favorite. He much preferred the fieldwork—the thrill of the chase and the adrenaline rush that flooded his system every time he confronted danger.

      His team teased him about his need to constantly keep moving, but Logan had learned that if he didn’t stop, he didn’t have time or energy to think about her.

      His ex-fiancée’s betrayal with his best friend had cut deep, and even though five years had passed, the pain was still with him. After kicking Emma out, Logan had thrown himself into the job, using the never-ending demands of his career as an excuse to neglect his personal life. Olivia was the first woman who’d caught his eye in what seemed like forever, and even now, he couldn’t put his finger on what exactly drew him to her.

      A movement across the street caught his eye, interrupting his musings. He focused the camera on Olivia as she stood and smoothed the front of her blouse. He hadn’t told her he was watching from across the way—he didn’t want to make her feel self-conscious. She was nervous enough already.

      “You can do this,” he muttered, knowing she couldn’t hear him but wanting to say the words nonetheless. She was holding up remarkably well under the circumstances, but he held his breath as her office door opened and Carlos stepped inside. If she could just get through these next few minutes...

      “Dr. Sandoval, so good to see you again.”

      Logan adjusted the volume of the microphone, tuning it slightly to improve the signal as he did so. Then he double-checked that it was recording. So far, so good.

      He could tell by Olivia’s body language that she wasn’t happy. Still, she nodded in reply, the gesture only a little stiff. “Good afternoon.”

      She sat behind her desk and Carlos unbuttoned his suit jacket before taking one of the chairs across from her. “I am so glad we could meet to discuss the details of our business together,” he said smoothly. “But first, if you will permit me?”

      He reached into his jacket, and Logan’s gut twisted in warning. Was Carlos going for a weapon? Had he somehow guessed the DEA was watching?

      Apparently, Olivia had the same fear. She leaned back in her chair and lifted her hands as if to defend herself. But she was a sitting duck behind her desk, totally at the mercy of the man in her office.

      Logan’s heart shot into his throat and he opened his mouth to give Keith the signal to go. But just as the words formed on his tongue, Carlos withdrew his hand to reveal not a gun, but a small black object that he placed on the desk.

      Olivia swallowed hard, regaining her composure quickly. “What is that?”

      “A simple jamming device to ensure our conversation remains private. One can never be too careful,” Carlos said. Then he pressed a button on the device, and Logan’s audio feed went dead.


      Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.


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